Top Health Tips on Kidney Surgery

Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder - How Homeopathy Can Be Of Help?

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Inflammation Of Urinary Bladder - How Homeopathy Can Be Of Help?
Cystitis is a painful condition when due to the inflammation of the urinary bladder, an individual is unable to comfortably relieve himself/herself. Such conditions are often painful and cause irritation and frustration among the patients. But it should also be noted that cystitis is not an uncommon infection of the urinary tract and can be treated well. Furthermore, homeopathy tries to use the body s own defence to cure diseases and infections; thus this is a very natural form of treatment, which is used to cure cystitis.

The common symptoms of this disease include the urge to frequently relieve oneself, an increase in the number of times one goes to urinate, painful urination and at times all these are accompanied with vomiting and nausea.

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic remedies for cystitis are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting the homeopathic remedies for cystitis.

Cantharis: When the main cause of your cystitis is an inflamed bladder, Cantharis is the best remedy. Such inflammations are often accompanied with burning sensations in the urinary tract apart from a frequent urge to relieve oneself. Cantharis seems to do wonders when it comes to treating any kind of inflammation or infection. As for the burning sensation, it provides immediate relief to this. It might take some time before the cystitis is completely cured with Cantharis, but at least the patient gets some relief, gradually leading to its complete cure. The urinary tract is a very sensitive area of the human body. Any infection or inflammation in the area should be dealt with carefully. Thus, an experienced homeopathic practitioner is the right person to come to your aid. Also, it needs to be seen first whether homeopathy suits you in general or not.

Apis Mellifica: Apis has more than one use when it comes to treating cystitis. First, it is seen that Apis helps in reducing pain and burning effect while urinating in this condition, which might give rise to corroded skin. Second, it is used to treat individuals of all ages. It can be administered in the right dosage to an infant who has problems in passing urine. It can also be given to young boys who have developed cystitis due to kidney infections. Moreover, it can be used to cure cystitis in any individual who is suffering from chronic inflammation of the bladder.

Thus, Cantharis and Apis are the two most effective homeopathic remedies to cure cystitis occurring in an individual. It is always recommended to consult a specialized homeopath before taking any medication.
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Kidney Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Combat Them?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Kidney Disorders - How Homeopathy Can Combat Them?
Kidney problem in early stage happens to be a common path towards the emergence of a number of diseases as well as the association with a significant level of morbidity and mortality. Whereas the end-stage kidney problem arises due to Hypertension or Diabetes. In both the cases of early stage and end-stage kidney problems, homeopathy treatment happens to be ideal as it look to cure people from the root of the problems, which we would talk in great detail as we progress.

Treatment in Homeopathy for Early Stage Kidney Patients
Homeopathic treatment is ideal for those patients who are suffering from renal failure due to their suffering from kidney disease. It is even appropriate for those who have a strong family history of renal failure and in order to avoid getting passed from the first stage to the advanced stage.

Benefits include:

One can stop homeopathic medicines within 2 to 5 years as per the severity and its cause.
Homeopathy can help to revive the damaged organ.
A patient s kidney starts to improve as and when he or she undergoes homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathy helps in stimulating one s immune system to carry out normal functions.
Classical homeopathic treatment not only helps to repair the damaged kidneys but also assists in maintaining the blood sugar and blood pressure at normal levels.
Treatment in Homeopathy for End-Stage Kidney Problems
The end stage kidney problem is a pathetic situation not only for the patients but also for the whole family. Homeopathic treatment in this situation involves case individualization, modality as well as mental symptoms, necessary part for finding out the exact similimum homeopathic medicine. The treatment works as wonder and has helped to prevent a number of cases from progressive towards Renal Transplant and Hemodialysis.

Benefits include:

It helps by offering CRF patients with cheap and easy treatment through homeopathy.
Homeopathic treatment remedies help to reduce the number of dialysis required over time
Homeopathy remedies even reduce and help people overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.
The homeopathic medicines like heparin help to prevent clotting which can lead to complications like subdural hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage
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How Smoking is Harmful For Your Health?

General Physician, Gurgaon
How Smoking is Harmful For Your Health?
The risks and harms of smoking are pretty much common knowledge to most people. Especially when the pack of cigarettes practically screams it out to you in bold letters. Yet, as statistics would say, smoking in young adults has been on the rise in the recent years. What makes them take this step? Maybe it is peer pressure, or maybe they do it for the thrill of it. Every country takes a great initiative in educating their population, yet some fail to understand the complexity of the situation.

