Top Health Tips on Managing Eczema

Dry Skin - 6 Ways to Treat It!

Dermatology Backed Expert Skin & Hair Care Solution
Dermatologist, Kolkata
Dry Skin - 6 Ways to Treat It!
Dry skin refers to the lack of moisture within the skin, specifically within the layer known as epidermis. Dry skin is a fairly common condition resulting in the flaking of skin. The abnormal lack of moisture in skin can be caused by several influencing factors.

The loss of moisture
Dry skin may be mild, where it may last for a few days to severe, where it lasts for prolonged periods of time. This tends to become increasingly common with age. Although normally having a dry skin is a common skin type, abnormally low moisture content in the skin might become a serious and chronic condition leading to many problems.

Causes of dry skin
1. Dry skin might be caused by winter weather or dry and harsh climatic conditions
2. Bathing or washing skin frequently with rough soap,
3. Severe deficiency of vitamin A
4. Using hot water for showers for prolonged periods of time
5. Individuals with eczema are more prone to dry skin and may lead to several bacterial infections as well
6. Underlying physical disorders such as hypothyroidism and diabetes may also be contributing factors.
7. Medication for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and to remove acne may also lead to the dryness of skin.

The symptoms of dry skin include
1. Itchiness and discomfort
2. Tightness of skin
3. Continuous scratching
4. Appearance of white lines on scratching
5. Extremely dry skin may result in the cracking or breaking of skin causing pain and discomfort.
6. Skin that easily bruises with minor abrasions.

Dryness of skin is very common and can be treated easily. However, extreme dryness can lead to severe discomfort of the skin and cause infections and skin diseases. Visiting a dermatologist is always preferred in such cases.
1. Certain preventive steps you can take to prevent the occurrence of dry skin along with some treatment options are mentioned here.
2. Temporary dry skin may be treated with the use of lotion. Frequent moisturizing also helps.
3. It is also advisable to drink a lot of water and avoid soaps that suck moisture out of your skin.
4. You should also try and increase the intake of food rich in Vitamin A. Carrots, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, are good examples of such food.
5. Natural oils may also be used to temporarily remove the dryness in skin. Regular massages and frequent application of moisturizing agents always helps.
6. You should also switch to bathing in cool or lukewarm water.
If the problem seems to persist, visit a dermatologist for further consultation. Special medicated lotions are often prescribed to deal with dry skin. Anti-itching lotions may also be prescribed by dermatologists along with certain oral medications for rare cases.
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Keratosis Pilaris - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), DNB (Dermatology), MNAMS
Dermatologist, Delhi
Keratosis Pilaris - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
As complex as it may sound, Keratosis Pilaris is a harmless, non-contagious type of skin disorder, which primarily affects people with dry skin. This disease has the potential to convert a person s once smooth skin into skin as rough as sandpaper.


A number of light-coloured small bumps start appearing on the skin and in most cases, they tend to appear on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks of the affected person. In certain cases, there may be some swelling or redness, which comes along with the bumps. The skin loses its original glow and colour.


As mentioned above, people with dry skin suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. Also anyone with extra sensitive skin who is prone to be allergic to various substances tend to fall prey to this disease. Often Keratosis Pilaris is inherited from other family members as well. Persons suffering from asthma and eczema have higher chances of getting affected by Keratosis Pilaris.

But what leads to such a condition? A protein in our body called keratin , which protects our skin from various infections, is the main cause behind Keratosis Pilaris. Although there is no particular reason for excess building up of keratin in our body, too much of it under the skin leads to blockages of hair follicles and growth of rashes.


For people who are scared of medical tests, it may be a relief to know that Keratosis Pilaris does not need any sort of testing. Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris is a time taking process and immediate results may not be seen after applying a particular lotion or cream. However, sometimes it gets cured on its own without any medication.

To start off, the amount of time which is spent in water should be limited. In addition to this, there are other steps which may be taken. For example, while taking a shower, hot water should be substituted by warm water. Also, it is vital to ensure that the skin is adequately moist. Two ways of going about doing this are using moisturizers and making use of a humidifier. Make sure you use mild soaps for regular hygiene and for your shower.

Who gets Keratosis Pilaris?

Anyone can get Keratosis Pilaris. It is estimated to affect between 50-80% of all adolescents and approximately 40% of adults. Females may be more frequently affected than males. Age of onset is often within the first 10 years of life and can particularly get worse during puberty. Keratosis Pilaris may however begin at any age. A large percentage of patients have other people in their family with the same condition. It has commonly been seen in twins. Keratosis Pilaris is also seen in atopic dermatitis patients and patients with very dry skin.

