Top Health Tips on Preventing Heart Disease

Caring For Someone With Heart Disease!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Caring For Someone With Heart Disease!
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to the body through a network of arteries and veins controlled by valves. A heart disease could mean a problem in any of these organs, heart per se, the blood vessels, or the valves. Like it or not, heart problem is a chronic condition. It starts without any notice, and for sure, it is not going to go away completely. What can be done, though, is to manage it beautifully and lives and enjoy life so that the heart disease is not stopping you.

When there is a person with the chronic condition, it is not just that person who is affected, but the near and dear ones as well. When heading out for a dinner or when planning a gathering, there would be certain things that need to be accounted for and considered to accommodate the needs of the affected person. These very soon become a way of life and can be done effortlessly.

The following are some things to bear in mind when living with a heart patient.

Diet: Heart patients would have some dietary preferences based on the heart condition per se. This may include a need for more whole grains and vegetables, need for specific types of oils, specific cooking methods, etc. At home, it is essential to ensure these things are always stocked up. When heading out, whether it is to visit someone or out for a meal, take into account whether these would be available. The next best option should be kept in mind so that dietary intake is not affected. Gradually, with time, substitutes can be identified with which they could manage in most places.
Medications: Make sure the medication kit is always readily available. Make sure the person does not miss any medications, whether at home or outside. Ensure the regular medicines are in stock and some common emergency ones are also readily available.
Routine: Whether it is their morning walk or yoga or meditation, it is better to stick to the routine as much as possible. The person also should learn to adapt based on circumstances; however, to the maximum extent possible, these should be continued without major interruption.
Monitoring: Be it blood pressure, sugar levels or weight, these need to be monitored regularly and any deviations should be brought to the notice of the doctor immediately.
Other equipment: Whether it is a walker, inhaler, or a wheelchair, these should be functional and available. The home or the living place should not be cluttered to allow for the easy use of this equipment.
While these may initially require some effort, with time, it would just happen naturally.
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Garlic - Benefits Of It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Sindhudurg
Garlic - Benefits Of It!
Although a vegetable, garlic is primarily classified as a spice and is used in many dishes across cultures. However, apart from the pungent smell which is the most known characteristic of garlic, it also has medicinal properties and thus, was even used by healers for various ailments before the advent of modern medicine.

Some of the reasons garlic is considered healthy
Garlic is considered healthy for a multitude of reasons. Let's look at some of the ailments that garlic can prevent as well as help in healing.

1. Great against common cold: Garlic and garlic based homemade treatments are great ways to ward of the common cold. Garlic contains the chemical "allicin" which is known to aid health within the body. Having a few cloves or garlic can help you fight the common cold infection.

2. It is known to improve bone health: Garlic is known to be very beneficial for bone health, especially in menopausal women. Women may encounter bone loss during menopause as the production of estrogen is lowered. Garlic encourages estrogen production which can stop bone loss and even protect against bone problems such as osteoarthritis.

3. Is an effective agent in lowering blood pressure: Hypertension is a known killer all across the world. Garlic contains polysulfides which are effective in vasodilation or the widening of the blood vessels and also relaxation of the muscles. This helps blood pressure being lowered within the body and is an effective home remedy if consumed in controlled amounts.

4. Reduces fatigue and is a performance enhancer: Garlic is known to reduce fatigue within people as it controls the heart rate by lowering blood pressure. Whether it is an athletic performance or other physical work related performance requirements, this spice tends to give an extra boost.

5. Controls LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing chances of heart disease: LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, is controlled by allicin as it improves liver functions. The liver can then break down LDL cholesterol easily and thus also helps in preventing arteriosclerosis. Garlic is also known to prevent blood clots that lead to heart attacks.

6. Garlic has anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties: Garlic has been known throughout the ages to be an affective antibacterial and anti-parasitic agent. Garlic extracts or small amounts of garlic in your diet can help you build up immunity and also kill infections within your system effectively. It is also known to be very effective against tapeworm infestations within the gut.
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Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD (AM), PGDPPHC, ACLS
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?
Milk is nutritious, but sometimes, avid dieters shrink away from consuming milk. It is generally believed that the fat content in milk hinders weight loss. On the contrary, milk has a lot of benefits.

