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Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Tox Dilution 1000CH Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Tox Dilution 1000CH

Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Tox Dilution 1000CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 11 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: Dr Reckeweg & Co
Price: ₹ 170.0

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Tox Dilution 1000CH

Rhus dilution is homeopathic remedy containing Rhus toxicodendron. It is also known as Rhus tox. Other names include Toxicodendron pubescens and Toxicodendron radicans.

Rhus Toxicodendron is used for treating several conditions, including skin rashes, cramps, strains, sprains, restless leg syndrome, flu, viral infections, arthritis. This remedy has primarily been studied for its effectiveness as a treatment for arthritis pain. Research shows that its effectiveness against this kind of pain is questionable at best. Rhus toxicodendron is most commonly used for the alleviation of arthritis symptoms. It can be given to people with arthritis of any age, adult, or child.

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

My widal test report is S.typhi "O" is 1: 120 S.typhi "H" is 1: 60 S.typhi "AH" is no reaction in all dilution S.typhi "BH" is no reaction in all dilution Am I suffering from typhoid? And have taken following prescriptions zithrox LX Calpol 650 Cobadex CZS pantocid D.

Homeopath, Secunderabad
Kindly finish the course of medicine and do not stop it abruptly. Do not worry if you are feeling better. Kindly check your fever at least twice a day. Eat healthy food which is easy to digest. If the symptoms are not relieved then you can start Homeopathy as it can boost your immunity and let the body fights the infection naturally. The Homeopathic medicine for your constitution needs to be selected based on your detailed history for the medicines to act efficiently. You can contact me online if needed for a private consultation.

I was leading a very active life. I used to play badminton continuously for 2 hours and never felt any problem. Suddenly one day I felt pain in my knee. Thinking it due to overuse of my muscles, I took ARNICA 1M 2-3 doses followed by BRYONIA 1M and RHUS TOX 1M on fortnightly basis. Now I got it checked and I am told that is early arthritis. PLEASE ADVISE. My thirst, hot cold liking etc are normal.

MD - Alternate Medicine, BHMS
Homeopath, Surat
I was leading a very active life. I used to play badminton continuously for 2 hours and never felt any problem. Sudde...
If you have trouble only in the first few movements and then you can walk properly, then take Rhus Tox 30C. If you cannot move at all or slightest motion cause you pain, then take Bryonia 30C. If you can't move and cannot bear it to be touched at all. And there is a bruised feeling, then take Arnica 30C. If all this doesn't help, then consult a homeopath for proper prescription.
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I have very bad pain in left leg because of sciatica I have three medicines for sciatica Colocynth 30 Rhus Tox 30 Gnaphalium 30 but are these correct? I.e. Which medicine should I prefer? I.e. For example, Rhus Tox 30, Rhus Tox 200 or Rhus Tox 1000?

Physiotherapist, Noida
I have very bad pain in left leg because of sciatica I have three medicines for sciatica Colocynth 30 Rhus Tox 30 Gna...
Apply Hot Fomentation twice daily. Avoid bending in front. Postural Correction- Sit Tall, Walk Tall. Extension Exercises x 15 times x twice daily - lying on tummy, take left arm up for 3 seconds, then bring it down, right arm up for 3 seconds, bring down. Bring right leg up, hold for 3 seconds, bring it down. Then right leg up and hold for 3 seconds and bring it down. Repeat twice a day- 10 times.
6 people found this helpful

I belongs to indore (mp) .my wife (50) has symptoms of fibromyalgia since 3 years. I want to know best treatment of it. Homeopathic/ayurvedic/alopathic, pl. Suggest best doctor in indore/mumbai/delhi etc. With address. At present taking homeopathic treatment with Rhus tox 200. Alopathic treatment does not suit, due to reaction of medicine like lack of appetite, no stomach clean and wants to sleep whole day.

Bachelor of physiotherapy
Physiotherapist, Gurgaon
There is no known cure of fibromyalgia but physiotherapy and ayurveda may help ease the symptoms of pain. It can also help reduce stiffness and fatigue. In addition to exercise, physical therapists use a wide range of resources -- from deep tissue massage to ice and heat packs for hydrotherapy. And with this use twin stem sachet, guggal/suth, rise onn syrup, salakhi, polytos, and alovera ayurvedic medicine. Both of all reduce pain and disease and improve mobility and daily activity of living. And you find better asap.
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