Top Health Tips on Living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOD - Ayurvedic Herbs & Techniques That Can Be Of Help!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
PCOD - Ayurvedic Herbs & Techniques That Can Be Of Help!
Are you suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome and are looking for an ideal remedy? Polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD is a common female health condition. It is a complex disorder and involves several factors which include insulin resistance, obesity, irregular menstrual bleeding, insufficient ovum production, and abnormal menstrual cycles. PCOD commonly occurs during the reproductive age of a woman and accounts for being a major cause of infertility.

According to Ayurvedic principles, PCOD occurs primarily due to the imbalance state of your doshas. The dosha vaishanmya is linked to the symptoms of PCOD, and the relationship between the doshas and lakshans is permanent.

PCOD is associated with stri beeja and rajah formation, along with medhodhantu to some extent. These should be attended to while the condition is being treated. The Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD aims at providing ideal care by correction of the ama dosha. By this, you achieve koshta shuddi, which in turn regularizes your tridoshas. The way or approach towards Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD includes the following:

Treatment of agnimandya at both dhatwagni and jataragni levels.
The alleviation of sroto avarodha is an essential part of PCOD treatmentusing Ayurveda. You should undertake purificatory therapies which are based on the grade of your doshic vitialation, and the exact area of affliction. These should be followed by rasayana drugs, which are free radical scavenging agents.
The regularization of the apana Vata is essential as well. You must firmly avoid vihara and kaphkara ahara.
Yoga and meditation are very important for the Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD. You should perform yoga asanas regularly. Some of the ideal postures for PCOD management include sarvangasana, matyasana, and shavasana.
It is also very important for you to work out regularly, undertake different physical exercises. This will make your overall life much healthier.
You must follow a healthy, balanced diet regularly, which should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Ayurvedic herbs for the treatment of PCOD

The varuna crataeva nurvala is an effective herb which helps in the clearance of channels, which reduces your cyst s size.
You can try hareetaki because of its amazing laxative effects, which reduce the morbidity of your body.
Bilva or aegle marmelos heps in reducing the size of your growth, via its digestive effect.
Strotasshuddhi is required and herbs likes Punarnava, kaphhar medicines are advised.
Phytooestrogen sources and female tonic Shatavari is very much advised.
Agnimantha, similar to lions. Lake er dhareyjata
Guduchi is another effective remedy for PCOD and has a rejuvenating effect.
Kanchnar is the drug of choice for Thyroid as per AYURVEDA, Strotasshuddhi is done by using Trikatu, Punarnava and other medicines. Rasayan like Shatavari are advised for enhancing female hormones.
If you are experiencing any symptom of PCOD, it is recommended for you to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner. This ensures that proper diagnosis is undertaken so that you can start treating the condition as early as possible.
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PCOD - How Can Panchkarma Therapy Help Treat It?

B.A. Sanskrit, BAMS, M.A. Sanskrit, MS -Gynaecology Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thane
PCOD - How Can Panchkarma Therapy Help Treat It?
Polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD is a disease of the ovary that is characterized by the larger size of the ovary, fluid-filled sacs in the ovary, multiple cysts etc. In this condition, the ovary is covered by a white, tough, and thick outer covering. PCOD can have many implications including hormonal imbalance, menstruation cycle related disorders, insulin production and its usage etc. Ayurveda explains PCOD as a Kapha disorder and aims at clearing the obstruction of Vatadosha of the pelvis, normalize the menstrual cycle and balance metabolism.

Causes of PCOS
As per modern science the cause of PCOS is not fully understood. It is unknown.

