Top Health Tips on Sharpening the Mind

Importance of Vitamin D & Vitamin B12

B.Sc. Food & Nutrition, M.Sc. Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Importance of Vitamin D & Vitamin B12
Your daily intake of delicious foods might not be enough for a healthy life. Your health largely depends on the consumption of right amount of vitamins. You can be protected from a plethora of disorders by the intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 and D. Here s why you need vitamin B12 and D:

Prevention: Vitamin B12 prevents us from certain cancers, including cancers in prostate glands, lungs, breast and colon. It also provides protection against heart diseases. Vitamin B12 also helps in prevention against Alzheimer s disease. Intake of vitamin D reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, heart disease and flu.
Booster of happiness and health: It has been found that vitamin B12 boosts up your energy levels to a great extent. There are health drinks enriched with Vitamins to provide energy to your tired body. But it is best to have foods rich in vitamin B12 and other vitamins.
Forget depression: Vitamin D and B12 are known to benefit your health by keeping away depression. Therefore, it is very important to keep a check on the vitamins level of your body.
Helps protein metabolism: One of the primary functions of vitamin B12 is to boost protein metabolism in your body. If you are suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency, you will suffer from improper protein metabolism. However, the symptoms may get noticed after several years.
Protect your bones: It is the most essential function of vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote the growth of bones. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to bone related diseases like rickets.
Help your brain: Vitamin B12 is good for the overall health of the human brain. It can prevent you from developing dementia in old age or brain shrinkage.
Good for digestive system: Vitamin B12 helps in the smooth functioning of digestive system. It provides protection against constipation.
Beauty matters: Vitamin B12 and D are known for their contribution towards gifting you a healthy skin, shiny hairs and beautiful and strong nails.
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Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it

General Physician, Delhi
Calcium Deficiency - 3 Signs You are Suffering from it
Calcium is known for its role in maintaining the bone health, from keeping your teeth stronger to normal functioning of the cells. But there are various factors, which lead to a deficiency of calcium in the human body and paves the way for several complications.

Here are the top three signs that indicate you are suffering from calcium deficiency.

Difficulty in sleeping: Sleep is essential for your bone health and calcium is directly associated with your sleep cycle. The level of calcium in your bones rises and falls when you are asleep and it reaches its peak when you are in deep slumber. This indicates that when you are unable to sleep properly, it is a warning sign of calcium deficiency. There are various researches that have confirmed, that by increasing the level of calcium, it is possible to restore the normal sleep cycle of an individual. This is also related to the role that calcium plays in the production of a sleep hormone called melatonin. When the calcium content in the body is really low, this hormone is not produced, thus, making it difficult for a person to sleep.
Difficulty in losing extra pounds: Yet another frustrating aspect of any individual s life is the inability to shed off excess pounds. This issue is also linked with the lack of calcium supply in the body. The calcium that s stored in the cells assists in the processing and storage of fat. So the fat cells with high calcium content burn faster, making you lose weight. Thus, if you have trouble losing weight in spite of having a well-regulated diet and regular workout, it s a sign that you are suffering from low calcium.
Paresthesia: Though this ailment is not much heard of, it could be a sign of calcium deficiency. Paresthesia is a nervous disorder, which causes tingling sensation, tremors, numbness and loss of sensitivity. It could also lead to poor concentration, amnesia, confusion, hearing impairment, twitches and other physical as well as neurological impairment. This is because low calcium in the blood is connected with the health of your nerves.
The deficiency of calcium can manifest itself in different intensity, ranging from the non-existent to minimal to severe levels. Chronic calcium deficiency can lead to life-threatening diseases like rickets, osteopenia, and even osteoporosis. Therefore, you shouldn t ignore these signs and consult an expert without delay.
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Vitamin K - Facts You Never Knew About It!

Diploma in Diet,Health & Nutritions
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Vitamin K - Facts You Never Knew About It!
Vitamins are essential micronutrients which the body requires, though in small amounts, for optimal health. These chemicals play a crucial role in keeping our body healthy and disease free.One such vitamin is vitamin K, which is essential for optimal blood clotting process, and also has multiple other benefits. More details about the functions, benefits and sources are listed below.


