Top Health Tips on Treating Sunburn

Grapes - A Fruit You Must Have!

BHOM, MD - Alternate Medicine, Diploma in Weight Loss, Diploma in Nutrition, DNHE
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Grapes - A Fruit You Must Have!
As the New Year begins, the one fruit which is available in abundance are grapes. The black/purple and the green variety, seeded and seedless, are all over the place. Given the weather slowly changing from winter, they seem like the best thing to beat the summer heat. And yes, they are. Not just for overall health, they are also great for the skin and hair. Read on to know more.

Benefits of grapes for skin:

When the sunscreen lotion does not help much and sunburn happens, the one of the best home remedies is to apply mashed grapes for about 30 minutes. The grapes are rich in antioxidants (proanthocyanidins and resveratrol). They reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation and also reduces cell damage caused by excessive skin exposure.
Rubbing the grape pulp on the face for about 20 minutes can help reverse and control antiaging better than any chemical treatment. It reduces the effect of free radicals which lead to fine wrinkles and dark spots.
Grapes are also rich in vitamins C and E which helps in making the skin supple and improves skin tone and reduces scars.
Benefits for hair:

If hair loss scares you, apply a paste of seeded grapes. The linoleic acid and grape seed oil can add strength and prevent hair fall.
Grapes can also be mixed with fenugreek and chickpeas for use on hair to improve life and lustre of the hair and add volume.
The vitamin E and antioxidants also help improve scalp blood circulation, fight dandruff, reduce itchiness, and improved hair health.
Benefits on overall health:

Relieves headache: The various antioxidants in the grapes help in relieving the headache almost instantaneously. Eat them up or drink if you have a headache, even migraines.
Improves digestion: They improve digestion and reduce digestive problems, thereby curing indigestion. They also are shown to help in controlling colon cancer.
Good in diabetes: Diabetic patients need not be worried about the sweet grapes. The pterostilbene in them helps lower sugar levels, and in the long run, it can also prevent the onset of diabetes.
Cholesterol control: The polyphenols help in controlling heart disease by reducing plaque formation.
Eye health: The reduced oxidation process and controlled inflammatory process helps in improving eye health, especially in the retina, which is full of proteins.
Potassium in Plenty: 100 g of grapes contains about 200 mg of potassium, which is a treasure. It improves blood pressure (by countering sodium), and also controls cholesterol and reduces salt intake.
Brain health: The antioxidants like revasterol help in improving blood flow and helps in controlling Alzheimer s and improving memory. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.
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What Type Of Damage Can Sun Do To Your Skin?

M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery)
Dermatologist, Pune
What Type Of Damage Can Sun Do To Your Skin?
While the sun is necessary for our skin and overall health, excessive exposure often results in many skin problems. Age spots, which are actually sunspots, blemishes, pigmentation and sunburns are just a few of the sun related damages that your skin may have to face.

Sunscreen is your best friend outdoors!

Sunscreen should be worn at all times whenever you go outdoors. Also, if you plan to be outdoors for too long, then reapply sunscreen from time to time as you may need to replenish the protection for your skin. A sunscreen with an SPF count of 30 or above is usually preferred; however, this could completely be determined by the type of skin.

What type of damage can the sun do to your skin?

Visible sun-related damage to your skin could be any or all of the following:

Skin which is patchy
Dark spots
Uneven skin tone
Age spots
These are primarily manifestations of deep-rooted sun-related damage caused by one of the following:

Superficial pigmentation: This is a pigmentation problem, which is mostly caused close to the uppermost layer of your skin i.e. the epidermis.
Deep hyper-pigmentation: As opposed to superficial pigmentation, deeper pigmentation problems occur when age-related damage is the cause and there has been prolonged sun exposure. This requires more detailed treatment and thus, topical products such as peels may not be as effective as the damage has been at a deeper layer of the skin.
Brown patches or melasma: Often called the mask of pregnancy as it commonly afflicts expectant women, it may occur in other cases due to hormonal problems as well. It appears as darker patches on your skin within the bridge of the nose, cheeks and forehead. Sun damage aggravates this problem and can make a slight or small problem much worse.
Treatments against sun damage

As mentioned earlier, the best way to reverse sun damage is to use the correct sunscreen for your skin. A single SPF rating isn t correct for everyone and it is best to consult a dermatologist to determine what rating would be correct for you. However, some of the other modern treatments you can rely on to reverse and prevent sun damage could be:

Peels that give instant clarity by reducing pigmentation
Reducing complexes such as certain liquid applicants that lessen topical pigmentation
Skin rejuvenating lasers that provide instant clarity with laser action
PRP or platelet-rich plasma that is derived from the cells of your own body and then used as a serum to be injected into the skin to heighten its self- healing powers.
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Want Healthy Skin? 4 Homeopathic Remedies That Can Help You!

