Top Health Tips on Managing Chest Pain

5 Dangerous Sex Positions - More Pain Than Sexual Pleasure

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
5 Dangerous Sex Positions -  More Pain Than Sexual Pleasure
Coitus is an activity meant to give the utmost pleasure. But do you know it could also be potentially dangerous when you try certain positions in your quest to experience the best sex ever? Yes, this is very much possible, and you must be aware of it to stay safe. Over the years most prevalent causes of penis injury are brought about by various potentially dangerous positions which are often used by couples. Some of them can lead to fracture of an erect penis and may cause a rupture in the cylinder lining responsible for the erection. Around 10 to 30 percent of the penis fracture cases recorded, it was noticed that the urethra is damaged and there could be gushes of blood in the urinary opening.

What are the common sex positions that can be dangerous?
There are several dangerous sex positions which include incline leg, the bodybuilder, the London Bridge and the triple lady are considered harmful for the optimal functioning of the sexual organs. Not only that, all these sex positions are quite difficult to perform and they can cause irreparable damage to the penis.

Even though you may think that it is fairly easy to understand if there had been a damage, the truth is that most men are hardly able to understand what has happened. And, most of the men are not ready to admit that they are not in control of their sexual functions, while some others don't want to acknowledge their injury.

How to prevent injury from these dangerous sex positions?
If you want to avoid such injury, you must never experiment with any sexual activity unusually or masturbate in an undesired way. If your penis is injured, it will leave a long-lasting impact on the quality of life you lead. Even though the initial pain may subside within a couple of days, the dangerous side effects will show up later. It may include loss of morning erection, pain during ejaculation, pain during erection, unsustainable erection, gross curvature and even shrinkage of the penis. Nobody would ever want to face all these issues by experimenting with your penis.

Along with these, too intense and vigorous sex in all forms is dangerous for both the man and the woman. It is essential to allow the body to prepare itself and when you are continuously reaching orgasm without allowing your body to deal with it, it may lead to unwanted complications.

How to recover from genital injury?
In case your genitals have already been injured, you should seek proper treatment without further delay. It will not only aid in accelerating the recovery of the damage but also restore the harmed nerve endings. It is always recommended to use an Ayurvedic form of treatment for it.
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Do All Medicines Actually Expire?

General Physician, Pune
Do All Medicines Actually Expire?
When it comes to health, there is no taking a chance. Most of us are in the habit of storing some medicines at home, which could come in handy, say for a headache or an acidity attack. However, these often remain in the medicine kit for a long time before they are actually used. So finally, when the day arrives when there is an actual need for it, we are not sure if it is still usable. The one thing we dread is the use of a medicine, which is past its expiry date.

What if there is an adverse event? What if there is a complication or a side effect?

Then, if we are not in a position to get a fresh pill, we would rather endure the pain or acidity than pop that outdated pill. Is it really prudent to do so? Experts say otherwise. Most medicines have the expiry date to indicate the date or time, until when the drug would have the most potency and efficacy. Meaning to say, the drug may become weak (take longer to act or may require more of the drug to produce the same effect) when taken after the listed expiry date.

The truth is that most pharma companies list a date, which could be months, if not years, ahead of the actual expiry date. In reality, a drug never really expires. Most medicines can be used up to a few months after this date. Some medicines may even be useful after years of their expiry date.

It depends as to what the medicine is for:

Painkillers are usually harmless to take beyond the expiry date. If there is no effect (even prolonged), then try to get a fresh one.
Chronic medications like anti-hypertensives and anti-diabetic medications can be used up to a few months at the most, not beyond. Make sure to monitor readings to check for the efficacy. Often times, a greater dose may be required to get the desired effect, but this should not be done without medical supervision.
Biologic products like EpiPen, eye drops or injectable substances should not be used if they are cloudy. In fact, most of these should be kept for a very short period after opening.
With any expired medicine, keep your doctor posted, especially your chronic meds to seek further advice and information.
The place and the way the drug is stored also may help in retaining its strength. A drug stored in the fridge is safer than something stashed away in a cupboard with a lot of other things. Keep these in mind, and take a call!
11123 people found this helpful

Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew
There is probably no house in India, where dishes are prepared without the use of ginger. It forms an amazing spice that is savoury, both for spicy and sweet dishes and as a result, most Indian dishes include this spice for making them tastier and healthier. But did you know that both fresh and dried ginger has medicinal properties as well?

Here are the top 13 benefits proffered by ginger

Healing properties: Ginger can be used as a fresh root or a milled powder for healing all kinds of sores and cuts and it prevents spread of infections.

