Top Health Tips on Diseases and Conditions

Hypertension: What You Need to Know About It

General Physician, Chandigarh
Hypertension: What You Need to Know About It
High blood pressure can develop over many years and affects everyone at some point in life but if not treated for a very long time, it can escalate the risks of a number of cardiovascular problems and chronic kidney disorders.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition where the long term force induced by blood on the artery walls may lead to health complications.

Different types of hypertension:

1. Primary Hypertension: High blood pressure caused by genetic, prenatal or other natural causes like aging (people over 60 develop HBP) is known as primary hypertension.

2. Secondary Hypertension: Secondary hypertension is that which is caused due to specific conditions, like kidney disorders, lung disorders etc.

Symptoms Of Hypertension:

It may not show any warning symptoms for several years while it continues to develop. A few tell-tale signs are frequent throbbing headaches, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, excessive sweating but these only occur when there is an extremely serious medical complication.

Complications of hypertension

1. Hypertension can also result in a disorder called aneurysm in which the blood vessels tend to swell and weaken. Rupture of an aneurysm can be fatal.

2. Heart failure is one of the most serious complications associated with hypertension. It becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to pump blood along with the high pressure. Consequently the heart muscle thickens and leads to cardiac arrest.

3. Uncontrolled high blood pressure and interference with your ability to remember and think. It can trigger memory loss and affect your understanding and deriving skills.

4. Persistent high blood pressure can result in atherosclerosis - hardening of the arteries. This can severely wreck cardiovascular health and cause stroke, heart attack or other complications.
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Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Valsad
Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!
Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs and is commonly known as the Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha can be loosely translated to mean the strength of ten horses . It can be used to treat a number of diseases, relieve stress and fatigue, helps heal injuries and may also be used as an aphrodisiac and can help prevent male infertility.

Ashwagandha helps rejuvenate the body: This herb not only calms a person down, but also restores the balance of their body. Hence, it is also known as rayasana or a herb that rejuvenates. Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and boosts the production of white blood cells thereby, elevating levels of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The effects of this herb on a person s nervous system and endocrine system can also harmonise the body, mind and spirit.
It increases positivity: Stress and anxiety can lead to negative thinking and ultimately to depression. By fighting stress Ashwagandha helps negate these problems and instead boosts positive thinking. It may also be used to treat depression itself.
It helps regenerate nerve cells: Along with diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema and gynaecological disorders, Ashwagandha can also be used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson s disease or Alzheimer s. It helps regenerate nerve cells and dendrite growth and even improves communication between nerve cells. This stimulates the body s ability to heal any damage to the nervous system.
It enhances memory and treats insomnia: Ashwagandha is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies to treat insomnia. It not only helps you fall asleep faster but can also improve your sleep quality. A restful sleep increases a person s ability to concentrate and prevents drowsiness through the day. Ashwagandha also increases the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. This has a direct effect on boosting memory and elevating brain functioning and intelligence. Ashwagandha also increases the production of nitric oxide that helps regulate blood flow and blood pressure thus elevating the brain s oxygen levels.
It boosts libido: Ashwagandha helps optimise the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps deal with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Similarly, this Ayurvedic herb also benefits the adrenal glands and thus influences the overall mental and physical health of a person. The functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a direct effect on a person s sexual health and libido. Thus by enhancing the functioning of these glands, Ashwagandha improves sexual health and boosts libido. The nitric oxide produced by Ashwagandha also helps improve fertility.
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Hypothyroidism - How Homeopathy Can Tackle It?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Hypothyroidism - How Homeopathy Can Tackle It?
Hormones are chemicals produced by the body for optimal functioning of the various body systems. The thyroid produces thyroxin which controls body metabolism, and reduced levels affect metabolism. Deficiency of Iodine is the cause behind it as it is required by the body to produce thyroxin. Hashimoto s thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disorder is another cause.

Some common signs of it are extreme fatigue, intolerance to cold, constipation, puffy face, hoarseness of voice, increased cholesterol level, weight gain, muscle and joint pains and aches, altered menstruation and depression are some of the common symptoms.