Vitamin K is actually a group of vitamins and has K1, K2, and K3. The functions and benefits accordingly will depend on the actual chemical being referred to.
These are fat soluble vitamins and therefore absorption is better when something fatty is eaten along with it
Vitamin K1 or phyloquilline reaches the liver and is essential for blood clotting. Reduced levels of vitamin K can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, but this is very rare in adults. Newborns can have this problem, and therefore, it is common to give them a one shot of vitamin K injection.
Vitamin K2 is produced by gut bacteria and reaches blood vessel walls and bones. It prevents hardening and calcification of arteries, which is the main cause of heart disease.
It helps in improving calcium and other mineral concentration in the bones and makes the matrix strong. It can be used in osteoporosis to reverse and control bone loss. It can also be used to heal fractured bones.
It slows the growth of cancer cells and can be used to stabilise cancer. It has been shown to improve multiple forms including hepatocellular, prostate, colon, and oral cancer.
It is beneficial in controlling Alzheimer s disease and improves memory loss in ageing people
It improves insulin action and therefore prolongs onset of type 2 diabetes
It has been shown to have antioxidant properties (as most other vitamins) and also helps in reducing toxin buildup
It is good for skin health and can help control bruising and dermatitis
Vitamin K is found naturally in many foods and the daily dose required for an adult is about 120 to 150 mcg/day. Therefore supplementation is usually not required.
Leafy green vegetables including spinach, okra, cabbage, beans broccoli, and asparagus

Fermented foods like yoghurt
Soybean in all forms including medium cooked as well and Japanese diet uses boiled, fermented soybean called natto, which contains tremendous amount of vitamin K
Nuts, such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, are a good source
Strawberries, grapes, prunes, and apples
Seafood such as salmon and shrimp contain good amount to control heart attack and stroke.
Meat (duck, beef, chicken, and lamb)
Supplements are to be avoided, especially in pregnant and/or nursing mothers and people with a history of stroke, heart disease, heart attack and blood clotting problems.
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Tips for Improved Eye Health

Cornea Cataract & Lasik
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Tips for Improved Eye Health
Most of us take our eyes for granted. It has been often noticed that an individual splurges on expensive sunglasses for looking smarter. But, when it comes to the health of eyes, he or she is either ignorant or simply reluctant to do anything. This tendency is bad for the health of your precious eyes.

Remember, how you use them to stare at the screens of your gadgets all day long. Take out some time from your busy schedule and take care of your eyes. They are precious and vulnerable too.

Follow the tips below to keep your eyesight intact till your dying day:

Eat right for a good vision: It is very important to provide the right and sufficient amounts of nutrients to your body for developing or maintaining a good eye sight. Include nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E in your regular diet to boost your eyesight. Food items like green and leafy vegetables, salmon, tuna, and other oily fish, eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources, oranges and other citrus fruits or juices and oysters and pork are excellent for the eye. The intake of a balanced diet keeps you away from diabetes, which causes blindness.
Give up smoking: Cigarettes or other tobacco products are bad for your eyes. They make your eyes more vulnerable to diseases like cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration.
Guard your eyes from sunlight: It has been found that long exposure to sunlight leads to damage of the eyeballs. This happens as the UV rays in sunlight have an adverse impact on our eyes. You must put on sunglasses when you are outdoors for a longer period. You must choose sunglasses which give you 90 to 100 percent protection against sunlight. UV rays can cause cataracts and macular degeneration.
Avoid the screen: It is advisable to not spend long hours sitting in front of the computer screen or TV. Take breaks while working on the computer. Also, remember blinking your eyes while staring at the screen to avoid drying up of the eyes. Blinking increases tear production, keeping the eyes moist and healthy.
Use safety devices: If you work with hazardous substances, it is advisable that you put on safety devices on your eyes for their protection.
Hydrate your eyes: In order to have a good vision, you must hydrate your eyes by splashing water on your eyes wide open at specific intervals in a day. When you wash your face after returning from outside, don't forget to wash your eyes as well. As you splash water on the eyes, the dust particles on the surface of the eyelid, gathered from outside, gets washed away. f you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a ophthalmologist.
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Forgetting Things - 7 Ways To Keep Your Memory Sharp At Any Age!

Masters In Psychology , CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , REBT Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, BArch
Psychologist, Thane
Forgetting Things - 7 Ways To Keep Your Memory Sharp At Any Age!
Memory lapses aren t exclusive to old-age which is why it is necessary to keep your mind sharp across all ages. The cognitive skill, memory, can be affected by various factors such as lack of sleep, hypertension, substance abuse etc. Here are a few tips which will help you keep your mind sharp:

Take Frequent Breaks: If you work for long hours at a stretch without taking a break, you run a risk of putting excessive strain on your brain which slows down its reflexes. Giving the brain a break once a while is a good idea and during a brain break , you could engage in mentally stimulating activities such as playing Sudoku or puzzles.

