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SBL Ratanhia Dilution 30CH SBL Ratanhia Dilution 30CH

SBL Ratanhia Dilution 30CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 30 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: SBL Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 85.0

Information about SBL Ratanhia Dilution 30CH

Ratanhia is a homeopathic medicine made from the plant krameria mapato. It is used for rectal complaints


Pain in the rectum as if pieces of glass present in the anus
Dryness, pain and burning of the anus before and after passing stools
Piles and fissures of the anus with constricted feeling and burning like fire for hours after passing stools which is better by cold water
Efforts to force out stools
Pin worm with itching in the anus
Bursting pain in the head after passing stools
Extremely bad odor from stools


Violent Hiccough which shakes the whole body

Cracked nipples

Pain as if knives are cutting the stomach

Dose- As prescribed by physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.


Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing

Side effects- None reported

Use under medical Supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

My wife aged 45 suffering with piles since last one year. There is too much inching in anus but no bleeding. Two pieces of fleshes are visualized. She is continuing homeopathic medicines ratanhia 30 and Aesculus HP 200 but itching problem not solving. Is there any other homeopathic medicine to total cure the disease.

M.S. (Ayurveda), Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
General Surgeon, Delhi
My wife aged 45 suffering with piles since last one year. There is too much inching in anus but no bleeding. Two piec...
Most likely your wife is suffering from Anal Fissure with sentinel tag. Anal Fissure can be treated conveniently without Surgery by Graded Kshar Karma Therapy. In this treatment a specialized medicine is applied in affected region. This medicine debrides the fissure and induces healing. Usually pain and itching associated with fissure subsides with in a week or 10 days but for complete healing of fissure 4-5 weekly Kshar Karma sittings are required. Sentinel tag can be conveniently treated by Graded Ksharsutra ligation. In this treatment Ksharsutra - a medicated thread is ligated at root of tag. Medicine released from Ksharsutra blocks the blood supply of tag and it sheds off in a week or 10 days time period. No hospitalization or bed rest is required in this treatment. She can continue her normal routine activities as usual. Now she should take sitz bath (hot water tub bath) 3-4 times a day followed by application of some soothing and healing ointment like Sushruta Ointment/ coconut oil/ Cow's ghee. For proper bowel movement she should take some mild stool softening Ayurvedic medicine like Sushruta churna/ Haritaki churna 1 tea spoon full in night. For further support and appointment you may call reception at Sushruta Ano Rectal institute.

SBL Rhododendron Chrysanthum Dilution 30CH how to take direct to times or any some water?

C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
SBL Rhododendron Chrysanthum Dilution 30CH how to take direct to times or any some water?
Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing
2 people found this helpful

I have two liquid dilution homoeopathic medicine how can I use it. It's name is baryta carbonica 30ch and variolinum 30ch of sbl pvt. Ltd.

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
I have two liquid dilution homoeopathic medicine how can I use it. It's name is baryta carbonica 30ch and variolinum ...
Hello, Variolinum 30 -5 drops twice a wk ,maximum 3doses. Baryta carb 30-5 drops, thrice a day. Take care.
1 person found this helpful

I am diagnosed with initial stage of Chronic Pancreatitis and how should I take homoeopathic medicine Pancreatinum 1000ch liquid dilution of SBL whether to dilute in water and in what proportion? Please suggest.

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
1000 is a very high dosage. You can take Pancreatinum 30CH, 2-3 drops in a tsp of water thrice a day. Depending on your symptoms, you might be needing more medicines. Pancreatinum alone might not be sufficient or indicated. I suggest you consult a good homoeopathic doctor near you before starting the medication. Hope this helps.
6 people found this helpful

Whether homeopathic medicine sbl caladium seguinum dilution 30 ch and sbl caladium seguinum dilution 30 c is same or both can be used for relief of pe and erectile dysfunction? Whether folilculinum 30c can be used for getting relief from vaginal dryness and pain during sex for 60 years aged menopause woman?

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
Whether homeopathic medicine sbl caladium seguinum dilution 30 ch and sbl caladium seguinum dilution 30 c is same or ...
Hi, Lybrate user, both the caladium seg are the same but need few more homoeo remedies for ed and pe other than caladium seg 30ch. Foliculinum 30ch is related to overy follicles and administered to regulat osteogen in female. Tk, care.
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