Top Health Tips on Treating Pink Eye

Love Reading An E-book - Do You Know It Is Actually Bad For Your Eyes?

Ophthalmologist, Jodhpur
Love Reading An E-book - Do You Know It Is Actually Bad For Your Eyes?
Ebooks maybe are a lot easier to carry, and with the emerging trend of Kindles, it may appear to be more convenient than paperbacks, but the smell of new books, the texture of its pristine pages, is unparalleled to the inanimateness of ebooks. But that is not just why you must choose paperbacks over ebooks.

Read on to find out why paperbacks work well over ebooks for better eye health.

Does not involve light-emission: The backlit electronic devices, strain your eyes, causing redness, irritation and watering. Most doctors advise that exposure to light during the evening, especially from artificial sources should be minimal. On the other hand, books do not emit any harmful rays, making it the obvious choice if you want to take good care of your eyes.
Do not hamper body clock: Our system has a tendency to adapt itself to the rhythm of life by responding to the surrounding light. However, the blue light in reading devices disrupt the release of melatonin or the sleep hormone, causing inadequate, less deep sleep, and fatigue and irritation the following morning. Thus, not giving enough time to your eyes and body for revitalizing. On the other hand, studies have shown that people reading books sleep better and timelier than those reading on devices.
Proximity to device not required: The admonition of not sitting too close to the television's screen glare is nullified by reading devices where a certain level of proximity is required for comfortable reading, which harms our eyes. But paperbacks do not have any such risk involved as there is no glare that would affect our eyes.
Does not induce disrupted winking: Electronic devices often trigger a tendency to not blink and stare at the screen constantly for longer than advisable. That does not give the lenses in your eyes the momentary rest that the eyes require in order to replenish themselves.
Exercises to improve eye health

There are many common measures people take to improve their eyesight or improve their vision. These include wearing glasses, lenses, sunglasses and many such measures. Here are some effective exercises which prove to be highly beneficial in increasing your eye health:
Stretching: This is the most common and also one of the easiest to do. It requires you to just look up, hold for two seconds, look down, hold for two seconds, then repeat this procedure for each corner of your eye, which means top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right corners.
Flexing: This is simply rotating your eyes in circles. Roll your eyes in the clockwise direction for one minute and then roll your eyes in the anticlockwise direction for one minute.
Focus switching: This particular eye exercise is used for accommodation and is probably the most useful one. In this eye exercise, you have to hold something at a reading distance and cover the other eye. You then have to find something that is at least twenty feet away and trace its shape with one eye closed. With one eye closed, trace more shapes which are twenty feet away and this may improve your eyesight.
Palming: This exercise is also very simple to perform. All you have to do is cover your eyes with your palms. Once you have done this, just wait and see that there are no bright flashes of light. If you see that there is a bright flash of light, just wait till they go. This is used primarily to destress the eyes.
Deep blinking: This is also an incredibly useful exercise for distance vision. All you have to do is to place some large letters at a fair distance and then sit on a chair. You have to then close your eyes and tighten all your muscles for 5 seconds. After the gap of 5 seconds, open your eyes and see the letters for a second or two. The more time you do this the more clearly you will be able to see the letters after reopening your eyes.
Finally, a warning has to be given that these eye treatments are not universally accepted by all doctors. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Acute Red Eye - How Best It Can Be Managed?

Ophthalmologist, Jodhpur
Acute Red Eye - How Best It Can Be Managed?
A red eye is one of the first and most common symptoms of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inner side of the eyelid. It is usually the result of a viral infection and can easily spread from one person to another. Conjunctivitis can also be a symptom of STDs like gonorrhea or Chlamydia. In newborns, conjunctivitis can be vision threatening while in grownups it is not considered a serious health risk.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis differ according to the cause of the infection. Some common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:
* Green or white discharge from the eye
* Redness of the white part of the eye
* Inflammation of the eye lid
* Waking up to crusted yellow discharge
* Itchiness and burning in the eyes
* Increased sensitivity to light
* Blurred vision

An eye examination and testing a sample of the fluid secreted by the eye can be used to diagnose conjunctivitis. It can easily be treated at home and does not require hospitalization. Antibiotics are often given in the form of eye drops and ointments to treat conjunctivitis. These usually need to be applied 3-4 times a day for a period of 5-6 days. Wash your eyes before putting the eye drops. Once applied, close your eyes and roll the eyeball around to distribute the medicine and keep it from overflowing out of the eye. Wash your hands immediately after applying the eye drops.