Homeopathy Doctor, Agra
Want Healthy Skin? 4 Homeopathic Remedies That Can Help You!
Acne, pigmentation, acne scars, skin discoloration, freckles, open pores and burnt skin due to exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun are common problems which prevent you from boasting of a skin that is healthy and supple. These problems may not be major; however, they can be cosmetic concerns and be extremely embarrassing for the concerned person.

Homeopathy has simple yet effective remedies for this problem.

Sulphur is a popular homeopathic medicine that is prescribed for those who complain of skin related problems, especially a dry, dirty and scaly skin. This medicine works wonders and improves the skin texture, making it look clearer and healthier. It is also used to treat various kinds of acne.
For a skin that looks dull, dark and greasy, the homeopathic medicine of Psorinum can work wonders. This is probably because the skin becomes excessively oily. This medication controls the sebaceous glands that produce excess oil. It also cleanses the skin pores, leading to improved complexion.
Haphazard use of cosmetic products will only escalate problems. Skin discoloration, patchiness and spots are issues which might crop up with excessive cosmetics use. Bovista is something which can resolve all the issues mentioned above. This preparation helps clear the facial skin, making it look and feel healthy. This homeopathic medication removes spots, scars and evens the skin tone
Freckles are dark spots which appear on the facial skin and other areas that are exposed to the sun. Though freckles are not a major problem, they do significantly affect the skin colour, making it look patchy and dark. In homeopathy, medicines such as Natrum Mur, Lycopodium and Phosphorus are usually prescribed to reduce freckles and clear the complexion.
Homeopathy is a widely used alternative while dealing with skin related issues as it does not carry the risk of any side effect. Though it does not have any side effects, still when it comes to human anatomy, no two cases are same. Thus, it is always beneficial that one should consult a domeopathic doctor first before taking any medicine.
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Tips to Select the Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Tips to Select the Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products
Some women look atleast a decade younger than the age mentioned on their passports. For most of these women this is the result of anti aging creams and serums. There are dozens of anti aging products available today. The tough part is finding the right product for you. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice-

Start with the Basics: Dehydrated skin and sun exposure are the primary triggers for wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines. To prevent this, start by picking a good sunscreen. When picking your sunscreen look for one that offers an SPF of 30 or more, water resistance and protection against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have sensitive skin, avoid sunscreens with fragrances, harsh chemicals, alcohol and preservatives.

Understand your Primary Concern: No one product can address all signs of aging. At the same time, using multiple products can do more harm than good. Infact, it can make you look older. Hence, it is important to take an honest look at the mirror and identify your main concerns. Pick a single anti aging product that addresses this issue.

Pick a Retinoid Based Cream: Retinoids are the best way to fight signs of aging like fine lines, larger pores and dark spots. Choose between a retinol cream and serum depending on your skin. While creams are betters suited for dry skin, a serum works well to treat clogged pores and acne. Eliminate products that have artificial preserves or paraben.

Read the Label: Take a close look at the label and pick a product that contains anti oxidants or is hypoallergenic. Also look for vitamins and polypeptides. This can nourish your skin and keep it elastic for longer. Pick products that have the words 'non-comedogenic' on the label. Lastly, look for the consumer hotline number on the product.

Patch Test: It is impossible to know how a product will react with your skin before using it. Anti-aging products are intended for use on the face but before using it on your face, you must first do a patch test. A patch test involves applying the product on a small patch of skin on the forearm and leaving it for 24 hours. If you do not notice any adverse reaction, only then use it on your face.

Ask the Dermatologist: Self diagnosis is often not the best step to take. When it comes to skincare, it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist before using a new product. Find a professional you trust and share your concerns with them so that they can advise you on the product that is most suited to you.
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Sunburn - How To Tackle It?