One big relief when it comes to having Keratosis Pilaris is the fact that there is little risk at all if a person has it as it is not threatening. That being said, the sooner it is under control, the better!
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Skin Disease - Understanding The Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Skin Disease - Understanding The Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!
Blessed are the people who enjoy a healthy, flawless and glowing skin with minimum effort, throughout their life. Of late, dermatological problems like acne, pruritus, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema have been affecting all and sundry.

People, irrespective of their age, sex and occupation suffer from skin diseases. While some of the ailments are minor problems, others might be grave enough for one to seek an expert opinion. A number of factors, both internal as well as external, contribute to the skin ailments.

The dermatological problems, if not treated timely, can leave a person physically, mentally and emotionally drained out. In such cases, a person's self confidence is the worst affected. A lot of conventional and Allopathic options are available to treat skin diseases. Ointments, antihistamine tablets and antibacterial medications, though effective, often provide temporary relief. In many cases, it has been observed that in due course of time, the problems tend to relapse. The disease, thus, never really leaves the body, piling on the agony.

In this regard, Homeopathy has been took the medical world by storm. It works effectively to completely eliminate the dermatological problem out of your system, providing permanent relief. Homeopathy adopts a holistic approach in treating a disease. It lays great emphasis towards identifying and treating the underlying cause.

Homeopathic treatment can be a little time consuming, but the time is worth waiting for. Over the past few decades, homeopathy has been the most sought after and reliable medication to deal with dermatological problems. Problems as grave as psoriasis and herpes can be completely cured, all thanks to the goodness of homeopathy.

Some of the homeopathic medications that have effectively dealt with skin diseases include:

Natrum Muriaticum and Rhus Toxicodendron: Both the medications, Rhus Toxicodendron in particular, are very effective against eczema. Natrum Muriaticum has been found to soothe a person suffering from mental depression greatly.
Thuja Occidentalis: Acne problems, warts, freckles, dry and itchy skin, ulcers (anogenital region) can throw life in jeopardy. Embrace the goodness of Thuja Occidentalis and the mentioned skin problems will be a thing of the past.
Arsenicum: If psoriasis and chronic urticaria are giving you sleepless nights, Arsenicum is what you need. Arsenicum is equally effective against chronic eczema.
Sepia: Herpes can make life miserable. Sepia is a powerful medication that gives one a lot to cheer about. People with psoriasis and dry skin can greatly benefit from Sepia.
Cantharis: It provides great relief from blisters, skin eruptions and burns(second and third degree).
To enjoy the everlasting benefits, one needs to be a little patient with the treatment.
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Causes And Treatment Of Eczema!

M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery)
Dermatologist, Pune
Causes And Treatment Of Eczema!
Eczema refers to any kind of superficial inflammatory process that primarily involves the epidermis, and is characterised by itching, redness, vesicles and sometimes crusting and oozing. Another term for eczema is atopic dermatitis. This kind of skin infection can start during infancy and continue until many years. Though there are some people who outgrow the condition, others may have it all their lives.


The factors that play a role in causing eczema are:

Genetics is one of the factors that may affect the proper functioning of your skin as a barrier against harmful substances. Therefore, if either one of the parent or both suffers from the condition, it is very likely that their children too will suffer from it.
Abnormal functioning of your body's immune system can also lead to this skin condition. This is because it's your body's immune system that fights off infections as well as harmful intruders.
Dry skin brings down your skin's ability to fend off irritants as well as allergy causing substances from entering your skin, resulting in an inflammatory condition.
The presence of the bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which brings about sweat buildup, inflames the skin considerably, leading to this condition.
Even environmental factors like pollen, cigarette smoke lead to the flaring of eczema.
What are the symptoms of eczema?

Atopic dermatitis is commonly seen as dry patches appearing on the skin and sometimes these patches are extremely itchy and cause discomfort. In the case of infants, the rashes appear on the scalp and cheeks and often bubble up before the liquid oozes out. Rashes commonly appear on the backside of the creases of the elbows and knees in the case of kids above two years, and other places on the body may also be affected. In adults, the rashes can make the skin dry and cover maximum area of the body. It may also lead to further skin infections, skin irritation, and may also cause eye problems.

