Information about Gumex Mouth Wash
Gumex mouthwash is an antiseptic, astringent and an analgesic preparation. It is used in cases of gingivitis, periodontitis, bleeding and spongy gums, pre-denture problems, tooth extraction, pre- and post orthodontic treatment, sore throat, ulcers and halitosis, etc.
Gumex mouthwash contains Potassium iodide, Iodine, Zinc phenol sulphonate, Tannic acid, Camphor, Clove oil, Menthol, Mentha oil, Thymol, Phenol and Glycerin solution.
Directions for use: Take gumex on the fingertip and massage 2-3 times daily on the affected gum or as directed by the physician. You can massage, brush and gargle with Gumex mouthwash. For gargling, dilution ratio is: 1 teaspoonful of gumex in 20 ml of water.
Use under medical supervision.