Kindly use chlohex plus ads two times daily for 15 days. And massage your gums with gum paint two times daily for 15 days. If still problem persistent kindly visit your dentist again.
No face wash can make your skin fairer. Suntanning is the one of the major reasons that makes your skin darker. Use sunscreen with spf-30 when you are out (9am-5pm). Have nutritious diet
Paste is definitely better than powder as tooth powder is more abrasive and will abrade the teeth.
Use mouth wash half an hour after brushing.
Clohex ADS is good.
You can try a gum paint .. but if the tooth is shaking it will keep on shaking ... as there would be boneless around the tooth .. secondly ...we would have to assess the condition of neighbouring teeth as well ..
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice