Hi, Lybrate user, sperm count or, enhancement of sperm is based upon the following factors, intake of nutritious diet, vitamins, meditation, exercise, avoidance of stress, anxiety administration of homoeo medicines.
?normal sperm count :stands from 20 million /ml to 40 million/ml with motility above 12 %- 40% with morphology between 4%-14% of range.
?tk, apples, carrots, beats, bananas, orange, almonds, walnuts, oyster, eggs, spinach, garlic, pumpkin- seeds, black chocolates to condition your semen in order.
?meditation for 30 minutes will reduce your stress, anxiety, nourish cells, tissues, penile, pelvic and groin muscle to improve erectile dysfunction premature ejaculation, resulting which enhancement of sperm count be ensured. Motility rate is high in the morning hour hence, sex is more fruitful in the morning.
Take, plenty of water to eliminate toxins and to regulate metabolism to absorb nutritions, vitamins, protein, minerals to provide energy to the body. Your diet should be easily digestible, simple, non- irritant, on time to b digested properly.
Ensure, 6/7 hours sound sleep in the night.
Homoeo medicines:
acid phos1000-5 drops, wkly.
Private consultation provides you a faster, input,please.
Avoidance: high carbohydrate,
frequent masturbation, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, junk food, polluted atmosphere, obesity, dust, smoke, scorching sun & hot tube bath.
Stay fit and fine.