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Mammography 2 Breasts Test

Mammography 2 Breasts Test

The process of passing X-rays to study the human breasts is known as Mammography. This test is used for diagnosing and screening breast cancer. Through the screening process, it detects cancer at an early stage. This makes it an important test in dealing with the treatment and right medication from the beginning. The x-rays create the scanned images of the breasts which are studied by the radiologist. The test is characterized by a mild breast pain. The best time to get this done is the week immediately after your period. The breasts are in the right tender condition.

In order to prepare for the mammography, you need to do the following: Inform your doctor of any breast problems or history of medical issues related to breasts Make a folder of previous mammogram reports and give it to the doctor Wear as comfortable clothing as possible for the test Do not wear any jewellery or metal objects Talc, deodorants, and moisturizers are to be avoided since they can make the scanned image hard to interpret

Mammography is primarily used for detecting the signs and symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage. There are various cases of cancer where the symptoms are not clearly visible. Mammography is useful to interpret the situation in these cases. It helps in finding other abnormalities such as nipple discharge. The results also look for problems like cysts or lump formation in the breasts which can cause long-term sequences. It helps the doctor in prescribing the right treatment.

X-rays in the form of ionizing radiations are released from a machine. These are low-density radio waves. The process for mammography will include the following steps: The radiologist will place your breasts inside the mammography unit. The radiologist will keep on compressing your breasts to increase the sharpness of the scanned images and to scan all the breast tissues. You will need to change the positions routinely in order to scan from every angle.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.880 to Rs.1500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Mammography 2 Breasts Test?
Preparation for Mammography 2 Breasts Test
Uses of Mammography 2 Breasts Test
Procedure for Mammography 2 Breasts Test
Price for Mammography 2 Breasts Test
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Lybrate Gaurantee