Top Health Tips on Overcoming Mild Depression

Checkout 8 Surprising Health Benefits of Kissing!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Masters in psychology counselling
Psychologist, Hyderabad
Checkout 8 Surprising Health Benefits of Kissing!
Kissing your loved one not only feels great but also is phenomenally great for your overall health and wellbeing. Did you know that deep kissing can boost your immunity, reduce your blood pressure and can help in maintaining your physique? Kissing has some surprising health benefits you would not have known. Read on to find how kissing ensures a healthier lifestyle for you.

1. Burns calories
Kissing is known to increase your metabolism rate up to 2 times more than usual, thus helping you to burn more calories. In fact, studies suggest that kissing your partner for more than 1 minute can help you burn almost 25 calories.

2. Lowers stress
Kissing can be a great stress buster as it is known to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. Kissing also helps in boosting your immune system and as a result aids in overcoming post-work exhaustion to a great extent.

3. Ensures more sexual pleasure
Kissing has positive effects on your heart as well as self-esteem, and it is also usually the first step towards sexual intercourse. Kissing also plays a vital role in foreplay, and hence makes sex a more pleasurable and enjoyable experience.

4. Strengthens the bond of love
Research shows that couples who kiss more often and whose kisses last longer may have a better relationship. Kissing helps in increasing the connection between two individuals and ensures the partners of each other s feelings of commitment and compassion, which consequently helps in building a stronger and long lasting bond.

5. Makes you happy
Endorphins are known to be the hormones responsible for happiness. Locking lips initiates the release of endorphins, which make you feel happy. Studies suggest that kissing helps to curb depression better than psychologist treatments or anti-depressants.

6. Reduces pain
Engaging in a heated kissing session triggers your body to release adrenaline, which is known to reduce pain.

7. Gives you healthier teeth
An intense passionate kiss results in more saliva secretion in your mouth. Researchers are of the opinion that this helps in washing away plaque from your teeth, resulting in less cavities, and whiter and healthier teeth.

8. Tightens your facial skin
A kiss requires the use of almost 30 muscles of your face together. This ensures a workout of your facial muscles and keeps them strong for a long time, leaving you both with a younger look and feel.

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Androphobia - How Does It Affect Your Sex Life?

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Androphobia - How Does It Affect Your Sex Life?
Androphobia can be described as the unfounded and often overstressed fear of men. This phobia can affect both the genders, though younger females are more known to suffer from this kind of phobia.

Causes and origin:
Many psychoanalysts are of the opinion that women who had been victims of sexual assault or any kind of male aggression are more prone to androphobia. An unsympathetic and rude father figure can trigger this phobia in both the sexes. Many young girls are taught by their parents or caregiver to stay away from the opposite sex this can also instil a sense of fear for men in the young mind.

Intense and irrational fear of men is one of the commonest manifestations of this phobia. In many cases, the individual might experience disturbing thoughts about being assailed by men. In spite of realizing that the fear is unfounded, they still avoid any kind of association with men. In some cases, the person is extremely panicky and alert in presence of men. Extreme cases of androphobia are characterized by panic accompanied with tremors, increased heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, stomach ache and chest ache.

Androphobia and sex life:
Androphobia can gravely affect the personal life of an individual particularly his/her sex life. Androphobic women intentionally keep away from male company which definitely has a negative impact on their sex life. Even mildly androphobic women are known to feel uncomfortable while talking to men. The androphobics are generally depressed individuals who prefer to keep to themselves. In spite of having feelings for a man or having the urge to have sex, an androphobic woman will hardly be able to convey her feeling because of her intense fear of manliness. The loneliness and alienation which is associated with this kind of phobia often prompts a woman to contemplate suicide.

As with most other phobias, androphobia is also a curable condition. Your psychiatrist can suggest various medications and psychotherapies to cure your condition. The exposure therapy in which the phobic is slowly exposed to the much feared subject is known to work well in many cases. The CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is another treatment for androphobia where counselling sessions are conducted so that the phobic can express and share her nature of phobia.