Here are some facts you need to remember before you say no to milk:

Nutrients and milk: Particularly, milk is an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B, protein and most importantly, calcium. So when you ditch milk in your crusade of weight loss, you skip out on calcium, the mineral primarily responsible for good bone health. Some studies suggest that calcium can actually add to weight loss, but this needs more research to back it up.
Health and milk: Previously milk did get a bad reputation when it was linked as a supposed cause of stroke and heart attack. But a recent study produced a result which proved the complete opposite, milk can actually prevent stroke and heart attack! According to research, milk can actually lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Muscles and milk: Milk contains whey and casein protein, both of which are high-quality proteins if you are looking to build muscles. Whey is a fast protein (gets digested faster) while casein is a slow protein (gets digested slowly). Your body gets a good and healthy supply of proteins when you consume milk, so don t write it off just yet.
Fat and milk: As mentioned before, calcium can cause your body to burn fat. There is research pending on it, but the preliminary results suggest that dieters shouldn t skip out on milk. You might argue that you can just consume calcium supplements in that case. However, it has been discovered that other milk proteins to add to fat burning, which you cannot get from supplements. Milk is good for you, but it isn t a miracle weight loss food. So yes, you will need to follow a healthy diet as drinking a glass of milk with a couple of doughnuts will not help you at all.
So, milk is not all evil as people think it to be. It could be good for your weight loss plan. And the best way to incorporate milk into your weight-loss diet is to consume the low-fat skimmed milk variant than the whole fat milk as you get 90 calories from one cup of skimmed milk as compared to 150 calories from whole milk with nearly the same protein and calcium content. This way you get the best of milk without worrying about the fat in it plus an extra fat loss of 1 kg (9000 calories) from 150 cups over the time with a saving of 60 calories in each cup.
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Vitamin K - Facts You Never Knew About It!

Diploma in Diet,Health & Nutritions
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Vitamin K - Facts You Never Knew About It!
Vitamins are essential micronutrients which the body requires, though in small amounts, for optimal health. These chemicals play a crucial role in keeping our body healthy and disease free.One such vitamin is vitamin K, which is essential for optimal blood clotting process, and also has multiple other benefits. More details about the functions, benefits and sources are listed below.


Vitamin K is actually a group of vitamins and has K1, K2, and K3. The functions and benefits accordingly will depend on the actual chemical being referred to.
These are fat soluble vitamins and therefore absorption is better when something fatty is eaten along with it
Vitamin K1 or phyloquilline reaches the liver and is essential for blood clotting. Reduced levels of vitamin K can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, but this is very rare in adults. Newborns can have this problem, and therefore, it is common to give them a one shot of vitamin K injection.
Vitamin K2 is produced by gut bacteria and reaches blood vessel walls and bones. It prevents hardening and calcification of arteries, which is the main cause of heart disease.
It helps in improving calcium and other mineral concentration in the bones and makes the matrix strong. It can be used in osteoporosis to reverse and control bone loss. It can also be used to heal fractured bones.
It slows the growth of cancer cells and can be used to stabilise cancer. It has been shown to improve multiple forms including hepatocellular, prostate, colon, and oral cancer.
It is beneficial in controlling Alzheimer s disease and improves memory loss in ageing people
It improves insulin action and therefore prolongs onset of type 2 diabetes
It has been shown to have antioxidant properties (as most other vitamins) and also helps in reducing toxin buildup
It is good for skin health and can help control bruising and dermatitis
Vitamin K is found naturally in many foods and the daily dose required for an adult is about 120 to 150 mcg/day. Therefore supplementation is usually not required.
Leafy green vegetables including spinach, okra, cabbage, beans broccoli, and asparagus

Fermented foods like yoghurt
Soybean in all forms including medium cooked as well and Japanese diet uses boiled, fermented soybean called natto, which contains tremendous amount of vitamin K
Nuts, such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, are a good source
Strawberries, grapes, prunes, and apples
Seafood such as salmon and shrimp contain good amount to control heart attack and stroke.
Meat (duck, beef, chicken, and lamb)
Supplements are to be avoided, especially in pregnant and/or nursing mothers and people with a history of stroke, heart disease, heart attack and blood clotting problems.
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Heart Attack Symptoms In Women!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Heart Attack Symptoms In Women!
Women, who have been thinking that cardiac diseases are something that doesn t need much attention, then you have tragically mistaken. As a matter of fact, these are the diseases which most women aren t too aware of. However, it is affecting a lot of women all over the world. The most common issue in cardiology, particularly among women is a heart attack. The first thing that we should know is that Cardiovascular diseases like heart attack are killing as many women as men.