Repeat To Learn Better: If you want to remember a crucial piece of information, it is advisable that you repeat that particular piece of information more than twice for a more comprehensive understanding. This tip would be even more effective if you read out aloud the information which needs to be remembered for uninterrupted concentration and comprehension.

Learn To Play An Instrument: Learn to play a musical instrument and regularly practice it as music stimulates the cells in your brain. Studies have shown a strong connection between relaxing forms of music such as instrumental or Celtic music and the motor areas of the brain which are linked to the learning and cognitive spaces. This happens because music triggers the feel good neurotransmitter in your brain.

Dietary Changes: Incorporate more nutritious items to your diet such as fresh fruits and vegetables as they are rich in fibre and vitamins which keep the brain and body healthy. Adding fish oil or fatty fishes such as salmon and trout is a must because they are rich in Omega-3 acids which help your brain retain information for a longer period.

Over-indulging in junk food can cause your brain to slow down while extreme crash-diets can cause lethargy in the cognitive areas of your brain. Hence, you should aim to balance your meals.
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Dementia - 7 Homeopathic Remedies That Can Help With It!

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Dementia - 7 Homeopathic Remedies That Can Help With It!
Dementia is a general classification of brain disease that causes a long haul and the frequent steady abatement in the capacity to think and recall. This causes negative influence a man's every day functioning. Other normal manifestations include issues with dialect and a lessening in motivation. An individual's sense of awareness is not influenced. It affects the person s thinking, language, sense of judgement and behavior. Major cases of dementia are degenerative in nature and cannot be treated.

Homeopathy is an effective and trusted form of medicine used in the treatment of dementia. A holistic approach is used in homeopathy, which ensures the removal of all signs and symptoms of any disorder. Homeopathic medicines do not only treat dementia, but also address the underlying causes.

Here is a list of important homeopathic medicines and the cases of dementia when they are used.

Nux Vom: This homeopathic medicine is used in cases of dementia where the patient is extremely sensitive to the words and actions of others and is always seeking attention. There is suicidal tendency in the patient and he also is inclined towards killing friends. Although suicidal, the patient does not have the courage to perform the act. Extreme irritation is noticed. The patient becomes vindictive and quarrelsome in nature.
Mercurius: This homeopathic medicine is given to patients with dementia who have lost all sense of decency. They become filthy and develop a groveling mentality. Memory weakens to a great extent and the patient has problems with vision, unpleasant breath odour and a heavily coated tongue.
Ignatia: This homeopathic medicine is given to people who have extreme sensitivity of the mind, which further leads to depression and grief. This may occur due to failure in love relationships.
Calcaria Carb: Calcaria Carb is an effective homeopathic medicine used in cases of dementia where the brain and other organs do not develop properly. The patient becomes forgetful and very slow in learning something.
Lycopodium: This medicine is used when the dementia affected people experience great depression, become despondent and constantly worry about themselves and their activities. They become fearful, irritable and angry. Constipation is also observed in such cases.
Staphisagria: Staphisagria is used to treatment dementia characterized by sleeplessness. The patient becomes cowardly and is full of shamefulness, disgust, humiliation and shyness. He would rather be alone than have company.
Chamomilla: This is another homeopathic medicine for treating dementia with acute sensitiveness. Irritation and peevishness are common, and the patient tends to get angry very easily.

Among the various forms of medicines and treatments for dementia, homeopathy is the most natural and effective remedy. There are homeopathic medicines developed for all types of dementia cases, which work proficiently. However, it is still advisable that without consulting your doctor, you must never take a medicine.
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Know How Brain Health Can be Improved With Vitamin B

MBBS, Basic Life Support (B.L.S), Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE)
General Physician, Delhi
Know How Brain Health Can be Improved With Vitamin B
A vitamin is an organic compound, which is required by the human body in appropriate amounts to ensure the proper and healthy functioning of the various body parts. These vitamins help you in being healthy and maintaining an optimum level of brain activity. The deficiency of the same can cause you to have various health issues and illnesses.