Here are some of the reasons that will tell you that even a single puff of the deadly tobacco can severely harm your health and general well-being

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer. It can cause cancer in most organs of the body. Smoking cigarettes can cause the following
Nose cancer
Throat cancer
Larynx cancer
Mouth cancer
Oesophageal cancer
Lung cancer
Liver cancer
Cervix cancer
Stomach cancer
Kidney cancer
Colorectal cancer
Cervical cancer etc.
Smokers are more prone to respiratory diseases because smoking is capable of compromising the immune system of the body.
Autoimmune diseases such as Crohn s disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis are more likely to occur in smokers as their immune system is compromised by smoking.
Smoking has been linked to Diabetes type 2. This type of diabetes develops during adulthood. The more cigarettes a person smokes, the more likely is the person to develop this disease.
Smoking puts you at risk of developing several heart diseases such as angina, heart attacks, etc. because the nicotine in the body results in the lowering of good cholesterol. This causes deposition of bad cholesterol in the arteries.
Tobacco can cause tooth decay and several other oral problems such as gingivitis and other problems of the gum.
Cigarettes constrict your blood vessels. This constant narrowing of blood vessels can cause erectile dysfunction in men and leads to the infertility in both men and women. It also makes them difficult to achieve orgasms.
You might find yourself craving for cigarettes when you re stressed out. This is because the effect of nicotine in the cigarettes is lowered by the hormone produced during a stressful situation, i.e. cortisone.
Nicotine that causes momentary central nervous system stimulation can cause addiction and dependence.
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Kidney - 5 Things To Keep Them Healthy & Fit!

MBBS, D.N.B. (General Surgery), D.N.B. (Genito Urinary Surgery)
Urologist, Mumbai
Kidney - 5 Things To Keep Them Healthy & Fit!
When we talk about health, the kidneys are rarely spoken of. These unsung heroes are responsible for filtering waste out of our bodies and ensuring that only clean blood flows through our system. The kidneys are a pair of small, bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdomen. Along with removing waste from the blood, the kidneys also balance electrolytes and control the fluid balance in the body. Thus, keeping the kidneys healthy is as important as keeping the heart and lungs healthy.

Kidney stones are the most common condition that can affect these organs. Other conditions that can affect the kidneys include inflammation of the kidneys, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and cysts. Thankfully, keeping the kidneys healthy is easy. Here are a few things you can do to improve the health of your kidneys.

Drink plenty of water: Keeping your body hydrated is crucial to kidney health. Ideally, a person should drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water helps control the production of aldosterone- a hormone that regulates blood pressure- by the adrenal glands and helps the kidneys retain enough water and sodium to balance blood volume levels. If the kidneys do not get enough water, the adrenal glands are stressed into increasing blood pressure levels.
Limit consumption of caffeine: We drink caffeine in many ways- sodas, coffee, tea etc. While caffeine may act as a stimulant and keep you focused on what you are doing in the short run, in the long run, it dehydrates the body. Dehydration can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hence reduce your caffeine intake and instead drink more water and fresh juices.
Quit smoking: Smoking not only affects the lungs but also damages blood vessels thus decreasing blood flow to the kidneys thus preventing the optimal functioning of the kidneys. Smoking can also increase one s risk of suffering from renal cancer.
Get regular exercise: Exercise benefits all parts of your body including the kidneys. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure and helps keep the blood moving. This can help prevent kidney diseases and a number of other conditions. Ideally, aim for half an hours exercise a day at the least.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables: Fruits like grapes, apples and blueberries and vegetables like spinach, beets, garlic and red bell peppers help improve kidney functioning. Women should also include oestrogen boosting foods like chickpeas, fennel, tomatoes, cherries and carrots in their diet to protect themselves against kidney damage and fibrosis. Foods that are low in gluten, sugar and soy also help reduce the risk of kidney inflammation.
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How Ayurveda Helps Deal With Kidney Issues?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
How Ayurveda Helps Deal With Kidney Issues?
Two kidneys are present on either side of the spine, above the waist. The kidneys perform important functions of cleansing the blood, controlling blood pressure and maintaining salt and mineral balances. Kidney related issues are to be treated as soon as they occur as failing to do so might lead to kidney failure, which is a serious condition.