Helps in relieving pain: If you can boil ginger for a short time and drink the liquid, it can help in alleviating the chronic and acute pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, abdominal cramps, back pain, bronchial asthma and bronchitis, neck stiffness, inflammation in the kidney and liver.

Regenerating properties: Ginger can help in increasing the blood circulation, eliminating toxins and regenerating the tissues that have been harmed with any kind of disease.

Fat burning abilities: Ginger can act as a fat burner and aids in weight loss. It can create a feeling of fullness and reduces sudden food craving so that you will not have to snack in between meals.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Regardless of what has triggered the cause of pain, ginger has the potential to set you free from it owing to the anti-inflammatory properties contained in ginger roots.

Helps in relieving sinusitis: Ginger has a notable impact on the health of those suffering from sinusitis. If you are suffering from asthma, you may have it too.

Alleviating nausea: Ginger root can soothe the nerve and can prevent headache, vomiting and migraine. It can relieve you from tiredness and soreness of muscles caused due to long voyages.

Fighting abdominal discomfort: By consuming ginger tea on regular basis, your digestion, as well as food absorption, can be prevented.

Reduction of inflammation: Ginger root helps in soothing swollen joints and tired muscles. It is also recommended for relieving pain and burning sensation.

Fighting menstrual problems: Dipping a towel in ginger tea and putting in the region of the uterus can aid in relaxing the muscles.

Relieving stress: A cupful of ginger tea can aid in improving the mood and reducing stress and tension.

Empowering the immune system: The antioxidants contained in ginger roots can help in strengthening the immunity system by reducing stroke risk and cleaning arteries.

Treating cancer: It has been proven that ginger tea can kill cancer cells.

There are specific rules and ways of consuming Aadrak (ginger) by people of different constitutions and regions. An Ayurvedic constitutional examination can help you in understanding which and when is the best way for you to consume ginger.
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Peyronie's Disease - How It Can Be Treated Naturally?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Peyronie's Disease - How It Can Be Treated Naturally?
Peyronie s disease is a disorder that occurs due to the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis, which usually causes injury to the penis. Men who have a penis which is severely bent are considered to have Peyronie s disease. The men suffering from Peyronie s disease may also experience painful erection which in turn may affect the sexual health and performance.

What causes Peyronie s disease?
The exact cause of Peyronie s disease is still unknown; however, it is believed that it may be a result of repetitive injury to the penis. People with family history of Peyronie s disease are at a higher risk for developing the same. Aging is also believed to contribute to the development of the disease.

Symptoms of Peyronie s disease
The symptoms of the Peyronie s disease may appear gradually or suddenly and the main symptoms include the following:

Erectile dysfunction
Scar tissue
Pain in the penis
Shortening of the penis
The penile pain is felt by men without or with an erection. It takes about 1 to 2 years for the pain to reduce during erections, but the curvature remains. In very rare cases, the pain associated with the Peyronie s disease and curvature improve without any treatment.

Effective natural herbal treatments for Peyronie s disease

Castor oil: Apply castor oil on the penis, particularly on the scar tissue and the plaque spots. The oil liquefies and softens the hard tissues and works effectively for the sufferers. The remedy takes about 12 weeks for the improvement and to completely straighten the penis. The result may vary from individual to individual. Also, it may take between 2-3 weeks until you see a difference in the appearance of the penis. Ensure you buy castor oil from a good brand and massage a small amount of the oil on the affected area. Then put a cotton bandage on it. Apply the oil every night at bedtime for best results.

Acetyl-L-carnitine: One can use carnitine supplements as they are very effective and safe for treating Peyronie s disease. You can purchase Acetyl-L-carnitine from health food stores. This has proven to be more effective than the counterparts available in the market. The dosage for the supplement is provided on the bottle.

Gotu Kola: Use herbs like Gotu Kola as they help decrease the problems related to the formation of fibrous tissue below the skin. The herb is useful in the treatment of the curvature of the penis. It is made available in the form of an ointment, capsule, and tincture. Some of the common side-effects associated with the consumption of gotu kola include headache, dizziness, upset stomach, and nausea. This herb in some cases can also interact with certain diabetes and cholesterol-lowering medications. Therefore, it is always advised to consult a specialist before using gotu kola for the treatment of Peyronie s disease.

The prevalence of Peyronie s disease occurs in men over the age of 55.It is always better to see the doctor if the curvature of the penis stops you from having sex and causes a lot of pain. For a holistic treatment of your problem, consult here.
10840 people found this helpful

Expired Medicines - What to Check Before Throwing Them Away?