Homeopathy has some very good remedies that are aimed at managing the person as a whole and not just the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Calcarea Carbonica: The most common and popular homeopathic medicine, it is useful in patients who present with the following symptoms.
Intolerance to cold
Fat, flabby, fair person
Excessive sweating on the head
Peculiar food habits including craving for eggs, chalk, pencils, lime,
Aversion to fatty food substances
Constipation i.e. first part of stool is hard followed by softer stools
Excessive menstruation, prolonged and occurs earlier than the regular date, almost always associated with cold feet
Sepia Officinalis: Another significant remedy, Sepia is used when the patient has the following symptoms.
Weak, pale yellow, tend to faint easily in cold temperatures
Extreme intolerance to cold, even in a warm room
Irritable, indifferent
Significant hair loss
Excessive menstruation, occurs earlier than schedule, along with a bearing down feeling that the pelvic organs will pop out through the vagina, and so she always prefers to sit cross-legged
Constipation i.e. stool is passed out as small balls that are painful to pass
Craving for pickles and acidic foodstuffs
Lycopodium Clavatum: Symptoms of patients in whom Lycopodium will be used are as follows:
Emotionally irritable and physically weak
Yellow face with blue circles around eyes
Excessive hair fall
Craving for hot foods and sweets
Gastric troubles with excessive flatulence
Acidity that worsens after eating starchy foods, especially in the evenings
Constipation with hard, painful, incomplete stooling
Graphites: Presenting symptoms where Graphites is mainly used include:
Intolerance to cold
Depressed emotionally, timid, indecisive, weeps listening to music
Bloated, gassy abdomen
Chronic constipation with hard, painful stooling process
Nux Vomica: The patient in whom Nux Vomica can produce wonderful results presents with the following symptoms:
Cold to the touch
Extremely temperamental, gets offended easily, extremely sensitive
Chronic constipation with scanty stools and a chronic urge to pass stools
Gassy, bloated feeling in the stomach
Desire for alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulations; fatty and spicy foods
Prolonged excessive menstruation
These are commonly used remedies; however, a detailed discussion with your homeopath is essential to zero in on the remedy that will work best for you.
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5 Reasons Your Partner Doesn't Want to Have Sex Anymore

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
5 Reasons Your Partner Doesn't Want to Have Sex Anymore
5 reasons your partner doesn't want to have sex anymore

There are innumerable explanations as to why couples in long-term relationships find themselves in situations when either one of the partner's starts avoiding sex for a reason the other cannot comprehend.

The explanation for your partner's behaviour may be due to an underlying medical issue or various emotional or psychological factors. Following are a few reasons why your partner does not want to have sex anymore:

1. Physical factors: your partner might be experiencing a loss of libido due to physical ailments, particularly ones pertaining to the endocrine and circulatory systems. Disorders such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart complications to name a few, affect the hormone levels in the body, which leads to the lack of sexual drive.

2. Psychological factors: Many mental and emotional factors also affect libido in both men and women. Stress and depression, which often cause sleep deprivation, are two of the biggest causes of unwillingness to have sex. Talk to your partner about what the root of the problem is and ascertain what is creating stress and triggering depression. Communication and counselling are the main ways of dealing with such a situation.

3. Excessive masturbation: If a person watches too much pornography and consequently indulges in masturbation frequently, sexual function is automatically lowered when it comes to performing during intercourse. If your partner masturbates too much, simply ask that the practice needs to be put an end to.

4. Lack of affection: When there is a lack of warmth and affection between partners, the desire to engage in sexual intercourse is automatically diminished. Communicate with your companion to determine ways in which you can rekindle love and passion in the relationship.

5. Addiction to narcotics: If your partner has developed an addiction to certain narcotics, such as nicotine, morphine and various anti-depressants that reduce sex drive, it could be the reason for not wanting to have sex.

The reasons for developing an aversion to sex are often extremely subjective and complex. Open and honest communications between partners may unravel the problem but in many cases, therapy and medical assistance provides the solution.

