Top Health Tips on Caring for Young Teenagers (12-14 yrs)

How to Protect Children from Parental Alienation?

Ph. D - Psychology
Psychologist, Delhi
How to Protect Children from Parental Alienation?
One of the scariest fallouts of divorce is parental alienation for the child. In most cases, the custody of the child is passed on to the mother. In such cases, the child is very likely to be separated from the father. The child can develop a sense of alienation towards his father. The reverse is also true. Sometimes the feeling develops to such an extent that the child may refuse to meet the father or mother at all. This is the tragic fallout of a toxic divorce.

Why It Happens

Parental alienation is common to children of divorced partners. Divorce alters the family structure dramatically. Children don t have any say or control over such changes. They love both their parents and want to stay with both of them. Although many parents understand this, there are some that don t. These are the people who stoke parental alienation in their children.

In their zeal to win over the confidence of their children, some parents take stern measures. They take recourse to measures like keeping the child away from its father/mother or speaking badly about the former partner in the presence of their children. Such measures can strike a sense of hatred among children about their father or mother. If one partner continues to engage in such activities, the child may develop a deep sense of alienation towards his separated father or mother. Parents should not use their children to fulfil an urge for vengeance on their former partners.

Immediate Requirement

The need of the hour is to protect children from parental alienation irrespective of the toxicity between the parents. However, protecting children from such abuse is easier said than done.

How to Protect Children from Parental Alienation?

Ways to help a child from parental alienation depends on the age of the child to a large extent. If the child has come out of its infancy and is able to learn and retain things, one needs to maintain the following:

Don t ever speak badly of former partner, especially in front of the child.

Don t ever try to go one up above the other partner, especially with gifts or punishments.

One needs to love the child unconditionally. Children love their parents unconditionally and parents need to reciprocate that in order to be in their reckoning.

If the person blames his/her children for something or the other, he or she may develop a sense of alienation.

Reminisce the fun times with the child. If possible, get together with a former partner and spend some happy moments.

One needs to be on time for routine visits with former partners. Children look forward to such visits. Dithering with such visits with children may develop a sense of parental alienation.

Parental alienation is one of the most difficult situations for children to deal with. They go through a mix of emotions, which is why both parents should understand the impact of divorce or separation on their children. It can even spoil the personality of the child. One should always comfort his/her child and avoid situations where a child needs to choose one of the parents.
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How To Feed Fussy Eaters ?

Msc - Clinical Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
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This is Malika Kabra Rathi being a mother of a 5 year old and a paediatric nutrition since 10 years, I know how challenging it is for mothers to feed their fussy, picky or poor eaters.

