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MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test

MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test

Also known as upper arm MRI or the humerus MRI, it is a painless radiology exam which may be
performed to help visualise the musculoskeletal structure of the upper arm in a non-invasive
manner. The process does not involve radiation exposure.
General indications which lead to this test being ordered are:
Pain in the arm or shoulder
Muscle or ligament tear
Internal derangement
Ligament tear
Occult fracture

Before the MRI exam, the person must tell the doctor or healthcare practitioner if they have a pacemaker or defibrillator, heart valves, aneurysm clips, surgical clips or staples, clips in the brain, hearing or other implants, prosthetic devices, metal in their body in any other form, dental bridge or claustrophobia.

If the person has diabetes, kidney disease or is over the age of 60 years, they should get their kidney function tested before the MRI. Further, women must always inform their doctor as well as the radiology centre if they are pregnant or if there is any possibility that they are pregnant. The test centre must be informed of any iodine allergy or have had a previous reaction.

The MRI exam results will help image the entire upper arm, both or one as the case may be. This way, in case of any suspected injury, it will be confirmed on imaging it. MRI will be able to detect fractures in children, ocular fractures in both adults and children, and will help the doctor detect

inflammation of the musculature. This will help diagnose tendonitis or any muscle or ligament tear. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The test will be performed in a radiology room in a test centre which is full service or specific to radiology testing. The patient must sign a written consent form before entering the scanner room. The person must remove all metal objects, including keys, coins, wallets, jewellery, hearing aids and hairpins.

In case of a claustrophobic person, another person as a chaperone must be allowed inside the room. The person will be positioned head first pointing towards the magnet. The body coil will be placed over the upper arms, both or the one to be tested. It is tightened, and pillows are given for comfort for the head.

Average price range of the test is approximately Rs.2800-Rs.3000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test?
Preparation for MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test
Uses of MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test
Procedure for MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test
Price for MRI Scan - Humerus (Both) Test
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