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Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!

MD, Panchakrma, BAMS, Ayurvedacharya
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!
Onions are a part of the Allium group of vegetables and herbs, which additionally include chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been known for a long time for their specialty of sharp flavours as well as for their curing and healing properties. Onions are a thick and layered vegetable and while they are low in calories, they are highly advantageous when it comes to a steady supply of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and cancer prevention agents. Here is how consuming onions can be very beneficial for your health:

Organosulfer compounds: Allium vegetables have broadly been known as cancer prevention agents, particularly stomach and colorectal tumours. They have beneficial and healing impacts are likely due to a limited amount of organosulfur compounds present in them as compared to other vegetables.
Folate: Folate, found in onions, may help with depression by keeping an overabundance of homocysteine from shaping in the body, which can keep blood and different nutrients from reaching the brain. Abundance of homocysteine hinders the growth of serotonin, which is the happiness hormone.
Vitamin C: Adequate intake of vitamin C is required for the building and support of collagen, which gives a sheen and volume to the skin and hair, respectively. Onions have abundance of vitamin C.
Other Vitamins: Onion contains common sugar, vitamins A, B6, C, E and minerals, for example, sodium, potassium, press and dietary fibre. More importantly, onions contain folic acid, which is very important for a woman s health especially for pregnant women.
Prebiotics: Prebiotics are not generally recommended in heavy doses, however, they sustain the good bacteria in your body. These valuable bacteria then help with the processing and digestion of your food. They help the immune system to a great extent. One such prebiotic is inulin, a water-dissolvable type of dietary fibre that is found in onions. It helps in preventing ulcers.
Sulfur: Sulfur helps in bringing down cholesterol and triglycerides. The allium and allyl disulphide in onions have likewise been said to get rid of vein stiffness by discharging nitric oxide. This may reduce the racing heartbeat, get rid of blood clots and decline the danger of heart diseases, vascular diseases and strokes.
Quercetin: Quercetin in onions is additionally helpful. It offers both cancer prevention agents and mitigating properties that may help the heart.
Cardio-vascular diseases: Onions are shockingly high in gainful polyphenols. These play a critical part in averting and decreasing the movement of diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Regular antihistamin: Quercetin helps in cell reinforcement. It has calming properties that may help fight the painful symptoms of chronic diseases like coronary illness and cancer. Quercetin has been successful in preventing histamine discharge (histamines are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions).
Therefore, onions should be consumed regularly in either a raw form or in your daily vegetables. They not only are easy to consume and digest, but also give you life-long health benefits.
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Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes

Multi Speciality Clinic
Multi Speciality, Pune
Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes refers to the condition when there is an excess of glucose in your body. Though glucose is beneficial for the proper functioning of the body, an excess can lead to serious consequences. Over the years, diabetes has over the years emerged as one of the fatal diseases, one that once developed has no known cure. This condition is preceded by various perceptible symptoms, some of them are-

1. Insatiable thirst

The onset of diabetes is almost always accompanied by a nagging thirst, one that refuses to be quenched despite drinking plenty of water.

2. Frequent tendencies of urination

A frequent tendency of urination is one of the primary precursors of diabetes.

3. Acute hunger

Having bouts of acute hunger is one of the most predominant premonitions of diabetes.

4. Exhaustion and fatigue

In case you are suffering from diabetes, you will inevitably feel tired and exhausted all the time.

5. Blurring of vision

Diabetes is one of those rare conditions that threaten to affect and damage the eyesight. The blurring of vision comes hand in hand with the onset of diabetes.

6. Sores which take a long time to heal

One of the most fatal symptoms of diabetes is when the sore that you have suffered from takes a longer time than necessary to heal.

Some of the complications which diabetes invite are-

1. Cardiovascular problems

Diabetes considerably increases the risk of a host of cardiovascular problems and ailments like heart attacks, chest pain, and stroke.

2. Damage to the kidneys

The pair of kidneys that human beings are endowed with has the responsibility to remove the toxins from the body. An excess of diabetes in the body unsettles the purging ability of the kidneys.