Almost more than 25,000 women are dying all over India every year from a heart attack or other coronary heart diseases. The ratio results show that women are suffering from heart attack three times more than that of breast cancer. The main reason that creates this higher toll is that the disease may be different in women. However, in the case of men, it stays more localised. In the case of women, the disease is diffused and spread out, but it can be treated.

You cannot seek immunity only through pills:
We should be aware of the fact that pills will help you to curb the chance of having a heart attack, but again doctors claim that the risk does hike quite significantly after the menopause in women. The pills in such case can create various side effects and eventually trigger more cardiac diseases. The formation of clots in blood are created by different kinds of hormonal contraception, which is the main reason for a potential heart attack in women.

Heart attack symptoms in women:
We all know that the classic heart attack symptoms include severe pressure on the chest and extreme chest pain. However, these symptoms can be quite subtle in case of women. So, here we are listing down 4 of the most common symptoms of heart attack for women and those are:

Shortness of breath
Throat pain and jaw pain
Pain in arms may be in one or both
If you experience any one of these symptoms even, make sure that you go for a check immediately. Take quicker action as each minute that goes on during a heart attack is creating the death of a heart muscle.

Smoking doubles the risk of a heart attack in women
According to experts in cardiology, the most important fact that triggers a heart attack in women is smoking, which increases the blood pressure and causes the blood to pile up in your blood vessels, reducing the good HDL cholesterol which clots the blood and eventually results in a heart attack.

You must be wondering about the favourable chances of having a heart attack for women. The fifth and final thing to know about a heart attack is that women who are weighing thirty pounds or more have more chances of heart attack.
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Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?

MD, House Job Certificate ( SKIN & STD) , MBBS
General Physician, Gurgaon
Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?
How much alcohol can you safely drink every day? Moderate, say the experts. Alcohol abuse has serious health downsizes, but moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. Moderate alcohol use has a few other health benefits too. Let s see what these are.

Reduces risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Reduces your risk of ischemic stroke during which the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing reduction of blood flow to your brain
Reduces your risk of diabetes
The link between alcohol and health is tenuous at best and the health benefits of moderate drinking are by no means certain. Also every one may not benefit from alcohol. Moderate alcohol use - Guidelines
One drink a day is considered moderate for healthy women of any age and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men younger than 65. This alcoholic drink can be:

Beer: 12 ounces
Wine: 5 ounces
Distilled spirits : 1.5 ounces
Moderate alcohol use can be counter-productive for you, if you have risk factors for heart disease. It s always better to take care to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a heart-healthy diet to reduce your heart attack risks.

Risks of heavy alcohol use
We know about the definition of moderate drinking, but what s heavy drinking? It is defined as more than three drinks a day for women and men older than 65 (or more than seven drinks a week), and more than four drinks a day for men less than 65 (or more than 14 drinks a week).
Binge drinking is even worse. If you drink four or more drinks within two hours as a woman and five or more drinks within two hours as a man, it is referred to as binge drinking. Heavy drinking, including binge drinking, can increase your risk of serious health problems, like:

Cancer, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus
Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
Sudden death due to pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Alcoholic myopathy or damage to heart muscle, which causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Brain damage in fetuses
It s best to ditch alcohol altogether. It is the healthiest thing you could ever do. The guidelines make it very clear that you shouldn t start drinking alcohol, albeit moderately, to make your heart healthy. The best way to have a healthy heart is to eat and exercise right. However, if you are an occasional drinker, you could make sure that your alcohol intake is within limits and you drink moderately at all times so that you don t attract any health penalties associated with heavy alcohol use.
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Premature Menopause - What Physical Changes Does It Entitle?

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Pune
Premature Menopause - What Physical Changes Does It Entitle?
During the natural course of events, a women's body starts its reproductive phase with menarche and at about 50 years of age, attains menopause. This is when the reproductive function ceases and the ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen and progesterone. In some cases, for various reasons including medical, the ovaries stop functioning earlier, and this is medically termed early or premature menopause. Menopause that occurs before 40 years of age is termed premature menopause; it is due to primary ovarian insufficiency and occurs in 1% of the women. If it occurs between 45 to 50 years, it is termed early menopause.

