Top Health Tips on Treating bladder stones

Kidney Stones - Causes And Prevention!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Kidney Stones - Causes And Prevention!
A kidney stone is like a small rock that forms in the kidney. Stones form when certain chemicals in the body clump together. A stone can either stay in the kidney or travel through the urinary system by passing though the urine and not causing any harm.

What are the symptoms?

Very small stones might pass through the urinary system without causing much pain. Larger stones can block the flow of urine if they get stuck in the ureters or urethra. Kidney stones do not usually cause any symptoms until they start to pass. Some symptoms might include:

Extreme pain in your back or side that will not go away


Blood in your urine

Fever and chills

Who are at risk ?

Anyone can have a kidney stone, but it may be more likely if you:

Are male and are overweight

Have had kidney infections

Have a family member with kidney stones

Have had kidney stones before

Eat a lot of animal protein (such as meat and eggs)

Do not drink enough liquids

Have certain medicines which can cause kidney stones

How are kidney stones treated?

Treatment depends on the location and size of the kidney stone. Drinking plenty of water and taking some medicines can help a small stone to pass more easily. For problem stones, there may be a few options:

Lithotripsy uses shock waves to break a large stone into smaller pieces that can pass.

Ureteroscopic Stone Removal uses a small tool to get and remove stones stuck in the ureters.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy uses surgery to remove large stones from the kidneys.

Depending on the location of the kidney stone and many other factors the doctor decides on the most suitable procedure.

How can I prevent kidney stones?

If you have had kidney stones before, you are more likely to have kidney stones again. To help keep stones from forming, try to:

Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water each day

Eat less salt (sodium), meat and eggs

Find out what type of stone you have

Ask your doctor for a urine test

Talk to your doctor about your medicines and other tests for kidney stones

Do NOT reduce the calcium in your diet without talking to your doctor first! Studies show that limiting calcium in your diet may not stop kidney stones from forming and may harm your bones.
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Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?
Are you experiencing a sudden pain in the right upper part and at the center of your abdomen? This might be an indication of the presence of gallbladder stones. These stones are deposits of digestive fluid which may form in your gallbladder.

Risk Factors Associated With Gall Stones:

Family history of gallstones

Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones


High cholesterol

High-fat diet

Rapid weight loss

Over age 60

In the case of gallbladder stones, you need to dissolve and remove them. Among the different modes of treatment of gallbladder stones, homeopathy is considered to be an ideal method.

Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal. Homeopathy also provides fast pain relief in gallbladder attacks and can be used for prevention and treatment of biliary colic. The medicines are natural, effective and have no side effects. In patients with gallbladder removal homeopathy can alleviate the digestive disorders after surgery. Here is a list of the top homeopathic medicines, which help in dissolving and removing gallbladder stones:

Chelidonium: This is an effective homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of gallbladder stones. It treats the pain caused because of the stones and jaundice when the bile ducts are obstructed. The medicine is used when the skin turns yellowish, stool turns clay colored and the urine becomes dark. The patient may have an urge for having hot drinks. This medicine is also ideal for gall bladder problems in women during pregnancy.

Lycopodium: This medicine is the best natural cure for gall bladder stones when accompanied by gastric symptoms such as acidity, a bloated abdomen, or gas in the abdomen. Distension in the abdomen may occur even after taking a small meal. Gas rolls in the abdomen and it is difficult for it to pass out. Acidity is likely, which worsens after taking flatulent food containing starch. The patient s appetite may decrease and the craving for sweet and hot drinks increases.

Calcerea Carb: This is another effective homeopathic medicine for gallbladder stones. It is mostly used in case of obese patients who have a flabby and fatty constitution. The abdomen is full of excess fat with hardness and distension. Profuse sweating on the head and an increased sensitivity to cold air are other symptoms. The patient might crave for boiled eggs or unusual things such as lime, chalk and pencils. He may avoid hot food and crave for sweet drinks. The medicine is also used in relieving sour belching and sour vomiting.

Carduus Marianus: This is a very effective medicine in case of an inflamed gallbladder. Pain is experienced in the right upper abdomen and it is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. It treats jaundice in gall stones as well.

Phosphorus: This homeopathic medicine is used in case of gall bladder stone patients who experience sour belching and vomiting after any meal. The patient will love cold drinks, chicken, ice cream and fish in his diet.

