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Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH

Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 11 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: Dr Reckeweg & Co
Price: ₹ 115.0

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH


Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution is an amazing homeopathy medication for treating sexual shortcoming and urinary contaminations. It helps in mitigating uncontrollable constrictions and bitter acid reflux. It helps in treating the conflicting release of pee. Agony in assistant organs and mending of ulcers can likewise be amended utilizing this prescription.

This homeopathic remedy is prepared from the blossoming fresh herb of the Conium Maculatum plant. It is indicated for the following condition-

  • A remedy best suited for the troubles that occur at the change of life stage. Best suited to old unmarried women and bachelors.

Mouth, Throat, and Cough:

  • Rankles at the upper lip, at the edge of the red part, agonizing is eased with Conium Maculatum.
  • Salivation tasting harsh, or severe preference for the mouth.
  • Harsh preference for the throat with totality in the pit of the throat and pointless endeavors to burping shows Conium.
  • Hack that happens very quickly subsequent to taking a lying position, Cough which is trailed by regurgitation.
  • Dry hack, energized by the scarcest presentation to cold air, even by putting arms up.
  • Conium is frequently demonstrated in stubborn dry hack staying after flu or a virus.

Stomach and Abdomen:

  • Hardness and extreme swelling of the stomach area, at night in the wake of eating is soothed with Conium.
  • Swelling of the liver with impressive agony and gathering of ear-wax.
  • Squeezing torments in the belly, as though looseness of the bowels would come on, trembling of the entire belly is calmed with Conium.
  • Fast swelling of the stomach particularly in the wake of drinking milk.

Rectum and Stool:

  • Conium has been valuable in blockage with incapable encouraging or with inadmissible stools.
  • Consistent encouraging with no stool, Stitches in the rear-end when not at stool.


  • Vertigo, when lying down and turning over in bed, turning head or eyes.
  • Headache with nausea and vomiting after a meal.


  • Conjunctivitis and ulcerations in the eye.
  • Photophobia with excessive watering of eyes especially while working in artificial light.
  • Great for students doing night studies.

Urinary objections:

  • Conium is utilized where tolerant experiences shortcoming of the bladder in removing the pee.
  • On the off chance that the urethra is limited as a result of an expansion of the prostate organ, Conium might be shown.
  • A keynote for Conium is intruded on pee.


  • Conium is the fundamental solution for the organ that is influenced significantly by sexual movement in man.
  • Vicious agony of testicles.
  • The cure improves the feeble sexual forces.


  • Pimples, similar to those in scabies, which end up scurfy are alleviated with the assistance of Conium.
  • Caramel, or red and tingling spots over the entire body, which vanish and return.

Sweeping statements:

  • Conium is an essential cure in indurated swelling of cervical lymph hubs.
  • Agony in little of the back, particularly drawing or hauling descending, regarding the menses,
  • Trembling everything being equal.
  • Around evening time, cerebral pain, queasiness, gastralgia, seeping of the nose, torment in the appendages, and so on.

Reactions of Dr. Reckeweg Conium Maculatum:

  • There are no such reactions. However, every drug ought to be accepted after the principles as given.
  • It is projected to take the prescription regardless of whether you are on another method of drug-like allopathy meds, ayurvedic and so forth.
  • Homeopathic medications never meddle with the activity of different meds.


  • Paralysis that is going from below upwards.
  • Gait is trembling, painful stiffness of legs
  • The sluggishness of activities.
  • A good remedy for Parkinson s disease.
  • Cancer- of glands and breast


  • Glands in the armpit, groins, neck are enlarged and painful.
  • Breasts are as hard as a stone, enlarged in size and painful to touch with stitching pain in the nipples.
  • Periods of flow stops by putting hands in cold water. Too scanty flow starting too late.
  • White discharge starts ten days before periods and is bloodstained, milky, acidic.
  • Patient sweats all day and night.


  • Depression.
  • Forgetfulness like in dementia.
  • Cannot maintain any mental effort, too weak mentally.
  • Urine is intermittent.

Dose- As prescribed by the physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.


  • Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
  • Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Side effects- none reported.

Similar drugs- Asteria, Calcarea.

Ques: What is Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH is a medication which is made by the extracts from the Conium Maculatum plant. This medicine performs its action by treating sexual weakness and urinary infections. Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH is used to treat conditions such as Helping in treating sexual weakness, Effective in curing tumors, Decreases pain glands affections, etc.
Ques: What are the uses of Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH is a medication, which is used for the treatment and prevention from conditions such as Reduces inflammation and pain in glands, Relieves painful menses in females, and Useful in treating nervous weakness and weak erections in males. Apart from these, it can also be used to treat conditions like Useful in treating urinary complaints and Helps in reducing sleeplessness. The patient should i­nform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH to avoid undesirable effects.
Ques: What are the side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH is a homeopathic medication. There is no reliable data about the side effects of this medication. The patient ought to counsel a specialist for its further uses and reactions and ought to educate the specialist about any continuous meds and treatment before utilizing to maintain a strategic distance from bothersome impacts.
Ques: What are the instructions for storage and disposal Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Conium Mac Dilution 30CH should be kept in a cool dry place and in its original pack. Make sure this medication remains unreachable to children and pets. The patient should consult a doctor for its further uses and side effects and should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using to avoid undesirable effects. It is a prescribed medication.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I'm suffering by gynecomastia. And I am17 year 8 months old boy. I see one video on YouTube and they suggest to take conium 200 .What would do and how to use it?

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery), FWT (W.B)
Homeopath, 24 Parganas
Hi Lybrate user, don't take medecine just shows you tube, 1st know causation of your disease. Yes conium mac 200 is one of the medecine of mastitis. If you want you can consult with me privately. Take care.
1 person found this helpful

I am 23 years old, suffering from fibroadenoma of left breast and is taking homeopathy medicine but due to covid19 unable to visit the doctor, currently I am having conium mac 1m and phytum 30, please suggest me how much time it will take to get cured?

Homeopathy Doctor, Palakkad
Depends on several factors. Size of the fibroadenoma, reaction of your body towards medication, diet, other diseases if any etc. Try to avoid oily faty foods. Take large quantities of water.

Use of conium MAC 30, can I take it for ED, sperm count increase and sex stamina?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Roorkee
Use of conium MAC 30, can I take it for ED, sperm count increase and sex stamina?
Take basantkusumarkar ras makrdhwaj gold good and best result Consult online with me for better result.

Hi I am 28 year old male I am affected with hair loss problem I have gap in my hairs can I use this medicine for my hair fall and hair loss problem can this medicine grow new hairs [ Dr. Reckeweg hair care combo pack of lycopodium dilution 30ch 11 ml & r89 hair care drop 30 ml ] please update me.

Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
Hi I am 28 year old male I am affected with hair loss problem I have gap in my hairs can I use this medicine for my h...
Do you have dandruff problem also. Regularly wash your hair with mild shampoo. 1. Vitamin for hair loss.(a, b and c) 2. Enrich diet with protein. 3. Do warm coconut oil massage. Take coconut oil and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage your scalp with this hot oil for a few minutes. 4. Avoid brushing wet hair. 5. Keep yourself hydrated. 6. Put on a shower cap for an hour then shampoo your hair. It helps to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. 7. Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hairline. 8. Ditch hair tools that use high heat. 9. Be wary of chemical processing. 10. Drink water to hydrate your body. U can mix arnica q and jaborandi q equal quantity. Apply on scalp with the help of cotton. Wash hair next day. Do it twice a week homeopathy is a very effective for this problem n has very encouraging results. You can contact me for a detailed consultation.
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