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Ovarian Autoantibodies Test

Ovarian Autoantibodies Test

also known as: Ovarian Autoantibodies

Ovarian Autoantibodies test is used to measure the amount of Ovarian Autoantibodies in the blood. These antibodies relate directly to the infertility and Premature Ovarian Failure. It also leads to premature menopause. They also cause unexplained changes in the hormone secretion in the body of the individual. If treated on time, this can be cured but if left untreated, it leads to further complications. This test is conducted to identify the cause and also while the treatment is going on, in order to track progress. Usually this condition can be cured within a span of one year, though it may extend in a few cases, depending upon the severity.

It is recommended that you should either wear a sleeve-less or a short-sleeved shirt. Wearing a shirt with full- sleeves that can easily be rolled-up is also fine. You will not be expected to disturb your diet routine before the Anti D Titer test. You can eat and drink as per your normal routine. However, if the sample taken is also to be used for further different tests, the doctor will inform you in advance. In that case, you might be advised to not eat for a few hours. Always follow the particular instructions given to you by the lab for the successful completion of the test.

As mentioned above, Ovarian Autoantibodies Test detects the cause of unexplained infertility. It also identifies the reason behind sudden menopause This test, though identification of the ovaries-antibodies, also prevents any further changes in the hormonal cycle in the individual that may occur due to these antibodies. It also indicates whether the woman should go for other tests and diagnosis or not. It provides with a probable time period after which the woman can expect to conceive foetus.

This test can be conducted at registered labs and infirmaries apart from the hospitals. For the test, one or two teaspoons of a blood sample would be obtained directly from you. An alcohol pad is used to clean the skin. A needle is then injected through the part of rinsed skin into to your vein; specifically in the one that can be seen from the skin. The blood is dragged out from the needle by a nozzle, saved in a vessel and sealed with your name. This sample is then carried to the research laboratory for examination. It might take 1-2 days for the test results to be declared.

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Table of Content

What is Ovarian Autoantibodies Test?
Preparation for Ovarian Autoantibodies Test
Uses of Ovarian Autoantibodies Test
Procedure for Ovarian Autoantibodies Test
Specimen Requirements
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