Hereditary Genetics may be a factor. PCOS seems to run in families, so your chance of having it is higher if other women in your family have it or have irregular periods or diabetes. PCOS can be passed down from either your mother's or father's side.
Hormonal imbalance In PCOS there is abnormality in secretion of androgens, luteinizing hormone(LH), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), prolactin. This may cause you to stop ovulating.
Insulin resistance- Your body may have problems in using insulin leading to abnormal blood sugar levels. This increases the levels of insulin in your body, which increases androgen secretion again leading to hormonal fluctuations. The exact reason why these hormonal changes occur isn't known.
Mild inflammation- Women with PCOS have mild inflammation, this type of low-grade inflammation stimulates polycystic ovaries to produce androgens in the body.
Ayurvedic approach in treating PCOD

Ayurveda looks at a holistic approach of treatment wherein the mind and the body are treated as one. The first step towards treating PCOS disorder is to reduce body weight along with lifestyle modification. The next step aims at countering the condition of PCOD with Panchakarma - a century-old treatment mechanism of Ayurveda. Some of the Panchakarma methods used in treating PCOD include Vamana, Vasthi, Virechana, Nasya etc. Before applying the Panchakarma therapy, oral administration of medicated oil is necessary. PCOS is a complex disorder which falls in artava kshaya, anartava, rasa vaha sroto dushti and medo vaha sroto dushti.

There is a definite cure for PCOS in ayurveda. But you must be patiently strong and willing as treatment may extend upto 6 months or 1 year.

Treatment includes panchakarma and internal medication. Panchakarma procedures like udvartana, vamana, virechana and basti.

Uthara Vasthi: This procedure is very different from normal Vasthi in terms of its administration, ingredients, and quantity. This medication is applied to the uterus through the vagina. This is one of the best therapy when it comes to treating the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Vamana: Suitable herbal medication is prescribed to induce oral vomiting. It ensures that the toxin from inside the body comes out before the medication takes its effect on the source.
Virechana: This is one of the cleansing methods that is prescribed in Panchakarma therapy. A patient is given herbal purgatives in the form of medicated oil to clear blockages of the Vata Dosha.
Basti: This is the form of Panchakarma therapy that is meant for cleaning the alimentary canal. It has a calming effect on the Vata aggravation. This is the mode of medication where medicated herbal oil is injected through the anus. This procedure in Ayurveda is known as Basti. This is followed by another round of oil medication that has a mixture of herbal decoction, medicated oil, herbal paste, rock salt etc.
Benefits of Panchakarma in Women with PCOS

Reduces body weight.
Decreases insulin resistance.
Regulates normal hormone secretion. Fine tunes the endocrine system.
Remove toxins.
Corrects body metabolism.
Mental faculties, strength and vitality are enhanced.
Promotes fertility.
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Oligospermia: Is There A Treatment For It?

BAMS, MD Rasashastra
Sexologist, Delhi
Oligospermia: Is There A Treatment For It?
It is important that we treat our body with care and ensure that we eat healthy and right, in order to support our body to function right. When the semen that spews upon ejaculation does not have the appropriate amount of sperm in it, this signifies a condition called Low Sperm Count. This is also called Oligospermia, while a complete lack of sperm in the fluid or semen is called Azoospermia. If a male has less than 15 million sperms in each millilitre of semen, then he is considered as a patient suffering from low sperm count.

This also makes a person infertile and lessens the chances of fertilising a partner's egg. The symptoms may include problems in gaining and retaining an erection, premature ejaculation, pain and discomfort, a lump in the penis, and inability to conceive a child. This may be caused due to infection, ejaculation problems, tumours, hormonal imbalances and Varicocele. The way to treat this condition is as follows:

- Surgery: A patient with a low sperm count may be asked to go through surgery which will help in correcting a Varicocele in a surgical manner. For this, any vasectomies that the patient may have gone through will have to be reversed. Also, the doctor can resort to sperm retrieval methods in order to scoop the sperm directly from the testicles and epididymis. This is usually done in cases where there is no sperm in the semen that the patient ejaculates.

- Infection Treatment: With the help of antiviral medication and oral antibiotics, any infection in this part of the body can be treated and cured so that normal sperm production can take place. While this method can cure the infection in the reproductive tract of the patient, there is no guarantee of increasing fertility with this process.

