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MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test

MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the type of scan used to obtain detailed images of our body’s inner parts like brain, joints, etc. Cartilage MRI scan is carried out to identify the reason for pain and abnormalities in the joints area of your body. The cartilage scan allows the doctor to obtain information about the soft tissues which provide flexibility and smoothness to your joints. The damage to this elastic tissues can lead to severe joint and back pain. The cartilage MRI can spot accurately the areas which may have been damaged.

Before going for a MRI scan there are few things which you must know and take care of like are you allergic to any medicine or just anything in particular? Are you pregnant, etc. You should inform your doctor beforehand if you have undergone any surgery, have metal plates in your body. Doctors should also be informed early if you wear medical patches. Every part of our body can be scanned through MRI and doctors have set up different guidelines for different types of MRI. You should make sure about your case and guidelines to follow according to your doctor.

It is the most accurate procedure to obtain detailed images of the suspected body part. The MRI of cartilage or joint can help find the problems of infections in the joints. Doctors can locate the damaged cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Most importantly it can detect and help in the treatment of bone arthritis. The bone MRI can help cure the bone marrow problem.

MRI scan is an easy and painless process lasting for 15-90 minutes. The time taken depends upon the factors like which area is being scanned and the size of that area. A person lies on the platform which is then pushed inside the MRI scanner. Certain MRI scans use contrast dye to magnify the details of particular tissues and blood vessels. The contrast dye acts as the blocking material for X-rays and appears white in color on the scanned images.

Rs 1750- Rs 30,000

Table of Content

What is MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test?
Preparation for MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test
Uses of MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test
Procedure for MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test
Price for MRI Scan - Cartilage Mapping Test
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