Hello, oily skin is due to sebum discharge from sebeseous glands of facial skin is the out come of stress, anxiety, insomnia, causing due to irregular life style.
- tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins, regulate metabolism and to moisten your skin & muscle.
- tk, protein rich diet on time.
- tk, apples, carrots, cheese, banana, papaya, spinach, almonds, walnuts, pumpkins, regularly.
- maintain personal hygiene, locally.
Tk, homoeo medicines which are gentle, rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof.
@ berb acquaq -10 drops, thrice a day with little water, orally.
@ echineceaq - 20'drops, with 20 drops of water, apply on your face, twice.
Avoid, caffeine, nicotine, junkfood, alcohol, conteminated water. Pizza, burger,
wear full covering clothes to safeguard from sun tenning, dust, pollution.
Tk care.