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious. If you are suffering from it, you should take a few days off work and restrict your social interactions. Wash your hands frequently as you may unconsciously rub your eyes. This is especially important with regards to meals and finger foods. Also, avoid sharing towels, pillow cases etc to minimize the transmission of the disease from one person to another.
Avoid using makeup while being treated for conjunctivitis. With conjunctivitis, the eye is more sensitive to irritants and thus a speck of makeup can worsen the situation. Also avoid contacts. If you wear contacts regularly, dispose the current set and start using a fresh set after your doctor gives you a clean chit.

Artificial tears or non prescription eye drops can also be used to relieve the itchiness and burning in the infected eye. If only one eye had been affected by conjunctivitis, do not use the same eye drop bottle for both eyes.
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Acute Red Eye - How it Can Be Managed?

Cornea Cataract & Lasik
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Acute Red Eye - How it Can Be Managed?
A red eye is one of the first and most common symptoms of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inner side of the eyelid. It is usually the result of a viral infection and can easily spread from one person to another. Conjunctivitis can also be a symptom of STDs like Gonorrhea or Chlamydia. In newborns, conjunctivitis can be vision threatening, while in grownups it is not considered a serious health risk. The symptoms of conjunctivitis differ according to the cause of the infection.

Some common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

Green or white discharge from the eye
Redness of the white part of the eye
Inflammation of the eyelid
Waking up to crusted yellow discharge
Itchiness and burning in the eyes
Increased sensitivity to light
Blurred vision
An eye examination and testing a sample of the fluid secreted by the eye can be used to diagnose conjunctivitis. It can easily be treated at home and does not require hospitalization. Antibiotics are often given in the form of eye drops and ointments to treat conjunctivitis. These usually need to be applied 3 to 4 times a day for a period of 5 to 6 days. Wash your eyes before putting the eye drops. Once applied, close your eyes and roll the eyeball around to distribute the medicine and keep it from overflowing out of the eye. Wash your hands immediately after applying the eye drops.

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious. If you are suffering from it, you should take a few days off work and restrict your social interactions. Wash your hands frequently as you may unconsciously rub your eyes. This is especially important with regards to meals and finger foods. Also, avoid sharing towels, pillowcases, etc. to minimize the transmission of the disease from one person to another.

Avoid using makeup while being treated for conjunctivitis. With conjunctivitis, the eye is more sensitive to irritants and thus, a speck of makeup can worsen the situation. Also avoid contacts. If you wear contacts regularly, dispose the current set and start using a fresh set after your doctor gives you a clean chit.
Artificial tears or non prescription eye drops can also be used to relieve the itchiness and burning in the infected eye. If only one eye had been affected by conjunctivitis, do not use the same eye drop bottle for both eyes.
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Eye Floaters - When Should You Consult A Doctor?

MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Eye Floaters - When Should You Consult A Doctor?
Ever noticed spots or strands that float into your line of vision. These are known as floaters. In most cases, they do not affect your vision, but can cause a lot of discomfort. Thus, in most cases they do not require treatment unless they affect your vision significantly. Floaters are more likely to stand out when looking at bright objects or something like a clear blue sky. Moving your eyes can shift the fluid in your eyes and move these floaters out of your line of sight.

Dust particles entering and irritating the eye should not be confused with floaters. Floaters can be described as flecks of a protein called collagen. These flecks can be seen when they are loosened from the back of the eye known as the vitreous. This can happen at any age but is more likely to affect people between the ages of 50 and 75. Being near sighted or suffering from cataract also increases your risk of seeing floaters. In rare cases, it can also be triggered by a disease in the eye, an injury to the eye, tumors or crystal deposits in the back of the eye.