Causes: Normal ageing, family history, genetic disorders, autoimmune disorders, toxins, and surgery are some reasons that could lead to premature menopause.

Effects: Estrogen and progesterone have a lot of beneficial effects on a women's body. Reduction in their levels leads to some of the below changes:

- Emotional changes like mood swings, irritability, and in some cases depression, especially in premature menopause.
- Irregular cycles before complete cessation of the menstrual cycles.
- General mucosal dryness leading to vaginal dryness, dry skin, dry eyes.
- There also would be urinary incontinence and reduced sex drive due to reduced hormone levels.
- For women who still would want to have children, infertility would be a big cause for concern. This could lead to other emotional issues, worsening the depression.
- Osteoporosis - Bones lose their density and get weak and are more prone to fracture.
- Cardiovascular health - Post menopause, women are more prone to heart attacks and stroke. Though not fully proven, this is believed to be true as the good role that estrogen plays on blood vessels is negated with menopause.
- Accelerated ageing - Menopause leads to accelerated damage of genetic structures, thereby leading to faster ageing. This also leaves a feeling in the women of being less attractive and less desirable.

There is also a good news, that after menopause women are at lesser risk of cancer - especially breast and ovarian.
It is not easy for women to handle premature menopause. The body undergoes some changes much earlier than expected, and it requires a lot of support and caring and comforting to come to terms with it - especially if associated with infertility or chemotherapy for cancer. Emotional issues of not being able to have children and feeling less attractive require frank talks to boost the person's confidence and increase self-worthiness.

It is easier said than done, but one of the key ways to handle premature menopause is an open discussion.
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Sunflower Seeds - Eat Them and Remain Healthy Forever!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Fazilka
Sunflower Seeds - Eat Them and Remain Healthy Forever!
One of the best known oils known to humanity is derived from the sunflower plant. This staple oil has become a part of many cultures across the world. However, not many know that the seeds apart from making the ever popular sunflower oil, can be used in many other beneficial ways on your health. The seeds are packed with health benefits and nutrients that are overall helpful for the body.

They are loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants and magnesium. They are also excellent for your heart and can keep the condition of cholesterol under check, thus directly benefitting the arteries. They can be added to your cuisine, and the possibilities are limitless. Let us have a look at some of the beneficial properties of sunflower seeds and their extraordinary healing powers.

Cardiovascular health: Sunflower seeds contain two nutrients such as, vitamin E and folate that are very helpful for cardiovascular health. Vitamin E helps in neutralising free radicals, thus protecting the aorta and heart tissues against swelling. They reduce the chances of heart attacks and stroke drastically. Folate too is one substance that studies have proved to be very beneficial for the cardiovascular health. Try using them in its refined form, if using the seeds as a part of the sunflower oil.
Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency is the leading cause of many health problems that affect the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. Also, magnesium is needed for the efficient functioning of the respiratory system and heart health. Sunflower seeds are loaded with magnesium and are useful in restricting a wide variety of ailments that occur due to magnesium deficiencies. They are also known to stimulate moods, and hence can be used as a natural anti-depressant.
Selenium: Selenium is considered as a natural antioxidant. Sunflower seeds have fabulous quantities of selenium in them and thus are very efficient in reducing redness and swelling in the body. They also act as natural detox and helps in cleansing the body.
Copper: Sunflower seeds are abundant in copper and are helpful in the reduction of inflammation in the joints, bones, and muscles. In some cases, they are also suggested as a part of the diet when a person has arthritis. Copper content is also required for iron build-up - a component needed for blood robustness.
Sunflower seeds can be had in its roasted form, or they can be crushed and garnished as part of your cereals, smoothies, and juices. They can be even added to the recipes to increase the spice quotient or can be used as a flavor enhancer or can be eaten in their raw form. However, make sure that you avoid eating the seeds that are very sunburnt as they can cause some soreness to the mouth and can leave a bad after taste.
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Heart Attack - Did You Know Your Body Starts Giving You Signs A Month Before?

Multi Speciality
Cardiologist, Delhi
Heart Attack - Did You Know Your Body Starts Giving You Signs A Month Before?
A heart attack can wreak havoc, throwing a person's life completely off balance. The condition, also known as Myocardial Infarction, often catches a person unawares. As per a survey, close to 7.35 lakhs people (both men and women) suffer from a cardiac arrest and associated disorders in the US every year. Early diagnosis and preventive measures can make a world of difference. Unfortunately, many people ignore or tend to miss out on the early symptoms characteristic of a heart attack.