Ayurvedic approach for treating kidney related problems
Each type of medical treatment has their distinctive approaches towards such treatment and so does Ayurvedic care. The weak body is toned up in a natural way in the first stage. The second stage is the prevention of diseases using natural remedies and the final stage is treatment through ayurvedic care.

Causes for kidney related issues and Ayurvedic care for such issues
The causes for kidney related issues are toxins, anatomical abnormalities, abiotic stress, mental imbalance, the easy entrance of microvita, and side effects of various allopathic medicines. One major reason for kidney related problems is the side effects of modern medicines or over dosage of allopathic medication. On the contrary, the medication system of Ayurveda effectively treats all the issues in a natural way without imposing ill-effects to the human body.

When to seek Ayurvedic care?
A few symptoms, the occurrence of which indicates that you should consult a doctor for checking of kidney related issues are nausea, weakness, ankle swelling, vomiting and shortness of breath. A few other symptoms are high blood pressure or urea and decreased hemoglobin. If these symptoms are due to kidney related problems, Ayurveda cure for kidney related issues is one of the best options for recovery.

Prevention of kidney failure- Ayurveda treatment to avoid dialysis
"Prevention is better than cure." If kidney problems arise, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid kidney failure. A few things that help in preventing kidney failure are controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and improving breathing pattern. Diet plays a major role in preventing kidney failure. Ayurveda approach insists the change of acidic diet to an alkaline one. Diabetes and blood sugar can also lead to kidney failure. According to Ayurveda, natural remedies are available to treat chronic kidney failure patients. Dialysis can be avoided and the kidney functions can be restored with the help of a few herbal remedies in the Ayurveda approach. The level of creatinine and urea are controlled effectively by Ayurveda treatment

Recovery using Ayurveda care for kidney failure patients
Kidney damage for a period of 3 months or more is known as chronic kidney failure. The treatment of underlying cause, treatment of damaged kidneys and treatment of dhatus (body tissues) which makes up the kidneys are done in the case of Ayurvedic care. The kidneys are made up of "Rakta" and "Meda" and treating these two will lead to recovery. The benefits of using Ayurvedic medications for kidney related issues are plenty. The kidney damage is recovered, the risk of death can be reduced to a significant extent and frequency of dialysis can be minimized effectively.
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Polycystic Kidney Disease - Is It Preventable?

General Physician, Gurgaon
Polycystic Kidney Disease - Is It Preventable?
The general perception that hereditary diseases cannot be prevented is changing. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one such hereditary condition. The kidneys are the body's detox machine, which remove all impurities and flush it out of the system through urine. PKD is a condition where there are multiple, fluid-filled cysts which develop in the kidneys. These can vary in size and though noncancerous, can grow to a very large extent, producing severe symptoms including extremely high blood pressures and kidney failure.

In the recent past, however, there have been various theories that put forth how a modified and healthy lifestyle can prevent PKD. A child with a parent who suffers from PKD has 50% likelihood to develop the same. That cannot be prevented; however, changes can be made which can delay the onset and reduce the severity of symptoms of PKD, most notably high blood pressure and kidney failure which may require lifelong dialysis.

Symptoms and complications: The most common symptoms include high blood pressure, kidney pain (behind the back above the buttocks), infections of the kidneys or the bladder, bloody urine, kidney failure, headache, bloated abdomen due to the fluid-filled cysts, frequent urination, and kidney stones. There could be impact on pregnancy plans, with high blood pressure complicating the pregnancy. This needs extra care in management and is not life-threatening in most cases.

Prevention: The kidneys take the brunt of all the toxins that a body is subjected to. It is therefore, very important to reduce the exposure of body, especially kidneys to toxins. One of the best ways to keep the kidneys in good health is to control blood pressure.

Some of the ways to do this include:

Following a low-sodium diet with a good amount of hydration
Reduce fat in the diet as much as possible
Include a lot of berries, broccoli and apples
Be diligent in taking your blood pressure medications as directed
Ensure that your weight is within the prescribed limits for you
Quit smoking and drinking
At least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity should be included in your daily regimen
Read up on symptoms of PKD and keep an eye on them. If you are having a bloated feeling or pain in the kidneys or blood in the urine, consult a doctor. If you are planning on having a baby, genetic counseling may be useful to see if there is a risk of passing on the genes to the baby. Keep a positive outlook and have a frank discussion with family and friends on your overall condition. So, as much as PKD is a hereditary disease, there are ways to manage it and improve the quality of life.
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Ways To Manage Hypertension