Fellowship Course in Panchkarma, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Sunburn - How To Tackle It?
After a cold winter, the first few weeks of summer are welcomed by everyone, but as the days get hotter, the sun gets harsher and sunburns become common. Sunburns are caused by exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiations from the sun. The symptoms of this condition may not appear immediately and can take up to 5 hours to become noticeable. A few home remedies that could help treat this condition are:

Aloe Vera: The aloe vera plant is easy to grow in containers or in the ground and has a number of medicinal benefits. Aloe vera gel is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sunburns and ease the pain associated with it. This gel can be extracted from an aloe vera leaf and applied on your skin as it is or you could buy aloe vera gel from a store.

Baking Soda: The alkaline nature of baking soda makes it very soothing to the sunburnt skin. Baking soda also has antiseptic properties that help relieve itchiness caused by sunburn. To benefit from this, you could apply a baking soda and water paste to the affected area and leave it for ten minutes before washing off or add a cup of baking soda to your bath water and soak in it for about 15 minutes.

Black Tea: Black tea is rich in antioxidants and has tannins that protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation. This can also help reduce inflammation and restore the pH balance of your skin. To use this, put a few tea bags in a pot of water and dip a cloth in the brew. Dab the tea onto the affected area of your skin and let it dry. You can repeat this 3-4 times without washing it off.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil can be used to treat a number of skin conditions including sunburn. It is rich in fatty acids that nourish and moisturise the skin thereby reducing redness. The vitamin E in coconut oil also works as an antioxidant to reduce inflammation. The best way to use coconut oil to treat sunburn is to massage warm coconut oil into the affected area three times a day for a few days. Since it is very light, it is quickly absorbed by the skin and will not leave you with an oily sensation.

Honey: Honey has natural properties that help prevent infections in case of sunburn and reduces inflammation. One of the enzymes in honey also helps repair the damage caused to the skin. To benefit from honey, take a tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water thrice a day and apply a thin layer of honey over the affected area and let it dry.
If the sunburn is not treated in time, it can cause the skin to blister and peel off. Therefore, you can adopt any of these home remedies, which are very effective in treating sunburn.
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Freckles: Causes and Management

MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), DNB (Dermatology), MNAMS
Dermatologist, Delhi
Freckles: Causes and Management
Skin complexion varies and is caused by the skin pigmentation known as melanin , produced by cells called melanocytes, which gives skin the colour. The more amount of melanin, the darker the complexion. Melanin has a protective effect against sun exposure, as it reduces damage caused by the sun on the skin. It is proven that people with a darker complexion (with more melanin) are less prone to damage from sun exposure.

What are they? Freckles are cells that contain more amount of melanin compared to the surrounding areas. It is a common sight where some people have small, tiny black/brown spots on their faces. These spots may also be present on the hands, elbows, neck, back, etc., but are most obvious in the face. These are known as freckles.

Causes: Freckles are very common, and they are triggered by exposure to sunlight. The melanocytes absorb the sun and produce more melanin, thereby causing freckles. They are a natural reaction of the skin to the sun.

It runs in families, and children are likely to have freckles if the parents had them.

It also depends on complexion fair people are more prone to have freckles than dark people.

Tanning, whether done by the sun or in a salon, also increases the chances of having freckles.

In some people, the freckles appear in the summer and disappear in the winter.

While some precancerous lesions may start off as tiny brown spots and be mistaken for freckles, freckles per se are not cancerous.

Management: While there are stories that freckles are angel kisses, they are not true. Freckles do not bring any good luck charm and can be prevented and avoided to improve overall skin and esthetic appeal.

Prevention is the first option, and if you are genetically disposed to have freckles, it is best to take measures that can reduce freckles. Avoiding or reducing sun exposure and using good sun protection can help in reducing the number of freckles and the darkness of the freckles.

Freckles can be treated by one of the following:

Topical Creams- Though widely used, these contain bleaching agents which act on the entire skin and not just the freckles. Retin-A is one of the widely used products.

Laser- Considered the best method for freckle removal, a beam of the laser is used to get rid of the unwanted melanocytes which produce melanin. This not only reduces freckles, it also improves skin tone and colour.

Cryotherapy- Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the melanin-producing cells, thereby removing freckles.