- Hormone Treatment: The doctor can aim at treating any hormonal imbalances by using hormone replacement therapy as well as medication. This can help in treating cases of infertility as well by tweaking the way the body produces and uses hormones.

- Counselling: A patient may have to undergo counselling and associated medication to help in overcoming problems like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

- Assisted Reproductive Technology: ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology usually involves surgical extraction of sperms from donors which can be inserted in the genital reproductive tract of the female partner so that conception via methods like In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be possible.

Increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse and avoiding excessive use of additives like lubricants can also help in increasing the sperm count. One must also follow a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise even as a proper routine is followed. Also, smoking and excessive drinking must be avoided. One must also time sexual activity with the ovulation cycles of the partner.
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Premature Ejaculation - Ayurvedic Remedies For It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Sindhudurg
Premature Ejaculation - Ayurvedic Remedies For It!
Who wouldn't desire to prolong those precious moments in bed and bring their significant other to absolute satiation? However many unwanted, sometimes awkward, situations arise which compromise the climactic pleasures and become the cause of profound afflictions to various men. Premature ejaculation is triggered off by various biological and physiological causes. Some causes may be enlisted as hormonal imbalances, nervous disorders, erectile dysfunctions, infections in the urethra or the prostate, while others may be these may be owing hereditary while others may be instigated by socio-psychological factors like coyness, performance anxiety or overexcitement.

Often the lack of sexual compatibility between the partners may also lead to premature ejaculation. While premature ejaculation is an often scoffed at phenomenon and may lead to unpleasantness between the partners, one need not be dejected by it. Premature ejaculation does not accrue any serious health implication, neither does it reflect negatively on your "manhood". True, it limits the duration of the sexual intercourse and thus adversely affects one's sexual prowess, but premature ejaculation should not be a cause of any embarrassment and distress. It is a physical condition which can easily be dealt with using natural or clinical cures. However, given that natural methods have nil or minimal side-effects, many prefer ayurvedic prescriptions.

1. Asparagus and milk powder
Mixing asparagus powder in a glass of boiling milk is an effective cure to premature ejaculation.

2. Blending almonds, ginger, cardamom and saffron with milk
Ayurveda prescribes mixing crushed almonds with powdered ginger, cardamom and saffron in milk and consuming it regularly to abate the frequency of premature ejaculation.

3. Eggs
Eggs contain vital cholesterols which accelerates the vital sex hormones which increase your longevity in bed.

4. Including cereals and blueberries in breakfast
Blueberries and cereal grains improve blood circulation around the genitalia and helps in holding an erection for a longer span of time. It is also a testified antidote to premature ejaculation.

Besides these natural therapies, the markets are flooded with ayurvedic medicines which promise to cure premature ejaculation and sustain the libido. Premature ejaculation often also results in depression. These ayurvedic remedies go a long way in mitigating such ailments and enhance your performance in bed.
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Multi Speciality Clinic
Multi Speciality, Pune
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Imbalance in the hormones is the primary cause of the polycystic ovarian syndrome. The polycystic ovarian syndrome may result in an enlarged ovary with accumulated fluids. This disorder may lead to various changes in your appearance.

The various symptoms of this disorder are:

1. Acne: This disorder may cause or aggravate acne on your skin.

2. Abnormal periods: You may face irregularities in your periods as the intervals between periods may extend for more than 35 days or heavy periods.

3. Excess androgen: The male hormone known as androgen may increase in the female body which results in facial hair and excessive body hair. It may also cause acne.

4. Hair loss: This syndrome may lead to thinning of hair on the scalp and thus, resulting in hair loss.

5. Enlarged ovaries: The ovaries may be enlarged with various fluid filled sacs.

The various causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome are:

1. Low-grade inflammation: The body's immune system produces various substances that fight foreign infections in the body. If you are affected by the polycystic ovarian syndrome, then you are more likely to be affected by inflammation which causes androgen production in the body.