General Physician, Hyderabad
Ways To Manage Hypertension
Hypertension, which is also known as High Blood Pressure is a prominent factor that is responsible for the development of many serious health issues like cardiac disorder, chronic kidney diseases, vision loss and stroke. The dominant causes of hypertension include troubled lifestyle style, genetics, environmental factors and internal imbalances. You cannot possibly control the chances of suffering from hypertension but you can always prevent and minimize the risk of the problems that are associated with hypertension.
The following are some lifestyle tips that can help you to manage and minimize the risk of developing hypertension:

Maintain a healthy body weight: Weight plays a crucial role in the prevention of hypertension. People who are obese run the risk of developing hypertension. It is advisable to lose excessive body fat to maintain an ideal body weight. A well maintained body weight minimizes the risk of hypertension.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet: Unhealthy food intake is a primary factor that causes hypertension. Eating a healthy and balanced diet enables you to manage your blood pressure effectively. Incorporate plenty of fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, especially the ones rich in potassium. Limit excess intake of calories, sugar and fat as they tend to increase the risk of hypertension.

Reduce consumption of salt: Higher sodium intake increases your blood pressure level. Avoid high-sodium processed and packaged foods as they are high in sodium content. A low-sodium diet enables you to keep your blood pressure normal.

Exercise regularly: An active lifestyle is known to lower the risk of hypertension. Make sure to indulge yourself into some physical activities on a daily basis.

Limit the alcohol intake: Excessive intake of alcohol can raise your blood pressure level. Limit your alcohol consumption to minimize the chances of hypertension.

Monitor your blood pressure: Monitor your blood sugar level on a regular basis. Hypertension usually does not show any symptoms. If your blood pressure ranges between 120-139/80-89 millimeters of mercury it is an indication that you run a higher risk of developing hypertension. A raise in blood pressure demands moderation of lifestyle practices and controlled food intake.

Manage stress level: Excessive stress and anxiety is not good for your blood pressure. Severe stress is known to shoot up your blood pressure level which leads to development of many other health related complications including improper functioning of crucial organs like heart and kidney.
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Best Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Disease & Disorders - Try Now

MBBS, MD (PSM), M.F.Hom (London)
Homeopathy Doctor, Nagpur
Best Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Disease & Disorders - Try Now
Kidney failure or infections are usually unsafe and serious diseases. Their consequences affect every single other organ in the body. Minor problems in the kidney may demonstrate no side effects. However, when the sickness progresses, it can bring about numerous serious indications, for example, seizure, tissue squandering, gastrointestinal bleeding and a failure state. Total kidney failure requires routine dialysis until a transplant operation can be performed.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, is a very effective cure for kidney problems. It eradicates the problem from its roots and helps prevent any further diseases and problems in the kidney. Homoeopathic solutions have had been successful in treating kidney diseases for which standard prescription give no cure and are not effective. Some of the homoeopathic cures are as follows:

Ammonium carb's rubrics: Taken when there is excruciating pee. This includes white, burning, insufficient, painful or orange urine with drowsiness and weakness.
Apis mel's rubrics: These are used when there is general oedema or swelling, kidney aggravation and inability to pass urine.
Arsenic alb's rubrics: This occurs when there is trouble in passing urine. Also useful in case of uremia, nephritis, urgent need to urinate or urinating without knowing.
Aurum met's rubrics: When there is difficulty in maintenance of urine and the urine constitutes of mucous like residue.
Berberis' rubrics: When there is hypertension, renal (kidney) stones, dull yellow or green urine and neuralgic pain originating from the kidneys.
Cannabis indica s rubric: Used in case of a urinary tract diseases.
Cantharsis' rubrics: This is used in cases of delicacy in kidney regions, renal colic and nephritis (kidney irritation).
Chelidonium's rubrics: These are effective when a person goes through the urge of urinating a lot at night when there are abundant urination and pale white pee.
Cuprum Aas' rubrics: When there is kidney failure, excruciating pee and stained pee.
Cuprum met's rubrics: It is used when a person goes through bed-wetting, extremely watery urine, and feels shooting pain in the urethra.
Helonia's rubrics: Used when there is kidney irritation, albuminous (white) pee, sickliness, cramps and bluntness.
Juniper's rubrics: Used when there is difficulty in retaining water.
Kali carb's rubric: Used in case of kidney stones, and is a general solution for problems in the kidneys.
Sanicula's rubrics: Used when the bladder is swollen, there are kidney stones and kidney irritation.
Terebinthum's rubrics: When there is blood in the urine, kidney irritation and urinary tract aggravation.
Urea's rubrics: In cases of are general oedema (swelling because of water maintenance) and extreme pain in the urethra.
Opium's rubrics: Used in cases of uremia (a type of blood disease), general oedema, dark stool, white urine, concealment of urine, swelling of the stomach, mucous-like urine and uremic shakings.
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Diabetes Complications - 11 Doctor Recommended Tips to Prevent it!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD (AM), PGDPPHC, ACLS
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
Diabetes Complications - 11 Doctor Recommended Tips to Prevent it!
Diabetes occurs in all age groups, right from infants to the elderly. The greatest incidence of occurrences happen in the middle or older aged people. 80-85% cases belong to people of 45 years of age or older. Whatever be your age, there are a few lifestyle changes that ensure that you stay free of any complications.