If you have freckles, try these measures for getting rid of them. Once that is done, preventing freckle formation with limiting sun exposure and sun protection is extremely essential.
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Treating Sunburns with Ayurveda

MD, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PGDEMS, DNHE, DYA
Ayurvedic Doctor, Mumbai
Treating Sunburns with Ayurveda
Sunburns are caused due to long stretches of exposure to the sun. People living in tropical countries are more prone to sunburns. The harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun can lead to skin pigmentation that if not treated, can become a permanent skin condition. The worst aspect of sun tanning is that it keeps piling on your skin layer after layer. It is therefore absolutely essential to cover the skin of your face and arms while venturing outdoors.

Medications are effective in certain cases, but in some other cases, the afflicted person's skin is so sensitive that medicated ointments fail to show improvement. Ayurvedic home remedies can be put to use to avoid alarming side effects.

Sunburns are characterized by the following symptoms:

The affected area is usually hotter than other parts of your skin
A stinging and itching sensation may develop
Red and pink patches may be seen on your face and arms or around the neck
Acute sunburn can even make a person suffer from fevers and fatigue

These ayurvedic ways can be followed at home to treat sunburns:

Use black tea to cure sun rashes and sunburns: refrigerate some black tea if possible. This cold beverage must be applied to the areas that have been harshly affected by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Applying black tea on your skin multiple times in a day can repair the damage already done.
Coconut oil is a great way to remove sun tan: coconut oil has been held in high esteem since ages. It is known for its ability to cure rashes. One must use coconut oil on the red patches every night before going to bed.
Aloe vera gel can do wonders with your affected skin: instead of using creams that contain aloe vera; one should use aloe vera gel by extracting it directly from the plant. Aloe vera can heal the burns and can also soothe the burning sensation.
Cucumber in combination with lemon juice can remedy sunburns: lemon juice has acidic effects that helps in lightening sun tan. When this juice is used with cucumber paste, the latter cools down an irritated skin area and rejuvenates it from within.
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7 Ayurvedic Hacks For A Beautiful Skin!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
7 Ayurvedic Hacks For A Beautiful Skin!
According to Ayurveda, skin problems arise due to imbalance in the tridoshas, which is vata, pitta and kapha. People having a vata constitution are the ones who possess dry and dull skin. While a healthy diet is necessary for a beautiful skin, here are some natural herbs that are considered excellent for keeping the skin clean and clear.

Sandalwood: Sandalwood or chandan is a very useful Ayurvedic herb which helps in skin lightening. It is generally used in the treatment of several skin conditions such as acne, scrapes, blemishes, rashes and many others. It is a good remedy for itchy skin. Sandalwood leaves a cooling effect on the skin after external application. It also calms the body after exposure to the sun. Sandalwood powder can be used in the form of a lotion, soap or paste meant for hydrating and cleansing the skin.
Turmeric: Turmeric is renowned for its blood purifying properties and gives a natural glow to the skin along with enhanced radiance. Turmeric consists of anti ageing and antibacterial properties and is used in cases of several skin diseases. Turmeric helps in reducing acne, blemishes, pigmentation and skin inflammation. It helps in slowing down the ageing process of the skin. You can apply turmeric paste on your face in the form of a facial.
Aloe Vera: This herb is commonly used in beauty products. It has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and cooling properties and is an ideal herb for skin care. Aloe Vera treats skin conditions such as pimples, acne, burns, infections, rashes, allergies, blisters, insect bites and dry skin. Aloe Vera gel provides skin protection and helps in cooling, which reduces any inflammation. Sunburns are also treated by this wonderful herb.
Saffron or Kesar: This herb is a very effective skin whitening agent and can be used along with olive oil for the purpose of lightening the skin. Kesar can also be applied to the skin by mixing it with milk and olive oil.
Kumkumadi Oil: This oil is very useful for making skin fairer. This oil is made by the combination of sixteen Ayurvedic ingredients and also helps in removal of marks and prevents skin tanning. This oil can be applied to the skin directly.
Cucumber: Cucumber is an ideal skin coolant and also contains antiseptic properties. It provides great skin nourishment. Having anti ageing properties, it makes you look younger and treats fine lines and wrinkles as well.
Basil: Basil or tulsi has antiseptic properties, acts as a natural astringent and makes the skin fresh.
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7 Super Amazing Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera!

7 Super Amazing Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera!
Aloe vera is one of the most popular medicinal plants that have been in use for thousands of years. It is particularly famous for the treatment of skin injuries although it offers a host of health benefits. This short stemmed shiny plant stores moisture in its leaves and is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. The gel within the aloe vera stem contains bioactive compounds found in plants such as vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids.

