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Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!

MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS (Implantologist)
Dentist, Mumbai  •  12 years experience
Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!
Why should floss not be reused?
1 of 5
Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!
Flossing is not the sole dental cleanser.
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Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!
How often is flossing recommended?
3 of 5
Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!
Flossing should be done only on one side of the tooth.
4 of 5
Regular Flossing And Mythful Knowledge!
Which of these statements regarding flossing is true?
5 of 5

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