B Vitamins are of various subtypes, and they are collectively known as B-Complex Vitamins. These vitamins are medically proven to relieve stress and boost up your energy levels. They also fight depression, restrict brain ageing and help you to live a longer life. Here's how B vitamins help in keeping your brain healthy.

Prevent mental decline: The three vitamin B types that help to avoid a mental decline are: B6, B12, and B9 (Folic Acid). Additionally, these 3 vitamins also prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Act as dopamine boosters: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter inside the brain that that boosts productivity, motivation and focus among human beings. This helps to ensure your mental well-being keep you mentally happy. B vitamins enhance your brain health by facilitating an increase in dopamine levels.
Lets you avoid mental disorders: The lack of Vitamin B12 leads to certain mental disorders like- dementia, brain atrophy, brain shrinkage, depression, and schizophrenia. You can avoid this condition by taking Vitamin B12 supplements.
Sharpen memory: In case you have a short term memory or face other memory problems, various forms of B vitamins supplements will help you to regain the optimal state of mind.
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Stress - 8 Natural Ways to Burst It!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Stress - 8 Natural Ways to Burst It!
Stress, the new buzzword, has become an inevitable part of our lives. Take any of today s diseases, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cancer, sleep disorders, indigestion, infertility, depression, memory loss, migraines, etc. All of them have a common contributing factor stress.

Ayurveda believes that health is the result of balance maintained between the three elements or doshas, vata, pitta, and kapha. An imbalance between these 3 components is the main cause of ill health. Different diseases have one of these as predominant factor. Stress disrupts the balance and so contributes to various diseases. Managing stress is one of the keys to maintaining good health and thereby avoiding a lot of lifestyle related disorders.

Read on to know and understand some of the simple but effective ways of maintaining stress.

Yoga Asanas: While yoga, in general, is believed to calm the mind and reduce stress, shava asana (corpse pose) sarvanga asana (Shoulder stand), hala asana (plough pose), simha asana (lion pose) and shalabhasana (locust pose) are greatly beneficial in reducing stress.
Take a break: A break to break away from the mundane routine helps. Try doing nothing for a short while and see how this practice calms the nervous system and provides a clear state of mind.
Mind your mind: Stress is often caused by fear of what might happen. Changing attitude to a positive one can go a long way in reducing overall stress.
Analyse your stressors: If you can change it, go ahead and change it. If you cannot, change the way you react to it or simply ignore it. It is definitely not possible to have control over all things in life. Learning this helps greatly in managing stress.
Meditation: Using Om, take deep breaths and focus on air moving through the lungs and the body. This can be done anywhere and leaves you with a calm mind and body. Pranayama also increases the flow of oxygen to all parts of the body and relaxes you completely.
Hand it down: The ends of the finger have pressure points which act as energy channels for the body. The padding at the end of the thumb and the middle portion of the index finger are linked to the brain and can be stimulated to manage stress. Most yoga asanas use this hand posture.
Warm baths: Add some ginger juice and baking soda to the bucket of hot water. This improves circulation and helps you in feeling light, with elevated mood.
Herbal teas: These are, simply put, magical. Substances like chamomile, tulsi, basil, jasmine, Brahms, cardamom, etc. provide a soothing effect on the mind and body. The aroma and taste of these leave you feeling elated, with the stress disappearing with their vapours.
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Iodine Deficiency - 11 Signs You are Suffering from it!

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition (Delhi University)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Panipat
Iodine Deficiency - 11 Signs You are Suffering from it!
Iodine deficiency is a very common problem worldwide and is a major cause of thyroid disorders. The entire mechanism of how deficiency of iodine causes hypothyroidism is a complex explanation. So we will stick to layman terms and keep it simple. Deficiency of iodine causes a range of diseases which, altogether are termed as iodine deficiency diseases. When an individual does not receive enough iodine, the thyroid gland increases in size because the thyroid is unable to make enough hormones that are necessary for the body. This causes the development of a condition called goitre. Iodine deficiency in pregnant and lactating women is a serious concern because it is the most popular cause of preventable mental retardation.

There can be situations where a person might not be getting adequate iodine, but may not show any symptoms of iodine deficiency. The easiest way to know if a person has iodine deficiency is to get a urine test done or a blood test done to check the level of iodine in the body. Thyroid is a very important gland and is responsible for:

Controlling the metabolic rate
Boosting synthesis of proteins
Regulating blood flow and heart rate
Promoting brain development and linear growth in children
Helping in normal reproductive functioning in adults
Here are the most common signs that can tell you that your thyroid is not functioning properly due to deficiency of iodine.