Homeopathic medicines treat gallbladder stones effectively without any side effects. In case you notice the symptoms of gallbladder stones, you should consult a homeopathic practitioner.
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How Ayurvedic Remedies are Effective in Treating Kidney Stones?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
How Ayurvedic Remedies are Effective in Treating Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones is a disorder of the urinary tract wherein stones form in the kidney. This happens when solid particles in the urine become concentrated; the solid particles mostly being acid and mineral salts. This disorder can affect any part of the urinary tract: from the bladder to the kidneys. The treatment for this disorder is designed depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Once affected by this disorder, pain in the lower abdominal region will be common. The pain may get aggravated when you urinate. You may also exhibit symptoms of vomiting, nausea and a constant urge to urinate. Hematuria (presence of blood in the urine) is another symptom common to this disorder.

There is no single known cause for kidney stones. These stones occur when certain solid particles such as uric acid and calcium are present in the urine in large amounts. However, certain factors that increase the risk of kidney stones are:

Family history of kidney stones
Lack of sufficient water in the body or dehydration
Eating foods which are loaded with sugar and salts
Ayurvedic treatment
Ayurvedic remedies for kidney stones are natural and free from side effects. Apart from relieving the symptoms, they also help in improving your overall well-being. These remedies balance the various doshas in the body and thus, lead to improved functioning of the abdominal organs. The Ayurvedic remedies for kidney stones are

Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is the basic you can do to either prevent kidney stones or treating the condition. Dehydration is one of the most important causes for the formation of kidney stones.
Avoid certain foods: You need to avoid consumption of certain foods such as apples, tomatoes and cheese which increase the risks of kidney stones.
Exercise on a regular basis: You need to chalk down and stick to an exercise regimen to keep your weight at optimal levels. Remember that obesity is a major contributor to kidney stones.
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Kidney Stones - 8 Diet Tips to Prevent It!

Urologist, Visakhapatnam
Kidney Stones - 8 Diet Tips to Prevent It!
The kidneys filter the blood and eliminate the waste products through urine. The waste deposition is sometimes in the form of excessive calcium, uric acid and other undesirable contents. It causes the urine to get highly saturated. The solid depositions then turn into stone like formations, also termed as renal lithiasis or calculi. There are different kinds of kidney stones, which are differentiated based on its varied constituents. Kidney stones cause excruciating pain and uneasiness. Frequent urination and discomfort during urination, presence of blood in the urine, are some major signs of kidney stones.

Kidney stones can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet with sufficient nutrients:

Calcium and oxalate-rich food should be consumed together. This leads to the binding of calcium and oxalate together in the stomach intestines, before they can be processed in the kidneys. This helps to control the formation of calcium and oxalate depositions in the kidneys.
Do not cut down on calcium. Since most of the kidney stones are found to be calcium depositions, many people tend to cut down on their calcium intake. It is important to continue with food that is rich in calcium such as milk. However, it is necessary to reduce intake of other calcium supplements. Decrease in calcium can lead to degeneration and deformation in bones and muscles.
Too much of red meat consumption and high fat dairy products can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys. Animal protein is rich in purine that increases uric acid, saturating the urine and creating stones. It is important to balance your diet by including lots of green vegetables, whole grains, fibres, fruits and low-fat dairy products. Opt for non-animal protein such as lentils or legumes.
Cut down on sugary and aerated drinks. They contribute to the formation of depositions due to their high and unhealthy levels of fructose and preservatives.
Reduce or abstain from alcohol. Alcohol is known for its multiple disadvantages to the human body. It has also been found to increase the levels of uric acid in blood.
Keep your body hydrated. Drink adequate quantity of water throughout the day, preferably 3 litres or more depending on your physical activities. It prevents the solidification of the depositions and helps to eliminate wastes smoothly.
Increase the intake of anti-oxidants in the form of green tea, dark chocolates and fruits.
Lower the intake of salt. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a urologist.
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Urinary Stones - How Efficient Is Homeopathy In Them?

DHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Urinary Stones - How Efficient Is Homeopathy In Them?
Many theories and as many reasons are given, but in most of cases, cause of stone formation in the kidneys is not clear. Biochemical dysfunction seems to be the only possible explanation. Stones generally develop very slowly.

The tendency to stone formation may be hereditary. Stones may vary in size from sand particles to large stone. Urinary stones may be present for many years and may give rise to no symptoms. When a stone obstructs the urinary passage, mild pain to severe renal colic occurs. There may be restlessness, sweating, pallor, vomiting, frequent urination, blood in urine etc during pain. Attack of pain may last few hours to few days, varying in severity from time to time. In many cases, urinary infection is a common occurrence.

Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathic treatment plan comprises of:

Ultrasonography at regular interval of three to four months to monitor
The size of the stone
Movement of the stone along the urinary passage.
Kidney function tests should be done to evaluate the function of kidneys.
Urine examination may be helpful to treat the accompanying urinary infections.
Parathyroid hormone and serum calcium level should be considered if the stone formation is recurrent.
It is a well-known fact that some stones can pass naturally. But often they may cause severe pain and at times obstruction. But with homeopathic treatment, even moderate-sized stone can pass absolutely painlessly.
Though the use of painkillers and antispasmodics can relieve the pain and spasm, but in the process can actually hamper or suspend the onward and outward movement of the stone. With homeopathic treatment, body's natural reactions are stimulated that helps throw out the stone without much discomfort.
At times, it is seen that with homeopathic treatment stones gradually dissolve into sand particles and get eliminated from the urinary system without being aware of it. This can be monitored by subsequent Ultrasonograms watching the gradual reduction in the size of the stones.
As stone formation is just a bye-product of body's biochemical dysfunction at deeper levels, only removal of the stone by natural or surgical means is not enough. Homeopathic treatment not only removes the stone, but can also modify the tendency to form stones by improving body's natural balance in general, and biochemical dysfunction in particular.
In bilateral, multiple and recurrent stones, constitutional homeopathic treatment is far-more superior than surgery or any other therapy as it has the potential to help the body, not only throw the stone out but also improve the biochemical dysfunction to check the recurrence of stone formation.
Surgery can be helpful only when the size of the stone is very large, causing damage to kidney by back- pressure. Even then, homeopathic treatment is of significant importance to improve the basic biochemical defects.
Constitutional Homeopathic treatment can also help avert the complication of surgery. With constitutional homeopathic treatment, accompanying urinary infections are also relieved.
AND, the added advantage is that with constitutional homeopathic treatment, general health also improves.
Dietary Restrictions:

Large number of dietary "take and avoid" is known to the masses, but their role is doubtful. With good constitutional homeopathic treatment and proper monitoring by ultrasography, dietary restrictions are not mandatory.
Increased amounts of fluid intake are advisable.
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5 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Gallbladder Stones!

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
5 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Gallbladder Stones!
Homeopathy can very well dissolve gall stones of small and medium sizes, and relieve the gall bladder and body permanently from the pain, suffering and complications coming from gall stones. One of the benefits of homeopathic treatment for gall stones is that your gall bladder does not need removal, and being an important organ for producing digestive enzymes, it is better to keep it in your body. The other benefit is that you get a side effect-free treatment, which is completely efficient and practical, and costs really low compared to other modes of treatments and surgeries.

But before one goes for a homeopathic treatment, a complete evaluation of the patient s case history must be done so that the right medicine can be given as per the case, history, severity etc. Here is a quick look at the commonly used homeopathic medicines, which doctors, depending on your case history, may prescribe for your gall stone.

Homeopathic medicines used for treating gall stones

Calcarea carbonica: If you have a family history of kidney and gall stones, are anxious and slow, overweight with high deposits of triglycerides and cholesterol, then you would be given this medicine.
Chelidonium: If you get pain in any or both of the two patterns pain originating under your right shoulder blade and pain in the upper right abdomen, which spreads to the back, you will be prescribed this one.
Lycopodium: This medicine is usually recommended in case you have a family history of stones in kidney and gall bladder, along with other complications like, chronic digestive disorders, high cholesterol, gastric problems, constipation, peptic ulcers, gas and bloating. The patient may usually get biliary colic pains late in the afternoon. He or she may also get irritated easily, and hate contradicting opinions.
Natrum sulphuricum: The patient may have any or some of the problems like chronic diarrhea, gall stone pain, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, obesity and problem in joints. On top of that the patient may be too sensitive to changes in humidity and weather. In such a case, Natrum sulphuricum is given.
Nux vomica: If a patient suffers from nausea, colic pains, spasmodic pains, heartburn and acidity, gas and bloating, and takes too much of rich and oily food and drinks, then this medicine is used to treat gall stones for him or her.
As you can see, there is a remedy for all types of patients. Hence in case of small to medium sized gall stones, you can always retain the gall bladder, avoid surgeries, and keep patience with systematic homeopathic treatment from an expert doctor. You will get positive results soon.
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Gall Bladder Surgery - How To Prepare For It?