2. Heredity: If someone in your family has this disorder then you are more likely to be affected by this disease.

3. Insulin: Insulin is a hormone that allows the cells the body to produce energy in the body. You may experience insulin resistance which means energy production in the body may be hampered. It may also lead to increased androgen production which may impair the ovaries’ ovulation ability.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to various complications in the body:

1. Sleep apnea

2. Irregular blood pressure

3. Type 2 diabetes

4. It may increase chances of cardiovascular diseases as it may lead to metabolic syndrome

5. It may lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression

6. You may experience heavy bleeding in the uterine region

7. It may lead to complications in the cholesterol levels in the body
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Can Hormonal Imbalance Lead To Diabetes?

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
Internal Medicine Specialist, Mumbai
Can Hormonal Imbalance Lead To Diabetes?
Does Hormonal Imbalance Hint the Risk of Diabetes?

Hormones are chemical substances that regulate a vast range of important functions in the body. They are secreted by various glands and organs and can affect important body functions like growth, immunity, blood pressure and glucose levels among several others. Several disorders can arise due to an imbalance of your hormones, particularly diabetes.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, which is mostly chronic or long lasting in nature. It interferes with the body's ability to use glucose and chiefly pertains to the hormone called insulin, although other hormones can also be related.

Any imbalance in the following hormones can lead to diabetes:

1. Insulin

Insulin is a hormone, which is secreted by the pancreas. Diabetes can occur when this hormone is not secreted in adequate amounts or in when it is used inefficiently. During digestion, food gets broken down to glucose, which provides energy to the body. Insulin facilitates the function of moving the glucose from the bloodstream to the cells. In the case of diabetes, the glucose remains in the bloodstream due to insulin issues.

2. Cortisol

The adrenal gland is responsible for producing the hormone cortisol, which regulates blood pressure, stress and glucose production. The production of cortisol is controlled by another hormone called ACTH, which is secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain. Excess quantities of glucose in the body disrupt the function of insulin and trigger the liver to produce glucose, thereby leading to diabetes.

3. Growth hormone

The pituitary gland is responsible for producing certain hormones including the growth hormone. Growth and development of the muscles, bones and other organs of the body fall within the functions of the growth hormone. Overproduction of this hormone can lead to a disease called acromegaly in adults. Excess secretion leads to increase in the glucose levels in the blood, which can subsequently cause diabetes.

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Infertility - Ayurvedic Remedies are the Solution!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Infertility - Ayurvedic Remedies are the Solution!
Fertility is a potential for reproduction. In other words, fertility is an ability to have babies or to reproduce. When fertility rate in a community, increases more babies are born. To produce an offspring it depends on age, health and other factors of the woman. When we talk about fertility rates it means the number of births that happen during a certain time period in a specific location. On the other end, lack of ability to reproduce is termed as infertility. There are various treatments to deal with fertility issues and one of the ancient and natural as well as a trusted treatment is Ayurveda.

Female infertility is caused due to structural problems like blocked fallopian tubes, a defect in cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. Hormonal imbalance leading to ovulation problems too can cause infertility. In males. infertility may have anatomical, psychological, hormonal or lifestyle related causes. The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples can't be determined using the currently available methods of investigation. From Ayurvedic perspectives, shukra dhatu can get affected by various physical, mental causes and even by serious diseases. Poor quality shukra dhatu can cause infertility in males & females.


Failure to reproduce

Ayurveda For Infertility

Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and Spirit. The primary focus of Ayurvedic medicine is to promote good health, rather than fight disease. Fertility problems are increasing these days for many young couples. There are many factors which account for this like Lifestyle, delayed marriages, diet, etc. But Ayurveda not only does explain how to increase fertility with herbal supplements, but it also focuses on how to have healthy children.

For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors:

Sperm/Ovum (Seeds)
Uterus (Soil)
Nourishment (Water)
Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing)
Reproductive health, in both men and women, depends on the health of the reproductive tissue or shukra dhatu. In women, shukra creates the ovum as part of the monthly cycle, and in men, the semen is formed due to sexual stimulation. The shukra is created as part of a long chain of metabolic transformations. It starts with the digestion of food, then goes on to the transformation of food to nutrient fluid, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, and finally, to shukra tissue. Healthy shukra tissue, then, according to Ayurveda, depends on the health of all the other tissues in the body.