You feel lethargic and tired most of the times and suffer from weakness constantly (due to reduced metabolic rates).
You may start feeling cold, even when it is visibly warm for the others around you.
You may have difficulty in concentrating and might have a poor memory (due to slowed down mental processes)
You may experience unusual weight gain.
You may become more prone to depressive periods.
You may notice your skin becoming thick and puffy or your face becoming puffier than usual.
You may suffer from hair loss.
You may start having frequent problems of constipation.
Your skin might feel really dry.
You might feel your heart beating slower.
Visible signs would include enlargement of the chin and neck area (caused due to enlargement of your thyroid gland).
Treatment For Iodine Deficiency

The best way to correct Iodine deficiency is by a healthy diet. But if diet alone cannot supply enough iodine, adding an iodine supplement may help. People who don't get enough iodine through food often include:

Pregnant Women
Iodine supplements contain potassium that readily absorbs in the body. Having supplements that contain potassium iodide and potassium iodate could be of help. But don t take supplements in excess. This could cause an iodine overload, which is also harmful to the thyroid.

Changing diet and adding supplements can treat people with health concerns related to iodine deficiency.

People with hypothyroidism due to insufficient iodine requires hospitalization. At the hospital, patients are provided with liquids to replace water, sugar and salt and other stabilizing treatments. Doctors will also administer thyroid hormones to correct the condition. After a person with hypothyroidism is stable, their thyroid function will be monitored and changes in diet are determined to ensure they are consuming enough iodine to keep their hormone levels stable.

With proper treatment and change in diet, iodine deficiency disorders can be prevented with ease. For a better diagnosis, you must consult an experienced medical practitioner and follow his suggestions for improving the iodine levels in your body.
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Cholesterol - 10 Foods That Lower it!

Bsc - Home Science, Msc - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Cholesterol - 10 Foods That Lower it!
Food plays a vital role in lowering the cholesterol apart from timely medication. Here is a list of 10 foods that contribute to a great extent in lowering the cholesterol level:

Oats: Changing the morning meal is the first action you should take. Oatmeal can bring down the LDL level to a staggering 5.3 percent in a matter of 6 weeks. It contains beta-glucan, which is capable of absorbing the LDL present in the blood.
Red wine: You can cheer to reduced cholesterol with a glass of red wine in hand. A study conducted by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain found that red wine can reduce the cholesterol level up to 9 percent owing to a vital component known as Rioja present in it.
Salmon Fish: Fatty and salmon fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids. They are known to be extremely effective for diseases such as dementia, cardiovascular diseases and much more. A study conducted by the Loma Linda University found that Omega-3 can increase the HDL by up to 4 percent.
Nuts: Nuts can reduce the cholesterol by up to 9.3 percent, a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed. 1.5 oz of regular consumption of nuts greatly helps in bringing down cholesterol. Since nuts are very rich in protein, portion control is necessary to refrain putting on weight.
Beans: A research conducted by the Arizona State Polytechnic University revealed that adding beans to soup can bring down the LDL up to 8 percent. Owing to their rich fibre content, they effectively absorb cholesterol. Some of the beans that can be tried include kidney, black and pinto beans.
Cocoa: A study conducted by the AJCN reported that the daily intake of cocoa increases the HDL by over 20 percent in 3 months. Due to its high antioxidant content, it streamlines the blood flow and doesn t let platelets stick together.
Garlic: 2-3 cloves of garlic per day can dramatically reduce cholesterol-limiting LDL into the artery. It can prevent other conditions such as blood pressure, infections and blood clotting. Garlic can be consumed with any regular dish.
Olive oil: Olive oil has multiple health benefits. It contains a compound known as MUFAs that lowers cholesterol and helps to get rid of abdomen fats. You can use it with salads, roast vegetables and marinate chicken.
Avocado: Avocado contains monounsaturated fat that helps to raise the level of HDL and lower the LDL in the body. It contains Beta-sitosterol that absorbs cholesterol and brings down the count of it in the body. Owing to its high-calorie content, portion size should be looked into.
Margarine: Two margarine can lower the LDL level up to 14 %. They are capable of absorbing cholesterol from the bile. It can be consumed with toast in the morning or as a snack in the evening.
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