ENT Specialist, Faridabad
Gall Bladder Surgery - How To Prepare For It?
Surgery using a laparoscope is the most common way to remove the gallbladder. A laparoscope is a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside our belly. It is a minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions and specialized tools are used to remove a diseased or infected gallbladder.

The gall bladder is a small organ that sits right under the liver and is credited with bile storage, which can help the body in breaking down various kinds of fats that enter it. So, what all do you need to know about this operation? Read this list.

Reasons for Gall Bladder Operation: The gall bladder is not a very efficient organ. It can lead to blockages and choking as the bile it stores can become very thick and difficult to handle. Also, this bile can start to harbour deposits that are hard ball like substances, usually known as gall bladder stones. The size of these stones can vary from the size of a grain to the size of a golf ball.

Further, these gall bladder stones can cause infections which can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating and more. Another reason can also be the gall bladder disease known as chloelithiasis, which can cause abdominal pain. Inflammation in the pancreas, also known as pancreatitis, can lead to gall bladder open removal surgery.

Risk: While the gall bladder removal surgery is usually considered a safe one, with little or no complications, there are risks attached to this surgery too. These include sudden and excessive bleeding and the creation of blood clots, allergic reactions to the drugs used as well as anaesthesia, blood vessel damage, accelerated heart rate which leads to an increased risk of contracting a heart attack or heart disease, infections, inflammation or swelling in the pancreas, and injuries caused to the bile duct during surgery.

You might also need this type of surgery if you have the following:

1. biliary dyskinesia, which occurs when the gallbladder doesn't fill or empty correctly due to a defect
2. choledocholithiasis, which occurs when gallstones move to the bile duct and potentially cause a blockage that prevents the gallbladder from draining
3. cholecystitis, which is an inflammation of the gallbladder
4. pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas

Laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open cholecystectomy surgery because the smaller incisions that are made reduce your risk of infection, bleeding, and recovery time.

Preparation: To prepare for your gall bladder removal surgery, the doctor may ask you to have a prescription fluid so that your bowels are flushed clean. You may also be asked to fast for at least six hours before the surgery so that there is no hindrance to the same. Also, the use of an antibacterial soap to bathe is usually prescribed so that the risk of contracting infections decreases.

While this surgery can be a simple one, you will have to take due care after the surgery to ensure that the recovery is fast and virtually pain free.
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Kidney Stones - Symptoms And Early Prevention Measures!

Multi Speciality, Delhi
Kidney Stones - Symptoms And Early Prevention Measures!
The pair of kidneys that human beings have formed an important part in the excretory system. They perform specific and important functions. They excrete urine as well as help in eliminating the toxins which accumulate in the body. Kidney stones occur when the minerals present in the urine without being discharged, keep on accumulating. This gives rise to an extremely painful and uncomfortable situation. Though sometimes the situation gets revoked all by itself, many a time it requires medical intervention. Some of the symptoms of kidney stones are-

1. Excruciating pain in the back
2. Pain while urinating
3. Tendencies to vomit
4. Dizziness
5. Fever

However, there are several preventive measures which you can undertake in order to avert the situation. Some of them are-

1. Drink lots of water
Kidney stone is one of those rare conditions that once occurred, always carry the latent threat of recurring again. Therefore drinking water, in large quantities becomes essential. The more you drink water, the more frequently you would urinate, thereby curbing the chances of the minerals settling in the kidneys.

2. Avoid certain food
Food like beets, spinach, those which are replete with calcium oxalate should be avoided in order to minimize chances of having kidney stones.

3. Change your diet
If you are trying to avoid the eventuality of developing kidney stones, it is imperative that you change your diet a bit. It is recommended that you exclude animal protein as much as possible and assiduously avoid the intake of salt as much as possible.

4. Take less calcium supplements
Calcium generally is considered a nemesis to your kidneys and is prescribed by doctors to be avoided. However recent research has thwarted this claim. Calcium does not pose a threat to kidneys. However, calcium supplements definitely do and therefore should be avoided.
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How Homeopathy Helps To Treat Renal Stone?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, PhD
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
How Homeopathy Helps To Treat Renal Stone?
Solving renal stone problems with the use of the Homeopathic treatment. Renal stones or renal calculi regularly allude to stones in the urinary framework. These are quite stores or minerals that structure anyplace in the urinary framework ie the kidney or the bladder or the urethra. Renal stones can be entirely agonizing. The agony is typically felt in the lower stomach area or lower back which is the kidney region. In situations where there is some impediment of the urinary tract, there might be largeness in the kidney region. Blazing or trouble might be felt while urinating. In allopathy, there is no known treatment for renal stones or renal calculi aside from surgery. From one viewpoint, getting a surgery includes a ton of passionate and physical enduring.