A heart attack can be very much averted. All you need to do is, listen to your body and pay attention to the following warning signs. Act before it is too late.

Indigestion, nausea: Nausea, vomiting or indigestion is important, yet most commonly ignored early symptoms of a heart attack. More common in women than their male counterparts, the symptoms are often mistaken for over exhaustion or stomach upset. Nausea, in particular, can be triggered by many conditions and hence the negligence. A person may also complain of stomach ache or heart burns.Though the symptoms may appear to be nothing serious, seeking an immediate medical assistance will not hurt either. A little alertness will only help you in the long run.
Pain and discomfort in the chest: This is a warning that should be taken seriously by all means. The symptom can be an indication of a condition as serious as a blocked artery, an important trigger for a heart attack.
Dizziness: Seldom will you find people losing their sleep over something as common as dizziness. While the lack of a sound sleep can make a person feel dizzy and light headed, the symptom (often accompanied by chest pain) could also be an outcome of a low BP (triggered by improper functioning of the heart). Look for the symptoms carefully and act accordingly.
Sharp pain episodes: Many people experience a sharp pain that originates in the chest and gradually spreads outward towards the arms. The symptom is a clear indication of a heart problem, ignoring which will only spell doom. Sometimes the pain can also spread to the jaw or the throat.The symptom is a strong warning that your heart needs immediate care and attention.
Sudden and unexplained sweating: Sweating due to hot and scorching summer is understood but unexplained sweating can be dangerous.
Over exhaustion: If small or regular chores that you could do in the wink of an eye are suddenly leaving you tired and exhausted (climbing the stairs for instance), it is time for you to consult a doctor.
Irregular heartbeat: The irregular beating of the heart can also be an indication of a heart problem.
Swollen feet: A heart problem can interfere with the ability of the heart to pump blood. As a result, the affected person may have swollen feet, ankles, and legs.
Cough: A cough that lingers for long (often accompanied with a pink mucus) is an important indication of a damaged or diseased heart.
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Ears Hair - Signs of Coronary Artery Disease & Testosterone Level

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Visakhapatnam
Ears Hair - Signs of Coronary Artery Disease & Testosterone Level
We all would have noticed that with age, hair growth along the earlobe crease is not something abnormal. We all have seen people who develop these as a part of ageing. There was nothing unusual about it at all. However, what is unusual is that science has found a very interesting correlation between heart attacks and hair on the ears.

Yes, it does sound very unusual, but there have been studies conducted which say that hair growth on the ears could be one of the first warning signs of the onset of coronary artery disease.

What is coronary artery disease?

The heart is a pump that sends out and receives blood from the rest of the body through a channel of highly interconnected blood vessels. The ones which carry pure blood to the rest of the body are known as arteries and the ones which collect impure blood and bring it to the heart are known as veins. Due to changing food patterns and sedentary lifestyle, there is a lot more fat in the body, which also travels through the blood. Due to their heavier nature, they settle along the walls of the blood vessels, thereby narrowing the blood vessel thickness and reducing the blood flow to the various organs. This is the onset of coronary artery disease.

Early Indicators of coronary artery disease:

Hair loss (often premature, either in the temple region or the crown)
Fatty deposits on the eyelids
Earlobe crease i.e people with diagonal earlobes are more likely to develop heart disease
Hair in the ears
The last two are interrelated, as hair growth in the ears is more common in people with diagonal ear lobes.

The next correlation is between testosterone and hair growth in the ears.

People with more testosterone in their bodies are more likely to develop body hair, including in the ears. Scientifically, it has been established that people with greater amounts of testosterone are more likely to develop heart disease. Interestingly, the correlation is stronger in younger age groups.

Another interesting fact is that though coronary artery disease is linked to the presence of ear hair in both men and women. However, sudden cardiac death was more common in men than in women. Both these had hair growth, though.

There is another group which dismisses this theory saying that with age, both hair growth and coronary artery disease are likely to develop, and there is no significant correlation between the two. However, if taken as an early warning sign, ear hair growth can definitely guide in taking preventive measures, which can help control the problem in its early stage, which is definitely welcome to improve the overall quality of life!
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