How can eczema be treated?
Though there is no overall cure for eczema, but the treatments can heal the affected skin as well as prevent flaring of the symptoms. Doctors often suggest a plan of treatment on the basis of the age of the patient, symptoms, and the present state of health. You can opt to take warm baths on a regular basis and apply moisturiser within three minutes. You will have to avoid harsh soaps and instead use the mild soap or non-soap cleansers while washing. It is important to keep your fingernails short so that you don t scratch the affected area which would further aggravate it.
If you are unable to keep eczema under control with all these preventive tips, then it would be best to consult a dermatologist for curing it.

How can you prevent an eczema outbreak?

It is very common for this skin condition to flare-up from time to time. But you can avoid such outbreaks or reduce their severity by following these very simple ways:

Sudden changes in temperature can cause the skin condition to break out. So, when the weather is hot, keep yourself cool but during cold weather, use a humidifier to prevent the skin from drying out.
Keep sweating in check as it can cause an outbreak very easily
Keep your skin well-moisturized so that it doesn't dry out causing further irritation.
Avoid the use of harsh detergents and soaps, woolen materials as well as the consumption of foods that may lead to flare-ups.
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Skin In Winters - 5 Tips To Help You Protect It!

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Surat
Skin In Winters - 5 Tips To Help You Protect It!
You are most likely to experience dry skin during winters because of the cold temperature, lack of sunlight and dry environment. The lack of moisture dries up your skin, giving it a cracked, flaky and scaly texture. This season demands a careful skin care regimen, and here are some tips on how you can take care of your skin during the winters.

Consult a specialist: You should visit a dermatologist for an analysis of your skin type. Based on this, your dermatologist will recommend a skin care regimen to be followed during the dry months. Using the prescribed skin care products will benefit your skin and prevent it from getting dry. Both high-priced and low-priced skin care products are effective in protecting your skin.
Moisturise your skin: Your skin care routine and use of moisturisers have to change during the winter. You need to get a new moisturiser instead of the one you use during other seasons. You need an oil-based moisturiser instead of a water-based one. The oil will help in creating a protective layer on your skin surface, which helps in retaining moisture. You can use night creams which are mostly oil based. For your face, you need to apply moisturisers that contain non-clogging oils. This includes mineral oil, avocado oil, almond oil or primrose oil. Lotions which contain humectants are also effective for winter skin care.
Apply sunscreen: Sunscreen is not just for the summer season. The winter sun can cause damage to your skin as well. Hence, you should apply sunscreen on your face and hands before going out on a winter day. If you need to stay outside for a long time, you must reapply the sunscreen.
Wear gloves: The skin on the hands is thinner than other parts of the body and contains lesser oil glands. This implies that it is hard to keep your hands moist during the cold winter season. This might cause cracking and itchiness. To prevent this, wear gloves while venturing outside. In case you need to wear woollen gloves, wear cotton gloves first for avoiding any kind of irritation caused by the wool.
Avoid wet gloves and socks: Wearing wet gloves and socks irritates the skin and leads to itching, sores, cracking, and may also lead to eczema. Keep your gloves and socks dry.
You need to use foot lotions to avoid cracking of your feet and heels. Use lotions containing petroleum jelly and glycerine. You should undergo skin exfoliation to eliminate the dead skin from time to time. This will make the moisturisers and lotions to go deeper and be more effective.
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Know The Causes And Treatment Of Allergic Contact Dermatitis!

M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery)
Dermatologist, Pune
Know The Causes And Treatment Of Allergic Contact Dermatitis!
Has your skin become dry or itchy? Has it darkened or reddened after contact with a foreign material or substance? These symptoms may indicate allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), a skin condition which is caused by an allergic reaction of the skin after coming in contact with an external material. The condition usually arises after some time of the skin coming in contact with the material.

ACD is commonly caused due to skin contact with nickel or gold jewellery, latex gloves, several chemicals present in cosmetics, perfumes and poison oak. After being exposed to a foreign substance, the body releases inflammatory chemicals, which lead to irritation and itching on the skin. The skin may become scaly, flaky, appear leathery and dry blisters may develop.

There are several ways to treat ACD. They are as follows:

