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Asking question on behalf of my friend. I am 22 years female. I am 4.8 feet tall. I want to increase my heights. Please give me some suggestion for that.

2 Doctors Answered
Height is determined by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors upto a certain age. Height is regulated by somatotropin hormone which gradually subside after adolescence. For males growth usually stops after puberty which is around 20yrs of age and for females it is 18 yrs, don't get deceived by false advertisements which claim to increase height post puberty, instead you can concentrate on looking tall by reducing weight giving yourself a lean or muscular appearance. If one has not crossed these ages then surely I can help. Being also a general physician and registered dietitian, I prescribe both evidence based herbal as well as allopathic medicines complementing with dietary guidelines and home remedies carefully personalized for each individual patient.
You can increase your height with daily stretching exercises and with homoeopathic medicines. Thanks Dr. Mukesh singh.
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