3. Damage to the eyes

The onset of diabetes, among other things, puts your eyes at great risks. The condition tends to damage the blood vessels of the retina and can even cause blindness in some.

4. Skin disorder

Diabetes puts your skin at great risks. You may suffer from various bacterial and fungal infections among other ailments, due to an excess of glucose in your body.
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Alcohol Vs Soft Drinks - Which Is More Harmful?

Sexologist, Jammu
Alcohol Vs Soft Drinks - Which Is More Harmful?
There are many kinds of food items that can do us a world of good. But there are certain man made food items that are synthetic in nature, and have more demerits than merits when it comes to our health. There is a long standing debate on the merits of various beverages, including soft drinks and alcohol.

Which one is the healthier choice?

To begin with, we cannot avoid a good beverage during social interactions, so we would do well to make a healthier choice. Here are the details about the healthier choice between alcohol and soft drinks.

Kilo calories: It is a well-known fact that both alcohol and soft drinks have plenty of kilo calories with one cola containing over 1000 kilojoules as they are known. Yet, as per this parameter, it would be a healthier choice if you were to choose soft drinks because even though they both have the same amount of calories, one tends to drink soft drinks at a slower pace, which means that you consume less of it. Once you start enjoying an alcoholic drink, you tend to take more of them and much faster. Also, alcohol makes you hungry, which implies that you start reaching out for various kinds of snacks and other unhealthy food. In such cases, you will tend to gain weight much faster if you choose alcohol every time. This will not really be the case when you choose soft drinks.
Toxins: The way alcohol is brewed ensures that it carries a whole lot of toxins, which are not good for your liver and heart in the long run. These toxins can easily clog your arteries and create complications for the functioning of the liver as well.
Glycemic index: This is the count that is accorded to the level of insulin resistance in one s drink of choice. For alcohol, the glycemic resistance is much higher, which means that you have better insulin resistance as compared to other soft drinks, which are high in sugar content. Therefore, it makes alcohol a highly unhealthy choice, which can also result in diabetes in the long run, if one ingests too much of it.
Nutrition: From the nutrition point of view, cola and other soft drinks have absolutely no nutritional value because processed sugar is one of the main components. This will give rise to the toxin influx in the body and bring down the insulin resistance, which makes you susceptible to diseases like diabetes. Therefore, it would be healthier to have a beer rather than a cola because it has a small amount of protein due to the ingredients used when it is brewed for consumption. It also has some amount of antioxidants and potassium.
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Garlic - Benefits Of It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Sindhudurg
Garlic - Benefits Of It!
Although a vegetable, garlic is primarily classified as a spice and is used in many dishes across cultures. However, apart from the pungent smell which is the most known characteristic of garlic, it also has medicinal properties and thus, was even used by healers for various ailments before the advent of modern medicine.

Some of the reasons garlic is considered healthy
Garlic is considered healthy for a multitude of reasons. Let's look at some of the ailments that garlic can prevent as well as help in healing.

1. Great against common cold: Garlic and garlic based homemade treatments are great ways to ward of the common cold. Garlic contains the chemical "allicin" which is known to aid health within the body. Having a few cloves or garlic can help you fight the common cold infection.

2. It is known to improve bone health: Garlic is known to be very beneficial for bone health, especially in menopausal women. Women may encounter bone loss during menopause as the production of estrogen is lowered. Garlic encourages estrogen production which can stop bone loss and even protect against bone problems such as osteoarthritis.

3. Is an effective agent in lowering blood pressure: Hypertension is a known killer all across the world. Garlic contains polysulfides which are effective in vasodilation or the widening of the blood vessels and also relaxation of the muscles. This helps blood pressure being lowered within the body and is an effective home remedy if consumed in controlled amounts.

4. Reduces fatigue and is a performance enhancer: Garlic is known to reduce fatigue within people as it controls the heart rate by lowering blood pressure. Whether it is an athletic performance or other physical work related performance requirements, this spice tends to give an extra boost.