Noticing the odd floater is not something to worry about. However, if you notice a sudden increase in the number and frequency of floaters in your eye, see flashes of light, have pain in the eyes or experience a loss of side vision, consult a doctor immediately. This could also be a sign of a more serious condition like a detached retina that requires immediate medical attention. Excessive floaters can be removed through a surgery known as a vitrectomy or laser vitreolysis. A vitrectomy involves the removal of vitreous gel from the middle of the eye and replacing it with silicone oil or a gas bubble. The surgery last 2 or 3 hours, but you may require an overnight stay in the hospital.

Laser vitreolysis is a more recent form of treatment for this condition. This pain free procedure involves the projection of a laser beam into the eye that focuses on large floaters to break them apart or vaporize them. This procedure can be performed as an outpatient and is considered safer than a vitrectomy. The form of treatment suited to a person will depend on a number of factors including their age, what the floaters look like, where they are located and the frequency of their appearance.
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How Homeopathy Medicines Helps In Eye Problems?

DM & S
Homeopathy Doctor, Akola
How Homeopathy Medicines Helps In Eye Problems?
While most of us complain of eye problems as pain or redness or itching or excessive tearing, there is more to it than what meets the eye! As with all diseases, the homeopath will try to unravel the problem in its deeper form. A detailed discussion to ask related symptoms happens, after which a diagnosis will be made. Treatment is then done accordingly which will not just get rid of the eye symptoms but also improve the overall health of the person.

Conditions like cataract and glaucoma need to be surgically corrected; however, others can be managed via homeopathic medicines effectively. The following are the top five homeopathic medicines described along with the symptoms in which they are used. A detailed discussion with your homeopath to arrive at the diagnosis should definitely precede use of these medications. Self-medication is not advised.

Mercurius - Mercurial preparations are used when the following symptoms are seen:

Thickened, red eyelids that are worse at night
Profuse, offensive-smelling discharge that causes burning
Boils around the eyes with pus formation
Floaters in the eyes
Worsens with warmth and damp weather
Syphilitic eye infections
Belladonna: One of the most widely used eye remedies in homeopathy; it is extremely useful in the following situations

Ophthalmic conditions with severe inflammation, dryness,
Injected eyes with iritis or retinitis
Fear of light (photophobia)
Eyes affected due to excessive light or poor light
Retinal hemorrhage conditions
Sudden, acute onset of these symptoms
Great intolerance to light
Euphrasia and Allium cepa: This is used as a combo, with both used in similar situation but with contradicting symptoms. The person has symptoms similar to hay fever or cold.
While euphrasia is used where there is a bland nasal discharge and burning tears, allium is used when there is a strong burning sensation with nasal discharge. Some doctors even try one, and if it is not effective, they prescribe the other one. Other conditions where Euphrasia and Allium cepa are used include:

Watery eyes that blink frequently
Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis
Bland and watery coryza
Burning of the eyes with corrosion of the margins
Opaque, blistering cornea with thick discharge
Eye swelling improves when in open air, worsens in the evening and with light
Arsenica - This common homeopathy medicine is used in the following situations:

Sharp eye pain caused by day light
Closing eyes produces pain in the eyes
Running of letters when trying to read
Affected tear ducts
Cataracts in office goes
Worsened during new moon and cold weather, improved with warmth.
These are some common homeopathy medicines, but again, as noted above, self-medication should be avoided. Any of these should be used only if prescribed by a homeopath.
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Dry Eyes - Causes And Symptoms

MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Dry Eyes - Causes And Symptoms
Dry eyes are a common phenomenon that develops when the tears do not provide sufficient moisture to your eyes. This may also be the result of inadequate production of tears by the tear ducts. This condition cannot be cured permanently; however, treatments usually help.