Avoiding the cause: Identification and avoidance of the allergens and irritants which cause ACD is the first step of treatment. By avoiding these allergens or reducing your exposure to them, the symptoms can be reduced.
Emollients: Emollients offer a form of moisturizing treatment and are directly applied to the skin for reduction of water loss. A protective film covers the skin. They are efficient in treating conditions such as dry and scaly skin. There are different types of emollients. It is recommended that you apply a mix of emollients, which include an ointment for dry skin and a cream or lotion for dry skin. You should use emollients in place of soaps and should add them to your bath water as well. Make sure you use different emollients on your face, hands and body.
Topical corticosteroids: In case your skin is severely red, inflamed or sore, a topical corticosteroid can be applied to your skin directly. This helps in reducing the inflammation quickly. Corticosteroids are different from anabolic steroids and are quite safe for the treatment of ACD. There are topical corticosteroids of different strengths and the dosage to be used depends upon the severity and location of ACD.
You may be instructed to use a strong topical corticosteroid in case of intense ACD. When the condition is mild, a weaker dosage of corticosteroid should be used. For treating contact dermatitis on the face, genitals or in the crease of the joints, a weaker dosage is used, whereas for treating it on the soles of your feet and the palms, a stronger dosage is required. Major cases of ACD go away on their own. However, when the condition is severe and the rashes are developed near the eyes or mouth, you should consult a doctor right away for proper and timely treatment.
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Know How Homeopathy Helps to Treat Dermatitis!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Greater Noida
Know How Homeopathy Helps to Treat Dermatitis!
Contact Dermatitis and Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis may be caused due to a variety of reasons. While contact dermatitis is a less severe condition that is caused when irritants escape from dirt and pollution to settle on the skin, Eczema refers to the inflammation of the skin due to allergic reactions or a family history of a similar condition. Contact dermatitis is usually characterised by sores and redness, while contact dermatitis will show up in the form of boil like eruptions. Homeopathy is one of the best, long term methods for treatment of this condition.

Let us see how this medicinal field can be used:

Graphites: This medication helps in soothing the oozing that may happen from the boils found in eczema. This is also ideal for eczema patients who are obese or suffering from constipation. It is best suited for skin that has become hard and rough. It can cure the sticky discharge that may come from the pus filled boils. It can also be used for dermatitis, which can be seen in the folds of the skin and the abdomen.
Mezereum: This medicine helps when there is a crust like formation due to dermatitis. The substance can also soothe the acute itching sensation, which takes place when there is pus filled below the dark layer of the crust. This itching usually gets worse at night.
Hepar sulphur: This medicine is best for severe cases when there is too much pus involved and about to burst out. It can also treat the deep cracks that may be found on the surface of the skin as well as the acute and intense itching sensation. Also, such severe cases leave the skin feeling sensitive to the slightest breeze or wind, in which case Hepar Sulphur can work well.
Dulcamara: This medicine is best suited for patients, who live in places where it rains often and heavily. Dermatitis usually increases and becomes even more painful during monsoons and this medicine can help in bringing down the itching which may also cause bleeding on the yellow black crusts.
Sulphur: When a burning sensation is one of the symptoms of dermatitis, Sulphur can be used. This is also prescribed for other skin ailments and for those who have a hereditary skin condition. This can also be used by patients who have had a relapse in their condition due to damp or cool weather, especially like monsoons, springtime or autumn. It also helps in soothing the symptoms of contact dermatitis which may occur due to contact with new detergent and clothing as well as pollution.
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Eczema - How Effective Is Homeopathy In Treating It?

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Eczema - How Effective Is Homeopathy In Treating It?
Eczema is a common chronic skin condition, which is characterized by skin inflammation and irritation. The most prevalent type of eczema is Atopic dermatitis. It is not a communicable disease and is usually caused, owing to immunological alterations within the body.

The fundamental characteristic of homeopathy treatment is that it targets with respect to eczema:

Genetic components
Coping mechanism with sentimental triggers
Major advantages of homeopathy include:

It treats the disturbances of immune system and treats the roots of this disease.
In most of the cases its effects are long lasting.
It is non-toxic and causes zero side effects.
The following are effective homeopathic remedies to treat eczema:

Weeping type of eczema: Graphite is an effective homeopathic medication that treats the weeping type of eczema that usually occurs between fingers or toes, behind the ears and scalp. It provides effective relief from eczematous eruptions that discharge sticky fluid and eczema that develops on eyelids.
Dry eczema in knees joints and bents of elbow: Sepia officinalis is an ideal homeopathic remedy for eczema in knees and bends of elbow. It provides relief from severe scratching that occurs due to dry skin.
Excessive itching: Sulphur is a Natural Homeopathic medicine, which is considered one of the most effective remedies for eczema. It provides instant relief from burning sensation and excessive itching. It is also beneficial in the case of eczema that has worsened due to the indiscriminate usage of external ointments.
Gastric or urinary trouble: Lycopodium clavatum is an effective remedy for patients suffering from some sort of urinary or gastric trouble. It is also known to provide effective relief from severe itching and bleeding resulting from eczematous eruptions. It also provides relief in cases of deep fissures and hardening of skin.
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Skin Disease - Know How Effective Is Homeopathy In It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Skin Disease - Know How Effective Is Homeopathy In It!
Blessed are the people who enjoy a healthy, flawless and glowing skin with minimum effort, throughout their life. Of late, dermatological problems like acne, pruritus, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, have been affecting all and sundry. People, irrespective of their age, sex and occupation suffer from skin diseases. While some of the ailments are minor problems, others might be grave enough for one to seek an expert opinion. A number of factors, both internal as well as external, contribute to the skin ailments.