So today I am going to share with you my 5 prong approach in order to ensure that your child eats well and will fully. A research suggests that when you introduce lumpy or chewy food at the age of 6 to 9 months, your child appreciation for food increases and it reduces the likelihood of him turning into a fussy eater later on. If your child s first took hasn't interrupted, don't worry his gums are strong enough to be able to grind that food. If you hadn't done this when your child was a baby, again don't worry it's never too late nor too early to start following these guidelines to tackle your fussy eaters. So the first approch is do not give up on food rejection and also an Australian research suggests till you don't introduce a new food for nearly 10 times on 10 different occasions, you cannot really label that food as undesirable by your child, so keep trying and keep patience. Remember that child should be practically hungry each time you introduce the new food. Second, keep calm Indian parents equate their happiness question to the amount of food their child eats, some mothers even break down when their child refuses to eat. Remember, a child will never voluntarily starve unless he is unwell. In fact children are very good judge of their own hunger and appetite signals. If meal times are friendly children really look forward to it. Just the way our appetite keeps fluctuating as per our activity levels, digestion, sleep patterns and the weather outside. Similarly, no single child will eat the same amount of food on your daily basis, so keep realistic goals and please feed on demand. Some warning signals for the parents whose child refuses to eat,no nagging or yelling not showing anxiety, no threatening, no bribing the child with foods like cakes, chocolate, biscuit cookies, and no running after the child with food plate in hand. If the child is suffering from constipation or lack of energy during the day, is not in getting in happy playtime or is falling sick very often please discuss the same with your paediatrician. Third, setup good and responsible examples, charity begins at home we all know parents and relatives staying with their young children are their first point of contact. Parents with restrictive eating habits pass on the same to their children because children learn their behaviour from their parents. So don't limit your childs food variety to those that you prefer, it may so happen that your childs taste buds are totally different than yours and perhaps all this while you were feeding only those who to your child that he didn't quiet originally like. Fourth, food and growth, like I said before child will never voluntarily stave unless he is unwell. So if he is eating well and he is growing well and not falling sick too often you are on the right track. If it is still your concern then please keep a tab on the total amount of food that the child eats during the day, children can graze constantly so the amount of snacks that they label on between there three full square meals just like we adults we love to have a 3 full square meals, a child may end up snacking more often and all these little little snacks that the child labels on ads up to their energy and calorie value and which is why they are fuller for longer hours. If you need further reassurance please check your child s growth and weight chart and discuss the same with your paediatrician. One word of question, there are children who eat well but are lagging behind in their growth and weight chart they could be hyperactive, so please reduce the amount of sugar, milk, chocolates, bakery items processed and packaged foods in their diet, instead substitute it with nuts, millets, whole fruits and vegetables, homemade ghee, homemade snacks and homemade curd and see the difference for yourself. Fifth, meal time strategies, be a good role model while you sip on your early morning tea and coffee do not expect your child to start his or her day with something healthy. Set up regular habits of eating and sleeping in time, a child when wakes up in the morning is practically very hungry provided he wakes up early in the morning by early I mean anywhere between 8 to 8:30 or even before that, avoid putting your child to sleep very late in the night or during afternoon. Early to bed and early to rise will surely keep your child healthy, wealthy and wise Encourage self-feeding and food exploration from a very young age don't worry if they messed up in fact teach your child about nutritive value of some common foods, he will be surprised to know what good nutritionist they turn out to be. My 5 year old child, as soon as he spots Amla in the market he tells me how abundant it is in Vitamin C and how it helps standing his immunity. Keep sufficient gap between two meals example anywhere between 1 to 3 hours is ideal depending on the child s age, activity levels and appetite. Offer a wide variety of fresh and colourful fruits and vegetables on your child's plate. Encourage each time he tries a new fruit or vegetable, remember, if your child likes a particular kind of fruit or vegetables avoid serving it to him on a daily basis because sooner or later he is going to get bored of it as children taste buds a constantly changing, in fact focus on variety in taste, texture, colour, consistency of food cooking methods and selection of ingredients. Offer alternatives between the same food groups if your child dislikes milk don't worry offer him a whole lot of curd, yoghurt, homemade paneer and homemade ghee. Do not force feed your child, a child will only throw up or vomit if you force feed or over feed him. Don't compare between two children because every child has his unique body structure, eating preferences and immunity, so don't compare two children on the amount of food they eat, their height, growth and weight. Food and water go hand in hand, if your child is eating well but is not having enough water it can further suppresses his appetite. So please ensure your child is hydrated well specifically in summertime. I hope my 5 prong approach is of use to you in your real life situation to deal with fussy picky and poor eaters, just the way it was for me. Motherhood is the best gift of nature so enjoy every bit of it and don't turn yourself into fussy mothers in order to tackle your fussy eaters,

Thank you.
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Babies Development - Can Food Help?

MBBS, MD - Pediatrics
Pediatrician, Gurgaon
Babies Development - Can Food Help?
It is often stated by doctors that a child's brain and body develop through good nutrition, and this starts even before they have been conceived. If you are planning for a baby, then it is a must to tune your body for infant nutrition, as healthy growth of the brain in a child begins much before conception. An example to support this is that folic acid intake should be started 14 weeks before conception. Folic acid is considered to be helpful in the early functioning of the brain.

By the time a baby is born, already three-quarters of the cells of the brain are formed and the quarter which is left is formed by the first birthday. As soon as children reach 3 years, they have a brain which is as big as an adult's, and when children are growing, the neurons of the brain grow and develop with them. Thus a poor diet can hamper the growth of children, and also affect their ability to process information and learn. This becomes worse if the iron levels in the body dip below the required levels.
Iodine shortage also leads to irreversible motor and cognitive developments in the child. Similarly, DHA which is considered to be an essential fatty acid in the child development, if compromised, can lead to learning problems. It is known that DHA is the key component for the intensive production of the synapse which is important in the initial years of life for development and learning. Other nutrients like zinc, folic acid and choline all pay a role in the initial functioning of the brain.

