Dietitian/Nutritionist, Lucknow
21 years experience
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Having a properly balanced meal that includes a variety of flavour will help in avoiding craving for after meal sweet or dessert.
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Eating a filling meal which is healthy but interesting in itself regarding the aroma and flavour will satisfy not just your hunger but your senses as well, and this will help inhibit the thought about an after-meal snack such as an ice cream. Plan in such a way that the meal leaves you happy and content by including a variety of food groups that you love. Explore and find a wide range of foods that could be a part of your meal.
One of the best ways to practice moderation when it comes to craving for sweets is,
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Having a sweet tooth is one of the primary factors that contribute to obesity and controlling the tendency can help lead a healthy life. But it does not mean one should decide to stay away from sweets altogether. Just as binge eating can be harmful, total deprivation will only lead to more craving. Being mindful of your sweets intake on a daily basis is the way to go as moderation is the key. Maintain a food diary, it will help you plan and stay mindful.
Once you have decided to moderate your sweet intake what could be the game plan?
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Establishing goals is the first step in the process as the term moderation could mean different things to different people. Once you have decided on what you need, switch to healthier choices and make a diet plan. Be patient till you are not just convinced but enjoy your healthier snacks at which point you would yourself feel like you are already there as you would be able to sense a reduction in your craving for sweet snacks. Once you reach this point, maintain it. Willpower is all it takes.
Portion size doesn t matter.
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The quantity consumed definitely matters not just with sweets but for any food. The first step to controlling the situation is to plan and give your body what it wants but in smaller portions. Eventually, you will get tuned to the portion size and will be able to practice moderation as well in the process. Make it a habit of cutting out smaller portions when you reach for your favorite cake next time. Focus on the quality rather than quantity and indulge in smaller portions of your favourite sweets.
Out of sight, out of mind one of the key principles to help control your sweet tooth.
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Stocking our kitchen and refrigerator with all the favourite snacks is one of the greatest blunders everyone does. This leads to consuming the foods without realising and end up feeling guilty. Instead, mix and match by including healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts in your purchase. Limit your purchase of sweets and other processed food.