The dermatological problems, if not treated timely, can leave a person physically, mentally and emotionally drained out. In such cases, a person's self confidence is the worst affected. A lot of conventional and Allopathic options are available to treat the skin disease. Ointments, antihistamine tablets and antibacterial medications, though effective, often provide temporary relief. In many cases, it has been observed that in due course of time, the problem tends to relapse. The disease, thus, never really leaves the body, piling on the agony.

In this regard, Homeopathy has been a revelation, taking the medical world by storm. It works effectively to completely eliminate the dermatological problem out of your system, providing permanent relief. Homeopathy adopts a holistic approach in treating a disease. It lays great emphasis towards identifying and treating the underlying cause. Homeopathic treatment can be a little time consuming, but the time is worth waiting for. Over the past few decades, homeopathy has been the most sought after and reliable medication to deal with dermatological problems. Problems as grave as psoriasis and herpes can be completely cured; all thanks to the goodness of homeopathy.

Some of the homeopathic medications that have effectively dealt with skin diseases include:

- Natrum Muriaticum and Rhus Toxicodendron: Both the medications, Rhus Toxicodendron in particular, are very effective against eczema. Natrum Muriaticum has been found to soothe a person suffering from mental depression greatly.
- Thuja Occidentalis: Acne problems, warts, freckles, dry and itchy skin, ulcers (anogenital region) can throw life in jeopardy. Embrace the goodness of Thuja Occidentalis and the mentioned skin problems will be a thing of the past.
- Arsenicum: If psoriasis and chronic urticaria are giving you sleepless nights, Arsenicum is what you need. Arsenicum is equally effective against chronic eczema.
- Sepia: Herpes can make life miserable. Sepia is a powerful medication that gives one a lot to cheer about. People with psoriasis and dry skin can greatly benefit from Sepia.
- Cantharis: It provides great relief from blisters, skin eruptions and burns (second and third degree).

To enjoy the everlasting benefits, one needs to be a little patient with the treatment.
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Eczema - Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Eczema - Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!
Eczema is a skin condition that is accompanied by itchy rashes on the skin. They often bleed and give out a foul smell. Eczema usually develops during one's childhood. There are allopath medicines available to treat this condition but their action is only short-lived. These medicines provide temporary relief but fail to cure the ailment completely. However, homeopathic medicines can help an affected person recover completely owing to their ability to work at the core. Today we are going to discuss about some of the components that homeopathic medicines use to treat eczema.

Some of the homeopathic supplements use carbon or black lead to treat eczema. Eczema often tends to develop around warm and moist areas like the folds of the elbows, behind the ears, between the toes, behind the knees. Black carbon is a primary aerosol which contains cooling agents. Homeopathy remedies make use of this quality of black carbon to heal eczema.
Eczema undoubtedly develops in areas that mostly receive less air. However, the condition can be aggravated during the winters and cause more irritation. There are homeopathic supplements that make use of a fluid extracted from the vesicle (a component of the cell) of a person affected by scabies to treat eczema. Scabies is another skin condition that occurs when the scabies mites eat into the skin and lay eggs there. This is a condition that is somewhat similar to eczema in that it leads to skin irritation and itchiness.
Petroleum extract is another homeopathic remedy to treat eczema. The medicine made from petroleum works in a similar manner as Vaseline. As has been aforementioned eczema worsens during the winter as the skin gets chapped and incessant scratching leaves lesions on the skin. The homeopathic drug controls this situation by keeping the skin moisturized.
According to the University of Michigan Health System, sulfur is a very important mineral that takes care of the connective tissues, bones, teeth, hair as well as the skin. Therefore homeopathic medicines use sulfur which acts as a sure-fire component when it comes to treating eczema.
Poison Ivy is a component that is used to treat skin conditions. The homeopathic drug made from the extract of the poison ivy plant especially treats eczema that develops on the face, scalp and around the mucous membranes. Severe eczema can also result in stiff joints. The medicine works to heal a person from such botheration.
This is an article that aims at making you acquainted with the homeopathic remedies available for treating eczema. For the best result consult a professional.
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