Berberis vulgaris mother tincture: It is one of the best Homeopathic solutions for renal stones on the left side. In the event that the renal stone or renal math is in left half of the body, Berberis Vulgaris, the homeopathic medicine is more than liable to evacuate the stone. There is sore wounded agony in the kidney region. There may likewise be deadness or firmness in the kidney region, all the more so in the morning. A trademark sensation is the gurgling vibe that is disturbed by venturing or some other development. The agony stretches out from the backside to the bladder of the urinary area. Berberis vulgaris mother tincture and in addition in the potentised structure can be utilized for the treatment of renal stones.
Cantharis: One of the best Homeopathic medicines for renal stones or renal calculi with smoldering in urine. In some cases, where there happens to be serious blazing on the urethra at the time of urination, Cantharis happens to be an incredible homeopathic medicine. Now and then the torment is depicted as cutting agony. There is exceptional encouraging urinating. Another trademark manifestation of this cure is the successive desire to urinate.
Sarsaparilla: One of the best Homeopathic solutions for renal stones with white sand in urine. While Lycopodium works extremely well in patients that have red sand in urine, Sarsaparilla is substantially more suited to patients that have white dregs in urine. There is exceptional torment toward the end of pee. There is likewise blazing and cutting in the urethra after pee. Urine goes in a stream that is slight and weak.
Benzoic acid: One of the best Homeopathic medicines for renal stones with extreme smell in urine
In patients where the urine has exceptional terrible scent, homeopathic cure Benzoic corrosive is an extremely valuable solution for renal stones or renal calculi. The urine is dull cocoa in shading and is regularly alterable in shading. The way of this Homeopathic medicine is such that it is entirely suited for uric corrosive stones or calculi. It can possibly evacuate the stones as well as control the uric corrosive levels in the human body.
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Kidney Stones - How Homeopathy Can Help You?

Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Kidney Stones - How Homeopathy Can Help You?
Kidney stone formation is the most common kidney disease, and people who have had it, would immediately be reminded of the severe pain (loin to groin) in the back.

How stones are formed?

The kidney functions as the body s filters in removing wastes from the body through urine.
Most of the waste is in the form of salts and when there is excessive salts and reduced amount of water, there could be formation of crystals or stones in the kidneys.

Reduced amount of urination
Blood in the urine due to damage of the urinary tract structures
Painful urination with burning sensation
Swollen abdomen
Nausea and vomiting
Fever and chills
Benefits of homeopathic remedies
Kidney stones are highly likely to be recurrent. A number of factors contribute to their formation. Homeopathy aims at treating the whole body and not just dissolving the stones. It offers various remedies, which ensure the stones are completely dissolved and also prevent recurrence.


Berberis Vulgaris is prescribed for the following conditions:
Very useful in left-sided stones where patient experiences pain radiating to the ureter, bladder, and urethra and down to the thighs.
Burning sensation with urination
Slightly red or green urine with mucus (increased consistency of urine)
Increase in pain with any kind of physical movement
Soreness in the lumbar region of the kidneys
Cantharis is suitable for the following conditions:
Paroxysms of renal colic with cutting and stabbing pains
Severe pain before and after urination in the urethral area
Constant urge to urinate, but very little flow
No relief even after sitting and straining
Bloody urine (slightly pinkish tinge), if there is damage to internal structures
Sharp tearing pain when this damage happens
Thirst and aversion to all fluids
Lycopodium is one of the most reliable homeopathic medicines for right-sided kidney stones.
Works better for right-sided stones, where it dissolves them completely
Severe backache experienced by the affected person prior to passing urine, which reduces after urination
Great urge to urinate, even at night
Presence of sediments (red or yellow) in the urine
Abdominal bloating with distention along with right-sided kidney pain
Hydrangea, also referred to as the stone breaker, reduces chances of recurrence of kidney stones in the following conditions:
Right-sided pain
Blood-tinged urine
Increased frequency of urination
Lots of white sediments in the urine
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