Feeding a variety of food to the baby is important as they help in the development, but certain foods are a must. These are:

- Breast Milk: As per dieticians, a baby can only digest breast milk or formula milk in the initial months. Babies should be breastfed for the first six months as it has the basic nutrients required by a baby, and also gives protection against allergies, digestive diseases and infections. Breast milk also has iron which is crucial for the development of the baby.

- Iron-rich cereals: Babies can be fed solid food by 4-6 months. If a baby can sit without support and shows tongue thrust reflex, then he or she is ready for solids. Starting solids with the introduction of cereals or rice cereals is good, as they can be easily digested. It can also be diluted with the breast milk or formula. As these cereals are rich in iron, they are good for the development of the baby. A diet deficient in iron leads to delayed talking and walking of a child.

- Fruit and vegetable: A good time to introduce vegetables and fruits is when the baby is 6-7 months. These foods are loaded with minerals and vitamins which provide different textures and tastes to the baby. Carrots mashed and strained, along with beans, apples, bananas, peaches and peas and pears can be given to the baby. These can be boiled or pureed or mashed for the baby for easy consumption.

- Pureed Food: These foods are generally the meats which can be given from 8-9 months. Meats like lamb, chicken and liver contain iron. The iron of the meats is easily absorbed, as compared to the iron in plants. For the maximum absorption of the iron in the meat, it should be served with vitamin C, some fruits, cantaloupe or broccoli. It is believed that vitamin C boosts the absorption of iron.

Though there are a number of environmental and genetic factors which affect the development of a child, food is one of the most important factors. Thus it should be kept in mind that good food leads to a happy, healthy and a well-developing baby. Start from the beginning and focus on the right portions to ensure the health of your baby.
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Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
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Role of Homeopathy in Children
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Treating Children's Problems With Homeopathy

BHMS, MBA (Healthcare), PGDCR
Homeopathy Doctor, Davanagere
Treating Children's Problems With Homeopathy
During the early growing years, children are prone to a lot of airway problems, including asthma, tonsillitis, and sinusitis. Their immunity is also low, which contributes makes them prone to develop these infections very easily.

Homoeopathy is believed to be a milder form of treatment with minimal side effects and also get rid of the underlying medical condition and also improve their immunity. Read on to know more about these conditions and what products homoeopathy uses.

Asthma: Asthma is a common condition with wheezing episodes and difficulty breathing. Asthma attacks can be triggered by emotional stress, change of weather, occupational effects, family history of atopic diseases. Some of the commonly used homoeopathic medicines include Ipecac, Arsenicum, Nux Vomica, Natrum sulphuricum, and Kali bichromicum. The weather of the place you reside and the time of the attacks also have a major role to play in choosing the right component.
Adenoids: This is the group of lymph tissue that is hidden behind the roof of the mouth. Their infection causes pain, fever, difficulty breathing, sinus infections, and snoring. Hydrastis, Calcarea phosphorica, Agraphis nutan, Tuberculinum, and Cistus Canadensis are some of the most frequently used compounds to treat enlarged adenoids. Managing adenoid infection can be useful in preventing adenoid surgery, which is very frequently done.
Nasal Polyps: These are overgrowths of the nasal mucosa, and they lead to blocked nose, frequent sneezing, and nasal voice. The associated symptoms of loss of smell, bleeding, nasal obstruction, distension of the nose, will decide the right compound for you. Calcarea Carb, phosphorus, conium, Teucrium Marum Varum, Hekla Lava are commonly used to manage nasal polyps without having to go through surgical removal.
DNS: The right and left nostrils are separated by a thin layer of bone and cartilage called the nasal septum. When this layer is not at the centre, but deviated to the right or left, it can cause breathing problems, nasal congestion, and sometimes pain and nosebleeds. In some people, this could also be a cosmetic issue with the external nose also looking crooked. Sangunaira, Aconite, Ars alb, Thuja, Tuber, Teucr mer are some compounds which produce good results.
Tonsillitis: The tonsils are lymphatic tissue in the back of the throat, and due to various reasons, there can be attacks of acute or chronic tonsillitis. Baryta Carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica, Bromine, Calcarea iodata, and Lycopodium are frequently used to manage tonsillitis without having to remove them.
Sinusitis: There are 4 major sinuses in the facial region and depending on the sinus affected, there can be heavy-headedness, blocked nose, facial bone pain, runny nose and pain between the eyes. Silicea, Merc Sol, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, and Kali Bichrome are effectively used to treat chronic sinusitis symptoms.
Most of the airway passage conditions in children can be treated with homoeopathic medications with minimal side effects and reducing the need for surgery. It is very important to understand that each child is unique and the right regime will be drawn up after a detailed discussion about history, accompanying symptoms, and predisposition to the condition.
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Strength Training Of Your Child - How Can It Help?