5. Controls LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing chances of heart disease: LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, is controlled by allicin as it improves liver functions. The liver can then break down LDL cholesterol easily and thus also helps in preventing arteriosclerosis. Garlic is also known to prevent blood clots that lead to heart attacks.

6. Garlic has anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties: Garlic has been known throughout the ages to be an affective antibacterial and anti-parasitic agent. Garlic extracts or small amounts of garlic in your diet can help you build up immunity and also kill infections within your system effectively. It is also known to be very effective against tapeworm infestations within the gut.
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Excessive Salt and Fluid in the body - 5 Problems it Can Lead to

MSc. Foods & Nutrition, BSc. Dietitics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Excessive Salt and Fluid in the body - 5 Problems it Can Lead to
Diuretics are substances that allow the body to get rid of excess water and sodium. They help in draining out the water by stimulating the kidneys and eliminate sodium from the urine thus, facilitating drainage of excess water. Diuretics are prescribed by the doctor when the body starts to retain excessive fluids.

The conditions that lead to problems such as:

1. High blood pressure: This is a disorder wherein the blood exerts more than the normal force (pressure) against the arterial walls while flowing through them.

2. Diabetes: It is a metabolic disorder wherein the blood sugar level rises significantly.

3. Kidney stones: Kidney stones refer to the formation of stones in the kidneys that can hamper the normal functioning of the kidney, leading to fluid retention in the body.

4. Edema: A disorder wherein parts of the body tend to swell due to inflammation is called edema .

5. Impaired functioning of the kidney: Impaired functioning of the kidneys makes it very difficult to flush out the excess sodium from the body thus, leading to fluid retention.

There are certain natural diuretics, which can come to your aid in times such as these. Read on to know more:

1. Parsley: Parsley, a very effective diuretic, is an herb that is commonly used for garnishing. It can also help in relieving bladder problems.

2. Black and green tea: Both black tea and green tea variants are very effective diuretics. Black tea and green tea benefits in getting rid of the bloating. You are advised to drink green tea after a heavy meal for proper digestion. .

3. Hawthorn: A type of natural diuretic that is effective in reducing fluid accumulation and increasing urinary excretion. It also helps in treating problems of the kidney.

4. Juniper: A diuretic that has been used since ancient times. Juniper is very effective in removing excess salt and fluids from the body. The advantage of this plant is that it does not lower downs the level of potassium in the body, a side effect of other diuretics. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.
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Hypertension: Symptoms that Can Control it on Time

MD - General Medicine, MBBS
General Physician, Mumbai
Hypertension: Symptoms that Can Control it on Time
Commonly people believe that you can understand your blood pressure is high if you are feeling dizzy suddenly or you are not able to sleep at night. Also sweating profusely is often related to having hypertension. But, to be honest, hypertension usually does not have any symptoms, which might help you get alert and take action to control it. This actually imposes a great threat to your well-being as you do not understand if you have hypertension. It is extremely important for you to keep checking your blood pressure level in order to avoid developing hypertension and hence developing a risk to your heart.

Although there aren't any major or very noticeable symptoms, here is a list of some rare symptoms which you can follow:

1. Headaches: If you are suffering from dull headaches almost regularly, it might be because you blood pressure has increased. The headaches can be a dull buzz or a severe migraine like ache. Keep monitoring your headaches and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

2. Dizziness: You might suddenly feel dizzy or you might feel you are about to pass out if your blood pressure increases. Make sure you refer to a doctor as soon as something like this happens.

3. Nosebleeds: A sudden occurrence of nosebleed might also be a symptom of a sudden increase in your blood pressure.

4. Severe anxiety: Severe anxiety or a panic attack is often referred to as a symptom of hypertension. If you have a sudden panic attack with no apparent reason, it may be because your blood pressure has suddenly risen.

5. Shortness of breath: High blood pressure may often cause a shortness of breath. You might experience it during various every day activity like walking, climbing stairs, etc.

6. Nausea: A sudden increase in blood pressure might make you feel nauseous. You might even vomit when this happens. Make sure you consult your doctor if this happens.
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