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Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup

Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup

Quantity Description: bottle of 125 ml Syrup
Manufacturer: Medisynth Chemicals Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 100.0

Information about Medisynth Kofeez Cough Syrup


The effectiveness of Kofeez is attributable to the marked homoeopathic antibechic properties of its ingredients which, in combination, act on a wide variety of cough, dyspnoea, asthma and other bronchial problems. The flavored syrup base has an immediate soothing effect. The medication has a deeper and sustained curative action.


Blatta Orientalis Q, Bryonia Alba Q, Ipecacuanha Q, Zingiber Q In Sugar Syrup Base Q.S.

Safety warnings: No side effects,no contraindications are known.


Adults: 1 - 2 Teaspoonful Upto 3 Times A Day.

Children: Half The Above Dose.

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

I have dry cough I used so many cough syrup but it did not work so there is any treatment.

MD - Alternate Medicine, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Take Sulphur 0/2 daily in morning and evening for 5 days. It will be reduced and then gone. It will start healing from the first dose itself. Take care. :)
6 people found this helpful

I am suffering from cough, i have lot of cough. And it increase day by day. So please suggest syrup for my cough.

General Physician, Mumbai
Dear lybrateuser, - Do steam inhalation twice a day - do warm salt water gargles three times a day - avoid all cold fluids including aerated drinks, have more of warm fluids like water, tea, coffee, milk, soup - take syrup Chericof, 2 teaspoonful three times a day - take table levocetirizine, 5 mg, 1 tablet daily in the evening - have 7-8 glasses of water for proper hydration - have a well balanced diet with more of fruits & vegetables - do x- ray chest, blood CBC, absolute eosinophilic count to rule out any other problem, consult a doctor if not much improvement.
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I am suffering from cough from 10 days and I have taken cough syrup but my cough not getting well. What should I do?

Certified Diabetes Educator, Registered Dietitian (RD), PGDD, Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S), General Physician
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Firstly there's no lifelong cure for the common cold. Antibiotics are only effective against infections of throat and are of no use against cold viruses. Over-the-counter (otc) cold preparations won't cure a common cold or make it go away any sooner, and most have side effects. A saltwater gargle 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2tsp turmeric dissolved in a glass of warm water can temporarily relieve a sore or scratchy throat. To help relieve nasal congestion, try saline (pure salt water) nasal drops. If you have a throat infection, or a viral cold then I will prescribe appropriate meds based on your detailed assessment. Do reply back for medication prescriptions. Being also a general physician and registered dietitian, I prescribe both evidence based herbal as well as allopathic medicines complementing with dietary guidelines and home remedies carefully personalized for each individual patient.
1 person found this helpful

What to do when there is very cold and we have cough how to get rid of the cough.

Ph.D - Ayurveda, MD - Ayurveda, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Diploma Yoga
Ayurvedic Doctor, Jaipur
What to do when there is very cold and we have cough how to get rid of the cough.
Home remedy for Dry Cough: 5 basil leaves, 4 black pepper, 4 munakka, 5 gms liquorice (mulethi), 3 gms banafsha - boil these in 200 ml of water till it becomes 100 ml. Filter it. Add 2-3 patasha in it and drink lukewarm for 3-4 nights...sleep well covered. Dry cough will be relieved. Also continue to chew Mulethi. you can also have Steam with vicks although some herbal medicines might also help you but after proper history taking. For that u may consult me privately over Lyberate. Please update with ur valuable feedback.
3 people found this helpful

I am 19 years old and I am having cough since 4 days, I have taken a few cough syrups but there is no effect on cough.

MD - Pulmonary, DTCD
Pulmonologist, Faridabad
saline gargles and steam inhalation. Zeet cough syp 2 tsf three/day for 3 days. No relief get investigated
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