Physiotherapist, Ghaziabad
Strength Training Of Your Child - How Can It Help?
Child care is often one of the crucial aspects that have to be given due consideration during the growth of a child. Children now are susceptible to a variety of impairments, and even though there are medications and treatments to take care of their needs, they would still require a personal touch. This is where pediatric physiotherapists come in. Their primary job is to work with people of different ages from premature babies to young adolescents to ensure that they interact optimally and address their development stages. Like any physiotherapist, they are also concerned with the movements of the child, their postures and their coordination with the outside world. Let us have a look at their profession in depth.

Role of Pediatric physiotherapists
The major role of the pediatric physiotherapist would be to assess the child and make a detailed physiotherapy plan according to his/her needs. They are also required to work in close collaboration with parents, teachers, doctors and other health care professionals. Based on the length and the gravity of the treatment, it can either be done at home or at the designated health care centers. Some of the conditions they address can include:

Cerebral palsy
Developmental delay
Visual handicaps
Premature babies
Postural problems
Respiratory problems such as asthma
They also give across treatments in older children for:

Brain injury and spinal injury
Neurological diseases
Post trauma injuries, such as fractures, sports injuries
Burns and plastic surgery
Limb deficiency conditions
Chronic pain
The Challenges:
Their major focus would be in imparting guidance for the movement that the child might be hampered with. Since children would not be having the necessary control to fight a disease, they can also focus on strength training in a child. They can also slowly groom up your child to let them feel at ease with the physical world. Most of the exercises and session would focus on one critical issue their confidence level. Pediatric physiotherapists would always concentrate on this aspect, apart from the training. They always encourage the children to take part in a wide variety of activities and will also groom them to be independent. Also in older children when they have the capacity to understand, the pediatric physiotherapist should always inform the child about his/her physical nature and that there is nothing wrong with him. The more open they are to the child, the more the child would reciprocate.

There are also many medications and physical treatment plans that can be given when the child is undergoing the therapy. These can include wheelchair assist, walkers or canes. Most of the children who are affected by the conditions may also have a poor development of their vision. The pediatric physiotherapist should liaise with the ophthalmologist to take care of their needs as a sense of right vision can sometimes go a long way in how the child responds to a treatment. They also have an added commitment of making the child respond to a treatment in which he/she is comfortable in.
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Childhood Diseases and their Homeopathic Management

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
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Hi, I am Dr Chavvi Bansal. And I am practising homoeopathy in Homeopathy and wellness, Pitampura.

Today I would like to discuss Homeopathy and the various childhood diseases and Impact of homoeopathy in various childhood infections. As we know that children are more disposed to infections and they develop diseases readily because they have low immunity and they are more prone to infections. Homeopathy treatment works on the same and it boosts the child's immunity, not to take these infections and fight with them effectively. Commonly found childhood diseases are respiratory diseases are tonsillitis, prolonged bronchitis, prolonged cough, constipation, diarrhoea and gas problems. Children are also more prone to eczema and hives. Bedwetting is also one of the most common childhood diseases, but we have a good homoeopathic treatment for all such diseases.

Coming to the homoeopathic management.

Homeopathic medicines are not just mild and safe but also boosts the child's immunity. So, it basically makes the body immunity strong, so not to take infections or fight them effectively. Also, Children are very soft. Giving them hard medicines will not only affect them in a negative way but also hamper their growth. Hence, it is always advised to give them a homoeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy has given wonderful results on children diseases. It has also been found to increase the child's immunity to its best. It also helps to prevent surgery for adenoids and tonsillitis.

For more queries related to such problems, please feel free to contact me through Lybrate.
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Old Traditions

MD - Paediatrics, MBBS
Pediatrician, Faridabad
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Main Dr. Sanjeev Kumar.