Signs and symptoms of dry eyes:
1. A scratchy, stinging and a burning sensation in the eyes
2. Mucous surrounding the eyes
3. Sensitivity to light
4. Redness of the eyes
5. A feeling that something is stuck in the eyes
6. Problems in wearing contact lenses
7. Vision problems, especially while driving at night
8. Watery eyes caused due to the irritation that stems from dry eyes
9. Blurred vision

What are the causes?
1. Tears are a mix of fatty oils, water and mucus. This combination safeguards your eyes from any sort of infection in addition to keeping your ocular surface (the cornea surface) clear and smooth. Your eyes dry up if the tear ducts do not produce enough tears; medically, this condition is termed keratoconjunctivitis sicca . It can occur due to:

Certain medical complications such as Sjogren s Syndrome (a medical condition marked by dry eyes and a dry mouth) arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorders and deficiency of Vitamin A among a few others
Side effects of certain medications such as anti-depressants, acne medications, birth control medications and medicines to control high blood pressure
Laser eye surgery or damage caused to the tear gland due to exposure to radiation or inflammation
2. Increased drying up or evaporation of the tears caused due to exposure to various kinds of smoke, dry air or wind, less of blinking while focusing on any particular activity or an object and eye lid problems such as in-turning of the eyelids (entropion) and out-turning of the eyelids (ectropion) can contribute to this irritating condition.

3. Imbalance in any of the layers constituting a tear film (made of oil, mucus and water) might lead to this condition.
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Eye Floaters - Homeopathic Remedies That Can Be Of Help

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Eye Floaters - Homeopathic Remedies That Can Be Of Help
Eye floaters can make your vision interrupted as spotted vision will be experienced as a result of this kind of condition. Peripheral vision gets diminished and you will find severe eye flashes that are pretty disturbing. Vision spots are viewed easily and before these spots go worse you should report the same to your doctor.

What are the homeopathic treatments for curing eye floaters?
There are many homeopathic eye drops that are usually recommended for getting rid of the unwanted symptoms or signs of eye floaters. There are some specialized ingredients that are being used in these eyedrops for reducing or eliminating the symptoms. Though homeopathic remedies are safe, but over dosage of these remedies should be eliminated for avoiding unwanted reactions. This is the reason only prescribed medicines should be taken.

Some of the most useful ingredients are as follows:

Cineraria Maritima: This is one of the leading homeopathic ingredients that are quite helpful in supporting eye circulation. All kinds of eye toxins are completely removed as a result of which vision difficulties can be prevented. On the other hand, eye tissues are thoroughly nourished as a result of using this kind of ingredient.
Euphrasia: Traditional eye tonics are usually created with the use of this particular ingredient and this is the reason it is of greater importance for curing eye floaters. Different eye related issues can be efficiently dealt by the use of this ingredient like light sensitivity, burning, dryness and many others.
Causticum: If you are facing tremendous eye pain due to eye floaters, then nothing can be the best option other than choosing those homeopathic medicines that include this ingredient. Spots or cloudiness can be reduced to a great extent with the consistent usage of this ingredient. This is why maximum experienced homeopathic doctors are prescribing the medicines that have this ingredient to most of the patients facing the concerned eye trouble.
Sepia: Different vision issues can be effectively dealt by this ingredient like veiled vision, spots, glare, light blurring streaks and others.
Calcarea phosphorica: Painful and blurry visions are being effectively tackled by means of this ingredient. Foreign-body sensation in your eyes can be easily corrected by means of the same.
Calcarea fluorica: Tiny eye capillaries can be strengthened by means of this specific ingredient. Other troubles of eyes that can be corrected by the ingredient are corneal opacity, cataract, blurry vision and others.
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This Holi Let's Paint The Town Red While Keeping Yourself Safe

Diploma In Allergy & Clinical Immunology, MBBS, MD - Paediatrics, M.Med - Family Medicine
Allergist/Immunologist, Kochi
This Holi Let's Paint The Town Red While Keeping Yourself Safe
It's the month of Phagun again and time to prepare for the most colourful and vibrant festival of India - Holi. As the festive cheer spreads and people get ready to paint the town red with colours, dance to rocking beats at Holi bashes, and gorge on Gujiya and Thandaai, it s good to remember that you need to play it safely and naturally. The biggest reason for this is the synthetic agents, which are used to make the colours of Holi. What used to be a festival played with flowers, natural dyes and herbs have now transformed into a celebration of colours made from chemicals that are harmful for our body.