1. Select Your Carbs Carefully - Choose carbohydrates that break down in the body slowly, providing steady energy. Reach for whole grains, beans, nuts, and fresh vegetables and fruits. Yes, you can eat fruit even though it's sweet. It's about eating the right amounts of carbohydrates at each meal.

2. Lose Weight - It'll help lower your blood sugar and improve your blood pressure and blood fats. You'll also have more energy. To begin with, try cutting excess fat, sugar, and calories from your diet.

3. Get Enough Sleep - Getting too much or too little sleep can increase your appetite and cravings for high-carb foods. That can lead to weight gain, increasing your risk for complications such as heart disease. Go for 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. If you have sleep apnea, treating it can improve your sleep and lower your blood sugar levels.

4. Check Your Blood Sugar Periodically - Keep a track of your sugar levels can help you avoid diabetes complications, like nerve pain, or keep them from getting worse. Checking it can also help you see how foods and activities affect you, Your doctor can help you set a target glucose level range. The closer you get to your target, the better you'll feel.

5. Manage the Stress Effectively - Stress can cause your blood glucose levels to rise. Get rid of whatever physical or mental stress you have. Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation may be effective to control type 2 diabetes.

6. Salt - Reduce the salt in your diet. It may help lower blood pressure and protect your kidneys. Not salting the food on your plate may not be enough.

Adults age 51 and older, and individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease should talk with their doctor about how much to reduce their sodium intake. In general, people with diabetes should decrease to less than 2,300 mgs per day, however, your doctor may recommend lower amounts.

7. Remove the Risk of Heart Disease - Heart disease can be a serious diabetes complication. Keep an eye on your risk by getting these ABCs checked:

A1C level. This is a measure of your average blood sugar control for the last 2-3 months. You may need it checked two or more times a year. Talk to your doctor about setting a goal.

Blood pressure. Goal: below 140/80 mm Hg.
Cholesterol. Goal: LDL to 100 mg/d or less; HDL above 40 mg/dl in men and greater than 50 in women; and triglycerides below 150 mg/dl.

8. Take Care of Cuts and Wounds - Diabetes raises your risk of infection and slows healing, so treat even simple cuts and scrapes quickly. Properly clean your wound and use an antibiotic cream and sterile bandage. See a doctor if it's not better in a few days. Check your feet every day for blisters, cuts, sores, redness, or swelling. Moisturize them to prevent cracks.

9. Mind Your Smoking Habit - People with diabetes who smoke are two times more likely to die prematurely than those who don't. Quitting helps your heart and lungs. It lowers your blood pressure and risk of stroke, heart attack, nerve damage, and kidney disease.

10. Get Your Diet Right! - Here's what is ideal:

Upon Waking : Bitter Gourd (karela) juice, and a glass of lukewarm water with half a freshly - squeezed lime.
Breakfast: Any fresh fruit with the exception of bananas. A small quantity of wholemeal bread with butter and fresh milk.
Lunch: A bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetable, one or two whole wheat chapattis, and a glass of buttermilk.
Mid-afternoon: A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice
Dinner: A large bowl of raw vegetable salad, with lime juice dressing, sprouted mung beans, and cottage cheese.
Bedtime snack: A glass of fresh milk or fresh fruit
11. Doctor Visits - Expect to see your doctor two to four times a year. If you take insulin or need help balancing your blood sugar levels, you may need to visit more often. Also, get a yearly physical and eye exam. You should be screened for eye, nerve, and kidney damage, and other complications. See a dentist twice a year.