Fareeda bad se Aj hum log discuss karein gy k hamari jo purani param parain hain, kya wo sahi hain?, ghalat hain? Q k hamari jo nai generation hai wo purany bat ko sunny ko tyar nai. Jo bary log hain wo nai bat ko accept krny ko tyar nai. Per main apko bta dn k jo purani param paraiyan hn bilkul logical bilkul sahe hain, bht had tk. Jaisy jb bacha paida hota h to sb sy important hai k kbi us ko naya kapra nai pehnaya jata. Q? Q k jo kapra purana, dhula hua, dhoop main sookha hua, 70-80% bacteria to aisy e mar gya. Or wo soft b hota h. bachy k lye acha hota hai. To ye jo param para purany kapry pehnany ki hai wo bilkul saeh hai. Dusri bat, bachy ko ma aka dudh pilaya jata hai. Is koi wo if and buts nai hn. Dusra chatty din, chatti mania jati hai. Scientifically bilkul sahe chatty din he, mtlb 6 din tk narroo gir jata hai, navi main jo clamp lgta hai. Wo gir jata hai. Usi din k bad nehlana chahye, scientifically bilkul sahe hai, or us din k bad. Usi din ek param para hoti hai. Bht sari chezain bnai jati hain, maa ko khany k lye. Bary b bnay jaty hn. Puri b bnai jati hai, kheer b bnai jati hai, is ka matlb ye hua k maa ko ab to khilao or khilaty rehna. Is din buwaa ati hai. Buwaa ka purpose ye hai k wo apni bhabi ki seewa kary. Jo burhi amaa hai, daddi, wo seewa nai kr skti is lye young buwaa ko involve krty hn. Bhabi ek bakhshish deti hai apni naand ko. Ye ek choti si param para hai. Per bht logical hai. Dusri ek param para hai pury bharat main k jis ghr main bacha paida hota hai. Wo log kbhi kisi k ghr jaty nai hain. Na un k ghr koi ata hai.scientifically bikul sahe hai. Ery ghr main ek bacha paida hua. Wo bhagwan paida hua, mje kisi k ghr nai jana. Je apni wife ka or apny bachy ka dehan rakhna hai. Or ek ue param para k jis ghr m bacha paida hota hai us kamry m log ghusain gy b nai. Gaon main purany param praon main kya hota hai, upply jata dety thy, neem k patty latka dety thy, is ka mtlb ye hota tha k us ghr main koi jaye ga nai. Agr kisi ko jana hai to proper phly hand wash krna hai pair wash krna hai. Upply main hath sukhanahai phr jana hai andar. Scientifically bilkul sahe hai. Or ye param para 40 din tk hoti hai. 40 din tk q? q k 40 din tk jo bacha dani hoti hai, maa ka uterus, 4o days tk involuate kr jati hai, choti c ho jati hai, wapis utni c ho jati hai. Isi period main maa ko bleeding hony ka dar rehta hai. Isi time main maa ko kahein baher ghumna nai chahye. Ghr waly kahein baher na jana chahye. Maa or bachy ka dehan rakhna chahye. Log kehty hain suttar lg jata hai. Ye bilkul sahe hai, maa bacha allag hony chahyen. Rest krna chahye, or in logon ko kahein or baher nai jana chahye, q k family member, ghr m ain gy log, wadhaiyan dn gy. Koi note dy ga, koi paisy dn gy, or sb log ap k bachy ko disturn krn gy. Sb sy important, note dn gy, beemar krny wala kam, infection dn gy. To mera ye man na hai k hamari jo purani param parain hain wo mota moti thek hain. Hm ko us ko follow krna chahye. Or ye jo param para kajal lgany ki hai, kajal to ek bahana hai, boo any ka, kajal ankhon main nai lgana chahye, q k ankh or naak k bech main ek nalli hoti hai. Us nalli sy ankhon ka extra pani naak k through beh jata hai. Jb hm kajal lga dety hain to wo cheedh bband ho jata hai or ankhon sy extra pani behta hai. Is k liye hamein kajal nai lgana chahye. Baki jo param parayin hain hamari wo bilkul sahe hain.
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How To Deal With Separation Anxiety In Children?

