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X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test

X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test

A dorsolumbar spine x-ray allows the doctor to view the anatomy of the lumbar part of the spine. It is an imaging test through which an image of the dorsolumbar region can be scanned to diagnose or confirm the suspected disease/problem or issue of this region. The lumbar spine consists of: Large blood vessels, Tendons, Cartilages, Ligaments and Nerves In order to view the bones of the body, small radiation is sent and the images are captured to check the abnormality, injury or disease of the specific region. A dorsolumbar x-ray can reveal if you have arthritis or broken bone at the back. It can even help in the detection of the problems with the discs, muscles or nerves.

X-ray doesn’t require any special or complicated preparation before the test. You just need to remove the jewellery or other ornaments, if you are wearing any. Also, you must inform your doctor if you have had any implants over the area to be undergone through the procedure. In order to maintain the quality of the x-ray, you might be asked to remove the jeans or other clothes to avoid the buttons and other fancy items to interfere with the image of the x-ray.

It is done to diagnose any birth defect which might be affecting the spine. Injuries or fracture occurred in the lumbar region after an accident. Osteoarthritis; arthritis affecting the joints is diagnosed through it. Osteoporosis, it is a disease in which the bones get thin. Cancer. Nervous problems causing pain in the lower part of the body. Bone spurs or other degenerative and abnormal curvature in the lumbar region of the spine.

Normally, an x-ray is taken out in the radiology department or the diagnostic centers. For the Anterio-Posterior view of the lumbar spine, you might be asked to lie down straight facing the ceiling, on the table while a camera moves down scanning the vertebras of your lumbar region. The technician might ask you to change the positions as well to take the clear and clean images for the doctor to make the diagnosis. The report is then verified by a radiologist assuring that the report is taken properly and no error has been done during the procedure of the test. At times, the physician writes and verifies the report of the x-ray telling the suspected disorder, disease or consequence of an injury.

₹468 - ₹553

Table of Content

What is X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test?
Preparation for X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test
Uses of X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test
Procedure for X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test
Price for X-Ray Dorsolumbar Spine (AP View) Test
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