Apart from the allergies to the skin, there is also the risk of increased blood pressure after the Holi festivities due to the high intake of bhaang, the official Holi drink. To avoid the harmful effects of such materials used during the festival, here are some must-follow health tips for you.

Tips to care for your skin

Use organic colours: Skin is the most sensitive body part and synthetic colours are a big no-no for it, as they can lead to rashes and other skin allergies. Therefore, it is advisable that you opt for organic colours, considering they are not only chemical free but are made from natural ingredients. Organic colours are safe for children too, as they are softer on the skin and easy to wash off. It is crucial that you protect kids from synthetic colours as they contain lead oxide, mercury sulphide and aluminium bromide, chemicals which not only damage the skin but can also cause various health issues.
Skin and sun protection: To avoid any kind of damage to the skin from colours, apply a good amount of Vaseline, any other petroleum jelly or mustard oil to your skin. You can also apply this to your child s skin as it is completely safe for their sensitive skin. When playing outdoors, opt for a waterproof sunscreen to protect your skin against sun damage.
Choose the right clothes: Wear long pants and full-sleeved shirts. This will help you stay safe from the harmful effects of colours.
Tips to care for your hair

Oil your hair: You can apply a generous amount of oil to your hair, this will not only moisturize your hair but also safeguard the scalp and hair from the chemicals in the colours.
Cover your hair: Tie a ponytail and cover your hair with a shower cap to prevent your hair from dreadful damage. For a trendy look, you can also tie a bandana over your hair and safeguard them at the same time.
Tips to care for your eyes

Wear sunglasses: Synthetic or organic, colours can be harsh on your eyes. You can protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses as they will help in preventing your eyes against any sort of damage. If your eyes come in contact with the colour, rinse them immediately to avoid infections.
Moisturize around the eyes: Applying a good cream around your eyes will shield them from getting the colour into your eyes.
Avoid wearing contact lenses: You should refrain from wearing contact lenses while playing Holi. In case you cannot do without them, wear the eyeglasses.
Use rose water: Rose water is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties and can do a great job in removing colour from the eyes. It can also be used to reduce irritation cause by the chemicals present in the colours.
Other health tips

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during and after the festivities. Staying hydrated will not only keep you energetic but will also prevent your skin against the absorption of harmful chemicals. Drinking fluids will also ensure that all the toxins are flushed out of the body.
Check your sweets for purity: Adulteration is at all-time high during the festive season. Therefore, make sure you buy your sweets from a reputed brand. In case, you are preparing your own sweets, buy your ingredients from a reputed shop, especially in case of products like khoya or if you can you even make that at home.
Keep your hands clean: Keeping your hands clean during the festivities can be a daunting task but since the colours used during Holi come as a fine powder and can easily get mixed with food, they can lead to different health problems. Make arrangements for snacks and drinks away from the festivity area. Make sure you wash your hands every time you touch the food.
Preventing asthma attacks: If you are an asthmatic patient, you must avoid playing with dry colours as they can aggravate breathing problems. The particles can enter your lungs and trigger an asthma attack. Asthmatic patients are also advised to carry inhalers, in order to avoid complications.
Apart from the above mentioned problems, these synthetic colors can also cause health problems like nausea, headache and vomiting in many people. Follow these tips and enjoy the festival to the fullest, while steering clear of all the harmful effects. So, forget all your worries and storm in the riot of colours. Be safe and be healthy! Have a great Holi!
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Red Eyes - Is It Just An Allergy Or Something Else?

Ophthalmologist, Jodhpur
Red Eyes - Is It Just An Allergy Or Something Else?
While red bloodshot eyes may look worrisome at first sight, it is not a cause for concern all the time. There are benign, short-lasting bouts that will disappear on their own to serious medical reasons that could require intervention. Listed below are some common causes and ways to manage red eyes.

Conjunctivitis: The most common cause of red or pink eye is conjunctivitis- infection of the membrane covering the sclera. The blood vessels are irritated and give the eye a red hue. This is contagious and very common in children, needs to be treated with antibiotic drops based on the cause.
Allergy: Be it pollen, dust, dander, or some chemicals, the eyes could be sensitive to it and get inflamed and take on a red colour. This can be treated with a combination of prevention by avoiding exposure to the allergen (which causes the allergy) and some antihistamine drops if required.
Contact lenses: Extended or improper use of contact lenses is the main reason for red eyes in contact lens users. There is reduced lubrication, increased accumulation of dust and microbes if the lens are not removed at frequent intervals. Removal of the lens and visit to the doctor are important for managing this.
Computer Vision Syndrome: With people spending a large amount of time staring at computer screens and tablets and phone screens, the dryness in the eyes increases, thereby leading to red eyes. The reduced blinking when working on computers also affects the condition. It is therefore very important to take conscious breaks to stare away from the monitors and use special glasses if required. In some cases, eye drops may also be required.
Occupational Hazard: For people working outdoors, conditions such as dust, heat, smoke, and dry air increase the chances of red eyes. Reducing exposure as much as possible and use of protective eyewear is extremely essential.
Dry Eye Syndrome: The tear glands produce a constant source of lubrication for the eyes and also cleanse the eyes from the minute dust particles and other irritants. For various reasons, the tears produced may not be sufficient and can lead to red eyes. Artificial tear substitute could be used for managing this.
Some benign reasons like swimming, smoking, lack of sleep, pregnancy, common cold also produce bloodshot eyes. On the other hand, corneal ulcer, uveitis, ocular herpes, glaucoma, and other medical conditions could also lead to red eyes.

If it persists for more than 2 days, is painful, associated with discharge or sensitivity to light, it is important to seek medical help, especially if associated with injury or trauma.
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10 Facts About Your Eyes You Never Thought Of!

Ophthalmologist, Thane
10 Facts About Your Eyes You Never Thought Of!
10 surprising facts about your eyes

You never tend to pay a lot of attention to your eyes unless they are affected by some serious disorder or unless your vision is disrupted. But did you know that your eyes are capable of doing much more than you can imagine? here are 10 surprising facts about your eyes you didn't know about.

1. How intricate!

Your eyes take more than 2 million working parts to function. No wonder your eyes are the second most complex organ of your body after your brain.

2. A lot depends on them

As much as 80% of your memories are determined by what you see. Also, 80% of what you learn is because of your eyes.

3. Retina and security

The iris of your eyes has approximately 256 unique characteristics, which is more than even your fingerprints. This is the reason why retina scans are used so widely today for security purposes.

4. It's a colourful world

Your eyes can distinguish between approximately 10 million different colours. And women with a particular kind of genetic mutation can see millions of more colours.

5. Upside-down

The retina of your eyes receives the vision of the outside world as upside down. It is your brain, which flips the image for you so that you can see the world as it is.

6. Sunscreen for the eyes?

It is possible for your eyes to get sunburnt. Therefore, it is advisable for you to wear sunglasses in order to protect your eyes from the ultraviolet radiations.

7. Godspeed!

The eye muscle is the muscle that reacts at the fastest rate out of all the other muscles in your body. It can contract in less than even 1/100th of a second.

8. Paint it red?

The retina of your eyes cannot detect the red colour. The retinas do have green, red and blue receptors, but the red receptor can detect only the colour yellow-green and the green one can recognise blue-green. It is your brain that combines these signals to give you the impression of the colour red.

9. Dreams and sight

Even if you become blind later in life, you can see images in your dreams if you were born with sight.

10. We are blink-eyed peas

You blink approximately 17 times every minute. That makes it 5.2 million times in a year.

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Related Tip: Sitting Too Close To TV Will Weaken Your Eyes? FALSE.
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