M.Sc - Psychological Counseling, B.A ( Hons) - Psychology
Psychologist, Delhi
How To Deal With Separation Anxiety In Children?
It is obvious for your little ones to feel anxious and uncomfortable when they have to bid a temporary farewell to you. Though you may be at your wits end in dealing with the tantrums, tears and clinginess of your kids, this is a normal stage in the child s mental growth. With the help of coping strategies, you can help your child come out of the disorder quite easily.
Helping kids deal with separation anxiety:
You can easily aid your kids overcome the separation anxiety by making them feel comfortable and safer. You should try to create a sympathetic ambience at home to make your child feel at ease and talk to the school authorities if they can be a bit compassionate about the child.
Learn the reasons behind the anxiety: When you are aware of what makes your child feel anxious when he or she is separated from you, you will be able to offer better solutions and empathise with your child s struggles.
Listen to what your child says: As a responsive parent, you must listen to what your child is feeling and have respect towards it. If a child is feeling isolated, he or she can be healed back to a normal state when they are listened to with proper care and sympathy.
Discuss about the issue: A child feels much relieved when he or she knows that there is someone to talk about his or her anxiety and fears. You should refrain from telling kids to stop thinking about it, and instead, tenderly remind the child how bravely he or she survived the last separation without any harm.
Anticipate the difficulty faced by your child: you should be prepared for transition moments in which your child may feel immensely anxious, such as going to school or meeting friends for playing. In case your child feels more comfortable separating from the other parent than you, it is wise to let the other parent handle the separation moment.
Offer a consistent schedule throughout the day: You must never underestimate the significance of predictability for your child with separation anxiety issues. When you offer them a consistent schedule pattern for a day, they can easily cope with the anxiety with the passage of time. In case there are going to be any alterations in the schedule, you must speak with your kids about it ahead of time.
With these small steps, you can help your small child deal with separation anxiety. But in case you feel that the situation is out of control, and you are unable to control your kids, it is probably time to seek professional help.
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Diabetes - How To Administer It In Kids?

MBBS, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatrician, Delhi
Diabetes - How To Administer It In Kids?
When children suffer from Type 1 diabetes, it means that their pancreas does not produce enough insulin. To stay alive, these children should depend on the external supply of insulin. These children suffering from diabetes go through a devastating experience and in fact, this is a trauma for the caregivers too. There are lots of dietary and lifestyle changes that need to be followed. When children experience symptoms such as extreme thirst, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, irritability, and fungal infections, immediately taking them to the doctor is important. These symptoms may indicate type 1 diabetes. To diagnose diabetes, a range of tests are available. When children are affected by diabetes, continuous monitoring is required.

Tests: The doctor recommends various tests at frequent intervals to check if the different organs function properly. Diabetes in children can damage vital organs, and the tests conducted by the doctors indicate the rate or extent of damage if present. Cholesterol, liver function, growth, regular eye tests, blood pressure, kidney test, and thyroid tests are the common tests that are frequently done.

Insulin: External supply of insulin is something that keeps these children going. Many types of insulin are available. The insulin is prescribed based on the onset of the disease and the duration of the action. The dosage, combination, and type of insulin are recommended by the doctor. When Type 1 diabetes is not treated, there are lots of long-term complications like nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, heart and blood vessel disease, and skin infections that keep coming.

Cause: The cause of diabetes in children is not known. In a few people, type 1 diabetes is because of the immune system. The immune system considers the insulin-producing cells as foreign bodies and destroys it. The result is that the body does not get enough insulin, and the glucose levels are higher in the bloodstream. This leads to life-threatening complications.

Risk factor: There are multiple risk factors for diabetes in children. If any of the parents or siblings suffer from type 1 diabetes, the risk among the child is higher. Increased risk for diabetes in children is also seen when there is genetic susceptibility. This disease is also common in the non-Hispanic children in the US. Exposure to certain viruses results in an autoimmune disease that leads to pediatric diabetes. Early intake of cow s milk is linked to childhood diabetes.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for childhood diabetes. The children are tested for antibodies. The presence of these, however, does not confirm the presence of childhood diabetes. There is no way to prevent the antibodies present in the body. It is essential to make the child feel comfortable. The caregivers should boost their morale, and help them stick to the diet chart and activity regime. Their needs can be specific and complicated. It is mandatory to stick to the appointment schedule. The children cannot afford to miss the appointments. Insulin therapy happens all through the life of these children. Options to take insulin are convenient these days with the insulin pen and insulin pumps. In teenage girls and girls who are hitting puberty, hormones may demand changes in insulin requirements. Consult a doctor and get to know what to expect at specific instances.
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