Diploma In Cardiology
General Physician, Kolkata
Expired Medicines - What to Check Before Throwing Them Away?
When it comes to health, there is no taking a chance. Most of us are in the habit of storing some medicines at home, which could come in handy, say for a headache or an acidity attack. However, these often remain in the medicine kit for a long time before they are actually used. So, finally when the day arrives when there is an actual need for it, we are not sure if it is still usable. The one thing we dread is the use of a medicine, which is past its expiry date.

What if there is an adverse event? What if there is a complication or a side effect?
Then, if we are not in a position to get a fresh pill, we would rather endure the pain or acidity than pop that outdated pill. Is it really prudent to do so? I say otherwise. Most medicines have the expiry date to indicate the date or time, until when the drug would have the most potency and efficacy. Meaning to say, the drug may become weak (take longer to act or may require more of the drug to produce the same effect) when taken after the listed expiry date.

The truth is that most pharma companies list a date, which could be months, if not years, ahead of the actual expiry date. In reality, a drug never really expires. Most medicines can be used up to a few months after this date. Some medicines may even be useful after years of their expiry date.

It depends as to what the medicine is for:

Painkillers are usually harmless to take beyond the expiry date. If there is no effect (even prolonged), then try to get a fresh one.
Chronic medications like anti-hypertensives and anti-diabetic medications can be used up to a few months at the most, not beyond. Make sure to monitor readings to check for the efficacy. Often times, a greater dose may be required to get the desired effect, but this should not be done without medical supervision.
Biologic products like EpiPen, eye drops or injectable substances should not be used, if they are cloudy. In fact, most of these should be kept for a very short period after opening.
With any expired medicine, keep your doctor posted, especially your chronic meds to seek further advice and information.
The place and the way the drug is stored also may help in retaining its strength. A drug stored in the fridge is safer than something stashed away in a cupboard with a lot of other things. Keep these in mind, and take a call!
10675 people found this helpful

Pain In Testicles - Signs, Causes & Treatment

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Pain In Testicles - Signs, Causes & Treatment
Pain in the testicles is something that every male would have experienced at some point of time in their lives. It could be due to an injury, or a medical condition. Experiencing pain due to sports injuries is also common. It is a pain that occurs in the testicles and some cases it can be on both the testicles. Sometimes the pain originates from a different region of the abdomen and the spasms are felt in the testicles. Let us have a look at some of the causes and the treatment plans for such pain.

Testicle pain can be due to many causes. The testicles are round sacs and are extremely sensitive, and even a minor injury can cause bouts of pain or discomfort. In some instances, the problem arises from the groin region. In other cases, it could be an aftermath of pain that arises elsewhere. One of the common causes can be due to varicocele. This something that is similar to the varicose veins that occur in the leg. Once the veins get enlarged within the skin bags, it can push the testicles outwards- thus resulting in pain. They can also affect the sperm production and the shrinkage of testicles.


Pain in the testicle region and area could be due to diabetes, nerve damage, and side effects of a drug, gangrene, inflammation in the blood in the testicular region, kidney stones, mumps, testicular cancer, and vasectomy. Varicocele can develop over a period and in some rare cases do not require any treatment at all. In most of the cases, testicular pain can be due to a result of a direct injury. A sports injury or an accident in the groin area can cause pain and discomfort.

When to see a doctor?

Severe testicular pain or sudden discomfort in the abdomen region are indications of a testicular disease and seek medical attention immediately in such cases. Varicocele is usually associated with sharp bouts of pain that comes and goes away. Also, it is more prone in the left side testicles. A twisted testicle is also an indication that the blood does not flow freely and can result in loss of blood supply. These conditions require immediate medical attention. Please check with your doctor if you have any swelling in the scrotum and if you have the symptoms of veins protruding out abnormally. A diagnosis can be easily done by a testicular ultrasound. Check out your sperm production levels too and get medical guidance in case of irregularity.

Self- care:

Experts believe that almost 60% of the testicular pains are because of a direct result of physical injury. If you are a sports person, always ensure that you have proper protection when playing the game. The same goes for driving too. Also, avoid garments that are extremely tight in the groin region as this can cut off the blood supply. Varicoceles usually do not require any medical treatment as in some cases the conditions diminish on its own. In some cases, you might be requiring surgery to treat the veins and get them back to normalcy. Do indulge only in safe sexual practices to minimize chances of STD s and other sexually transmitted infections. Even these can affect the pain in your testicles. You can also try over-the-counter medications in case of minor to medium pain. Testicular pain usually decreases on its own in many cases. In case the pain does not subsidize even after a week, check with your doctor and seek medical attention.