Some of the notable health benefits of Aloe Vera include the following,

It contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties: Aloe Vera is known to contain the most beneficial antioxidants called as polyphenols. These polyphenols, as well as other similar compounds found on aloe vera, can prevent the growth of bacterial infections in human beings.
Helps in healing cuts and burns: Aloe Vera can also be used as a topical medicine by applying the gel on the skin. It has been used since ancient times for the treatment of sores, cuts and burns which also includes sunburns. Aloe Vera is the first FDA approved ointment that got the status of an effective over-the-counter medication in the year 1959. It can, therefore, be used in first and even second degree burns.
Prevents dental plaque: Tooth decay, as well as gum diseases, affect almost all individuals over the world. One of the best ways to steer clear of the oral infections is to prevent plaque buildup which is the bacterial biofilms on the teeth. The aloe vera mouthwash is as effective as chlorhexidine solutions in reducing the problems of dental plaque by killing the harmful yeast called Candida albicans and bacterium named Streptococcus mutans.
Aids in the treatment of canker sores: Most people have experienced mouth ulcers or canker sores at least once in their lifetime. It mostly affects the area underneath the lip or inside the mouth and can be very painful at times. Several studies show that aloe vera gel helps in accelerating the healing process of canker sores.
Reduces constipation: The latex of aloe vera has been found beneficial in the treatment of constipation. The latex is the sticky yellow residue underneath the leaf skin and contains aloin and barbaloin which offers effective latex effect.
Prevent formation of wrinkles: Topical aloe vera gel assists in slowing down the ageing process with regular usage. Using aloe vera gel regularly helps in boosting the production of collagen and improves skin elasticity within three months of regular usage.
Lowers down blood sugar levels: There was a time when aloe vera was used as a conventional remedy for diabetes. Aloe vera helps in enhancing insulin sensitivity as well as managing blood sugar levels. It has been used in numerous animals and humans affected with type 2 diabetes and the results are impressive enough to regard it as an alternative treatment option.
Along with these benefits, aloe vera juice is regarded as a sustainable way of weight management which has made it a well-favoured choice of overweight people all over the world.
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Sun Damage And Cancer - How UV Radiation Affects Your Skin?

MD - Skin,VD & leprosy, MBBS
Dermatologist, Rewari
Sun Damage And Cancer - How UV Radiation Affects Your Skin?
In limited quantities, ultraviolet rays are not only beneficial but also necessary for maintaining proper health. The Vitamin D from the sun s rays can help cure several diseases such as eczema, jaundice and psoriasis. If adequate amounts of sun rays are not received by the body, bone growth gets hampered that can result in osteoporosis and other bone weakness issues. However, if it is received in abundance, its effects can be profusely detrimental to the immune system, eyes and the skin.

Since skin tanning and sun-bathing have become increasingly popular among the mass, it is necessary for people to be more aware of the potential risks of sun exposure.

"Erythema" or sunburn is a very common condition among fair skinned people, which occurs when the skin absorbs energy from the sun s rays. The system detects it as a harmful, intrusive force and thereby signals for extra blood to reach the affected area and restore the skin. It results in pain, swelling, blistering, itching and peeling of the skin. Not only is it a painful condition, it can also be a precursor to even more harmful diseases.
Skin cancer cases are steadily on the rise in the world, with 5 new such cases being reported every week. Due to prolonged exposure to harsh UV rays, the number of damaged cells in the body increases to such an extent that the system cannot mend it anymore. When not controlled, these damaged cells multiply, grow or divide uncontrollably. These cells can also accumulate and form a tumor.
Repeated and prolonged exposure to sun rays can also cause premature aging and wrinkling due to the degenerative damages it does to the skin s epidermis.
If one is vulnerable to sunburn, it is recommended for them to carry sunscreen at all times. The UV rays are blocked by the deflecting properties of sunscreens, thereby protecting the skin to a large degree.
It is recommended for patients to carry umbrellas, or protective clothing to cover themselves up if they are vulnerable to harsh sun s rays in the morning.
Although sun exposure can cause several problems to our skin, with proper precautions, one can be assured of safety. Sun exposure can be properly managed if one remembers to make use of these simple tips daily.
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