Foods to Nourish All Seven Dhatus (Bringhana)

Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Dairy proteins, including milk, lassi, and panir (a fresh cheese made of milk)
Whole grains
Mung dhal
Soaked almonds or soaked walnuts
Dried fruits such as dates, figs, and raisins
Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears
If your digestion is strong, eat urad dhal (available at Indian grocery stores) cooked with equal parts turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fennel.
A banana cooked in ghee, cinnamon and cardamom is a tasty and wholesome dessert for people with strong digestion.
Foods to Enhance the Reproductive Tissue (Vrishya)

Date-milk shake
Mango milkshake
Rice pudding
Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin (which purifies the uterus in women and the genitourinary tract in men), turmeric (to improve the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues), and black cumin.
In general, it's important to eat a wide variety of foods in order to receive all the essential nutrients. Keep trying new vegetables and fruits, and rotate your menus to make sure you're not eating the same thing day after day.
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PCOD - Can Nutritional Changes Help?

MSc.PhD Nutrition & Diete, Jr. Research Fellowship for PhD, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition - Dept. of Post Graduate Studies
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
PCOD - Can Nutritional Changes Help?
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) or syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where there are multiple cysts in the ovaries and as a result there are several symptoms in various body parts. One of the significant things to note is that there is a strong correlation between diet and PCOD/PCOS. Read on to understand some of the common symptoms of PCOD and also some nutritional do s and don t s.

Symptoms: Understanding symptoms of PCOS helps in planning a diet in a more rational manner.

The excessively produced male hormone (androgen) in the body promotes weight gain around the belly area. This needs to be controlled or else, can lead to increased cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
Skin problems such as acne
Increased insulin resistance, leading to increased sugar levels
Hirsutism (excessive hair growth)
Male pattern baldness
While not every problem associated with PCOD can be managed through diet, nutrition changes in a woman can have a significant effect on the overall health and well-being. Some common dietary changes to make when diagnosed with PCOD are listed below.

Higher levels of insulin make the body produce more androgens. PCOD women often have higher levels of insulin, meaning high androgen level, which increases their weight (builds muscle mass). Therefore, to control the level of insulin, high fiber diet like greens, nuts, berries, pumpkin, almonds, whole grains, etc. should be included. These ensure that digestion process is prolonged and blood sugar levels do not rise rapidly.

Protein-rich food items like tofu, soya, and chicken are also highly beneficial for PCOD women. They do not contain fiber, but provide a full feeling and help in avoiding binge eating. They also do not pack in calories and are helpful in weight management.
Food items which are generally anti-inflammatory including tomatoes, spinach, olive oil, fruits, and Omega-3 fatty acids are highly beneficial in controlling cholesterol and heart disease.
Eat good fat. Reduce trans and saturated fats, increase unsaturated fats. Use vegetable and nuts oils to get these benefits.
What to avoid: Anything that can lead to increased sugar levels should be reduced.

Avoid whites, such as pasta, rice, and bread which are made of refined flour and have absolutely no fiber content.
Baked and processed foods should be avoided.
Curb your intake of candies, chocolates, snacks, which are just calories and are of no nutritional value.
Avoid salty snacks, which again are just calories and not beneficial.
Do not consume aerated drinks and soda, which are just laden with sugar.
A diet rich in protein, N3 PUFA And MUFA can help reduce inflammation and control diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. All these are a result of chronic inflammation and can be managed through this approach as also reverse PCOD and its complications.
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Hormonal Problems In Women - Homeopathic Remedies For It!

Diploma in Gastroenterology, Diploma In Pulmonary Medicine , MSCP, BHMS, SVD( skin and veneral diseases)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Hormonal Problems In Women - Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Hormonal imbalance is very common in women who are about to reach their menopause. The setting of menopause can lead to a variety of symptoms like moodiness and depression to hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal dryness. Homeopathy has remedies which are very helpful in relieving the symptoms of menopause, when chosen for an individual as per their history. Homeopathy stimulates the person's healing response to a certain stimulus, allowing the person to heal on their own.

Here are a few homeopathic remedies:

Pulsatilla: This is for women who are mild, sensitive and weep very easily during the perimenopause stage. These women might whine when unhappy and are very depressed and sad. The women who need this medication prefer company, companionship and support. She is often uncomfortable and warm in hot rooms especially while experiencing hot flashes. The remedy is helpful in cases of insomnia and empty nest syndrome, a syndrome when children leave home. This often coincides with change in a woman's life. Pulsatilla is very helpful for hormonal imbalance including during the menstrual cycle and peri-menopause phase.
Cimicifuga: This is recommended for those women who suffer from severe headaches during perimenopause. The headaches are characterized by a pain in the right side of the neck, which often extends to the right shoulder. This remedy is also helpful in women who feel disappointed and trapped in their lives. Some women who have a feeling of being caged and surrounded by dark clouds also benefit from this. It is considered to be a perfect remedy for many women who experience hormonal changes at the menopausal stage of their lives.
Sepia: This remedy is especially helpful for perimenopause and hormonal imbalances. This is helpful in women who feel exhausted and chilly. Sometimes a woman might develop an aversion to her family members especially the children and does not want to care for them. Sepia is known to help women overcome these feelings, enables them to reestablish stability and balances hormones. Some women also get a feeling that their inside are bearing out and get a sensation that their uterus and vagina might fall. This feeling and sensation is eliminated by sepia. Sepia is also helpful for the host flashes, dryness, vaginal irritation and moodiness during this phase of their life.
Lachesis: This is indicated in the perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms like the night sweats and hot flashes. This remedy is capable to provide a relief from the occipital headaches associated with the changing hormones. Women who need lachesis might be witty, loquacious, nasty, crib and complain about the body pains which are more significant on the left side, like the left ovary discomfort. This remedy also relieves insomnia and depression related with the hormonal swings. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a homeopathic doctor and ask a free question.
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Facial Hair Due To PCOS - Ways To Deal With It!

B.A. Sanskrit, BAMS, M.A. Sanskrit, MS -Gynaecology Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thane
Facial Hair Due To PCOS - Ways To Deal With It!
Hirsutism is a medical condition in women in which they grow unwanted and male-pattern hair on areas of the body such as the face, back, and chest. This condition may develop because of extra male hormones known as androgens, mainly testosterone. It can also be genetic. This excess amount of androgen (virilization process) leads to Hirutism. Signs and symptoms of virilization include acne, voice deepening, and increase in muscle mass, balding, reduced breast size, and clitoris enlargement.

Causes -

There are a number of causes which lead to Hirsutism in women such as a tumor in the adrenal glands and ovaries, PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, certain medications for the treatment of endometriosis and depression, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, and Crushing Syndrome. Out of these causes of Hirsutism, PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, abbreviated as PCOS, is the most common disorder in sex hormones among women in their reproductive age. According to Ayurveda, disturbance in balancing three prominent elements, Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, leads to health and medical issues.

Recommendations -

There are a few changes which women can make in their eating habits and lifestyle for treating PCOS.

Terminate the consumption of smoking and alcohol.

Avoid junk food, oily food, and meat.

Avoid sugar as it increases Kapha, consume honey instead which helps in the reduction of Kapha.

Avoid using excessive contraceptives.

Have a balanced diet.

Exercise regularly but avoid heavy physical activities.

Maintain suitable body weight.

Take Away -

Hirsutism is a medical condition in females where they grow an unusual amount of hair on face, chest, and back like men. There is a number of causes for Hirsutism but the most common of them all is PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Ayurveda provides medications and treatments for PCOS with some changes in lifestyle and food habits.
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