You can also take this Varicocele package to treat this problem without surgery.
10173 people found this helpful

How To Treat Pain Related To Spondylitis?

Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
How To Treat Pain Related To Spondylitis?
Spondylitis is when you experience chronic back pain, especially in your upper back. What is annoying about this problem is that it not only causes you pain after you have exerted yourself, but it also leads to more pain when you have done no physical exertion at all. In addition, it stiffens your back as well as your neck. However, here are a few ways with which you can treat your spondylitis pain:

Stretching: Try to do some normal stretching exercises every day. If that does not work out for you, consult a physiotherapist. He/she can recommend exercises that best suit the kind of pain you have been having. Even a little bit of yoga and a regular backstretch can be very beneficial.
Maintaining a good posture: A good posture is usually hard to maintain, especially if you have been sitting in a slouchy manner from your very childhood. In order to correct your posture now, you might feel like it is causing you a lot of pain. However, over the long run, it is the best choice for you.
A good sleeping position: The position you sleep in makes a lot of difference to spondylitis. You need to have a firm bed and a pillow. For better results, try to avoid sleeping with a pillow. You need to keep your neck in alignment to your body. Try to lie down with your face inside the bed and your back towards the ceiling. Do not sleep on a soft mattress with a huge pillow or cushion.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture, like always, is the best remedy for many problems in your body. It helps regulate blood flow and also helps in relaxing the muscles that might be stiff. Spondylitis pain usually occurs when the muscles in your back are really stiff. Acupuncture helps unwind these muscles at the exact pressure points.
Massage: A warm massage can be very helpful. Like acupuncture, you can feel the tension go away later. However, you will feel a little bit of pain while the procedure takes place. This pain is very relaxing most of the times.
Yoga: Yoga is a natural pain reliever in every sense. However, do not be hyper flexible and opt for difficult poses. You need to start with the basic stretch poses and then advance further as you keep on getting flexible. Doing yoga on a daily basis will help you realize how far you have come and gotten rid of the pain caused by spondylitis.
There are many treatments like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and other kinds of medications that can help you with spondylitis. Even surgeries are performed in the worst case scenarios. However, the above-mentioned are some of the tried, tested and most effective methods to get rid of spondylitis pain.
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Pimples - 6 Common Homeopathic Remedies!

MD - Homeopathy, Masters Degree of Homoeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Pimples - 6 Common Homeopathic Remedies!
Pimples are the most common type of skin issue and almost each one one of us are affected by them. Though these pimples often go away themselves, but when the situation aggravates it is always best to get it check from a doctor. Homeopathic is branch of medicine which offers cure for such type of cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic remedies to get rid of pimples

Psorinum: It is considered to be the best homeopathic drug for acne. Acne indurata, acne simplex and acne pustular are all treatable with Psorinum. In oily skin with over worked sebaceous glands, the skin is left greasy, making it more prone to acne. Psorinum can help reduce secretion of oil and in effect, treat the underlying cause of a pimple outbreak. It is also used in treating acne that gets worse with consuming chocolates, meats, sweets and fat. Itchy winter acne may be treated with this as well.
Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph: Calcarea Sulphurica and Hepar Sulph are homeopathic remedies that are very effective for treating pustular acne. Pustular acne means pus filled acne. Often, there is blood staining the pus. Hepar Sulph is effective if the pimples ooze out pus or blood mixed with pus. These pimples may be extremely painful. It is especially useful to treat pimples in teenagers.
Kali Bromatum: Kali Bromatum is a wonder medicine that treats chest, shoulders and facial acne. It is generally marked by a persistent itch. The acne might be indurated, pustular or simplex. The scar forming acne is also generally treated with Kali Bromatum. Purple tinged acne is best treated with Kali Bromatum.
Natrum Mur and Antimonium Crudum: They are very effective in the treatment of facial acne, especially those affecting the cheeks. Cheeks which turn hot due to acne are best treated with Antimonium Crudum. It may be pustular or papular in nature. Another complaint in such cases is a burning sensation. Natrum Mur is a homeopathic medicine that shows maximum efficacy in case of itchy pimples on cheeks. Anemic girls are also benefitted by Natrum Mur.
Sulfur: It is used in extremely itchy acne. People with unhealthy looking and dirty skin are benefitted from the use of this homeopathic wonder drug. The itch generally gets much worse at night or with the application of warmth. For acne that hasn t responded to previously applied topical medicines and ointments, sulfur has shown marked improvement and has even obliterated all signs of acne.
Silicea: Acne affecting the forehead heals fast with the application of silicea. Even pustular acne has shown drastic healing with this homeopathic medicine.
8639 people found this helpful

Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Joint Pain - How Panchkarma Therapies Can Help You?
Joint pain is considered to be one of the first few signs of aging. According to the science of Ayurveda, joint pain is triggered mainly by an accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins can create an imbalance in the doshas which in turn can cause pain and inflammation on the joints. Along with joint pain, a person is likely to experience a loss of flexibility, weakness, tenderness and enlargement of the joints.