Other Measures:

Exercise and yogic asanas. And Meditation
Body massage and steam bath once a week
Hot fomentation to lower back.
And be sure to tell all healthcare providers that you have diabetes.
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Kidney Disease And Homeopathy

MD (Homoeopathy), DHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, new delhi
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I am Dr. A.K Gupta, Homeopath. Today we will talk on kidney disease and homeopathy. These diseases are rapidly increasing in today's scenario. We need to see what causes kidney disease and what precautions you can take. Last, what homeopathy can do for this disease? As you all know that the kidney is the organ of the body. God has given 2 kidneys to flush out the waste products from the body in the form of the urine. In kidney dysfunction waste material gets indulge with the blood and also can lead to kidney damage. They are primarily of 2 types. Acute and chronic. It is a silent killer and it starts showing the symptoms at a very later stage. Normally, the patient suffers from blood pressure, diabetes, they are more prone to kidney diseases. The patient may suffer from kidney stones, hematuria, urinary problems, infections. These are the common problems which we see often in our practices. In chronic kidney disease, kidney gets damaged where the filtration gets affected and patient land up into the severe conditions.

A patient comes with the symptoms like puffiness in the eyes, the issue with the frequency of urination or there is a complete loss of urination or very slow urine passing and facing difficulty in passing urine like burning, pain. The patient may also pass the urine with blood and a lot of smell. We do the ultrasound, blood tests, urine report and in extreme cases, a biopsy can also be done. The patient who comes with the symptoms of kidney diseases, which means 80% of the kidney is already affected. Then it becomes a task to treat the patient. Sometimes the patient comes with a bunch of reports and they tell us that they need to go for renal transplant or dialysis as suggested by other Drs. So, can homeopathy do anything? The major side-effects to the kidney are self medications like painkillers or antibiotics. Later on when we see then it becomes too late.

A few medications related to joint pain also causes the problem o the kidneys. So, in kidney diseases, the protein starts passing through the urine. Uria level keeps on increasing. In complicated cases, uric acid is also high. The patient comes to us with 8, 9 and 10 and then the associate conditions are blood pressure and diabetes. Uncontrolled blood pressure and diabetes are the causes of kidney diseases. And we call it CKD. Waste material starts getting mixed with the blood and it starts giving a different kind of symptoms. What kind of precautions which I would like to advise. It is very important to control diabetes and blood pressure. Hypertension can also lead to kidney damage. The patient may have symptoms like swelling of the legs, water retention in the legs. Water retention can also occur with some other things also. We need to see what has caused the problem like calcium and all other things which we have to take into the account. It becomes very difficult for the patient what to do and what not to do. Because the patient loses a lot of protein through the urine. If you reduce the salt then it also causes the problem. So, one has to be under a strict regimen of diet as well as the proper management from the Dr side. Where the patients are advised to go for dialysis start away, we have been able to postpone the dialysis. The patients who are already on the dialysis, we are able to help them to live life happily and stress-free. My advice to the patient to restrict the diet which is very important. You need to avoid citrus fruits. Avoid taking a very high amount of protein. Calcium has to be supplemented properly. If salt goes down then also it causes the problem and if goes high then also it causes the problem.

So, it is always better to consult a dietitian. The patient can be told what has to be taken and whatnot. Smoking and drinking have to be avoided. Baseline problem like diabetes and blood pressure have to be corrected with proper medications. In homeopathy, we have very good treatment for acute and chronic renal failure. If the patient comes at the initial stage, we can do much better for the patient. Normally, the patient comes at the very later stage. A routine check-up is important after the age of 40. If you see slightest of change in the urine pattern, consult a Dr immediately. Also, any changes are there in your body or any symptoms, consult a Dr to rule out the problem. Severe itching, nausea, vomiting, and headache have to be treated on time. We have very good treatment in homeopathy. With the treatment, the patient feels much comfortable.

Homeopathy has a lot to offer in kidney diseases right from stones, hematuria, burning, pain, all can be easily treated and tackled with homeopathy. Renal failure and CKD can also be treated easily. And the most important point for the patients who are advised to go for dialysis and transplant can go for homeopathic treatment and they can see either they are completely prevented from the dialysis or it can be delayed to the greater extent. You can live a good quality of life. So, who all are suffering from kidney disease, they can try homeopathy and all your problems can be taken care of. The kidney is one organ of the body which affects your heart also. So, you have to be very careful with your health.

Thank You!
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