Unlike some popular forms of medication that focus on relieving the pain, Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the issue. Panchkarma aims at cleansing the body of toxins and clearing blockages in the body s digestive and circulatory system. This helps the vatta dosha flow easily through the body and reduces pain associated with arthritis etc. Panchkarma can be defined as a collection of five ayurvedic techniques. These are:

Vasti or Medicated Enema: Vasti aims at removing toxins and waste products from the body through the colon. In doing this, it cleanses the digestive channels and improves circulation of air or the vatta dosha in the body. With better circulation, joint pain is effectively reduced. An enema also nourishes the body and gives it the strength to rebuild tissues while boosting the immune system.
Abhyanga or Full Body Massage: This technique helps I the removal of toxins from deep tissues within the body. It pacifies the vatta and nourishes the body while simultaneously reducing stress and enabling better quality sleep. A full body massage also helps calm the body both physically and mentally.
Potli or Poultice Massage: As the name suggests, a potli involves massaging the body with medicated herbs tied together in a tiny bundle that has been warmed with medicated oils. This potli is then used to massage the entire body. This technique helps relax the muscles of the body and soothes the aggravated vatta dosha. It is very effective when it comes to providing relief from joint pains caused by arthritis, spondylitis, muscle cramps etc.
Pizhichil or Rich Oil Massage: A rich oil massage involves subjecting the body to streams of lukewarm oil that has medicinal properties while simultaneously softly massaging the body. This type of massage helps relieve tension and stress and is a very effective remedy against joint pains. It is highly recommended in the case of rheumatic diseases.
Svedana or Steam Bath: A steam bath helps cleanse the body both physically and mentally by aiding in the removal of toxins through sweat and calming the mind. It also helps soften the muscles and tissues and dilates the channels in the body.
8193 people found this helpful

Preterm Labor - How To Identify It?

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Pune
Preterm Labor - How To Identify It?
Premature labor is also known as preterm labor. This is the term given when the body gets ready for early delivery in the pregnancy. Labor is considered to be premature if it starts almost three weeks prior to the due date. Premature labor usually leads to early birth, but now this can be delayed with medical help. It is better that the baby grows inside you because there are fewer chances of problems after birth.

Risk of Preterm Labor:

Some of the things which can increase the risk of a preterm labor are:

- Being underweight or overweight before pregnancy
- Poor prenatal care
- Use of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy
- Smoking
- Health conditions such as preeclampsia, infections, diabetes, high blood pressure and clotting disorders
- Pregnant with a bay with birth defects
- Getting pregnant through vitro fertilization
- Pregnant with multiples like twins and triplets
- Becoming pregnant soon after having a baby

Symptoms of preterm labor:

Warning signs should be heeded to stop the stop premature labor, as acting quickly can help. Consult your doctor or midwife immediately in case you have the following:

- Backache, especially in the lower back. Backache can be a constant feature or might keep coming in intervals, but does not change with a change in position.
- Contractions that take place in each 10 minutes
- A leaking feeling in the vagina or fluid leakage from the vagina
- Cramps in the lower abdomen very similar to menstrual cramps. These usually give a feeling of gas pains and come with a diarrhea
- Symptoms of flu-like vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Must to see a doctor if the liquids cannot be tolerated for more than 8 hours
- The pressure in the vagina or pelvis increases
- Vaginal discharge increases
- There might be light bleeding from the vagina

Ways to check for Contractions

To spot and early labor one must be sure to check for the contractions. Contractions can be checked by the following:

- When the fingertips are placed on the abdomen and the uterus feels too soft or tight then these are contractions.
- Contractions if felt, should be timed and the starting time of these should be noted.
- Contractions should be stopped by changing the position and drinking some water or by walking around
- Doctor or midwife should be contacted if the contractions occur every 10 minutes and the symptoms worsen

Sometime women might experience false labor also known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These are not so strong, are erratic and stop on moving around.
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