During the sessions, the counsellor suggests ways of dealing with the phobia and keeping it under control. The objective of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to recognize the pessimistic images related to men and turn them into positive ones. When none of these therapies work, the psychiatrist usually suggests anti-anxiety and anti depressant medications which improve the temperament of the androphobic.
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Weight Gain- How Does It Spoil Your Sex Drive?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Weight Gain- How Does It Spoil Your Sex Drive?
One of the most common reasons of erectile dysfunction is obesity, which might sink your intimate life to a great extent. It is really crucial that you are in control of your weight and regain your libido.
One of the most common chronic conditions that men face is that of erectile dysfunction (ED). Statistically, over 18 million men above the age of 20 experience it to some degree. It is an inability to achieve or maintain erection required for desired sexual activity.

Though there might be various reasons for it, there is a consistent connection between obesity and sexual dysfunction. It has been found that obese men are prone to ED 2.5 times more than those of normal weight. These symptoms of ED and various other health issues can be observed if you are just 30 pounds overweight!


Obesity causes atherosclerosis, which is a cardiovascular condition. In this condition, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, thus restraining blood flow to the organs in the body including the penis.
The testosterone level in obese men is low. Due to absence of this sexually-stimulating hormone, there is an inability to achieve erections as testosterone is needed to increase the level of nitric oxide in penile tissue, which acts as a blood vessel dilator.
In most cases, erectile dysfunction is considered as the first sign of a weak heart in men who are overweight.

Men might experience a low libido, because of the reduced testosterone levels.
They might experience a depressed mood and lowering in their levels of energy.
They might experience a diminished sense of vitality.
It s really crucial to shed that extra weight if you want to regain your sex life. It has been found by researchers at the Center for Obesity Management in Naples, Italy that one third of obese men have improved sexual activity after they lost weight.

Lose weight. Check on how much you eat in a day. Aim at losing 1 to 2 pounds a week, which equals to losing around 500 to 1000 calories in a day.
Look out for what you eat in a day. Avoid chips and dips, and become friends with greens and other raw vegetables as your snack. Stop eating the processed and red meats; replace them with fish instead. Switch to whole grains.
Physical activity is the most important aspect when it comes to losing weight. Implement a successful weight-loss strategy. Take out some time by skipping a few episodes of your TV show, get up from the couch, and get active for around 30-45 minutes in a day. Repeat this 3-5 times in a week.
Lastly, maintain these habits until you don t shed those extra pounds that are a hindrance to your sex life.
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Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Valsad
Ashwagandha - The Magical Herb!
Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs and is commonly known as the Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha can be loosely translated to mean the strength of ten horses . It can be used to treat a number of diseases, relieve stress and fatigue, helps heal injuries and may also be used as an aphrodisiac and can help prevent male infertility.

Ashwagandha helps rejuvenate the body: This herb not only calms a person down, but also restores the balance of their body. Hence, it is also known as rayasana or a herb that rejuvenates. Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and boosts the production of white blood cells thereby, elevating levels of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The effects of this herb on a person s nervous system and endocrine system can also harmonise the body, mind and spirit.
It increases positivity: Stress and anxiety can lead to negative thinking and ultimately to depression. By fighting stress Ashwagandha helps negate these problems and instead boosts positive thinking. It may also be used to treat depression itself.
It helps regenerate nerve cells: Along with diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema and gynaecological disorders, Ashwagandha can also be used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson s disease or Alzheimer s. It helps regenerate nerve cells and dendrite growth and even improves communication between nerve cells. This stimulates the body s ability to heal any damage to the nervous system.
It enhances memory and treats insomnia: Ashwagandha is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies to treat insomnia. It not only helps you fall asleep faster but can also improve your sleep quality. A restful sleep increases a person s ability to concentrate and prevents drowsiness through the day. Ashwagandha also increases the levels of acetylcholine in the brain. This has a direct effect on boosting memory and elevating brain functioning and intelligence. Ashwagandha also increases the production of nitric oxide that helps regulate blood flow and blood pressure thus elevating the brain s oxygen levels.
It boosts libido: Ashwagandha helps optimise the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands and helps deal with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Similarly, this Ayurvedic herb also benefits the adrenal glands and thus influences the overall mental and physical health of a person. The functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands have a direct effect on a person s sexual health and libido. Thus by enhancing the functioning of these glands, Ashwagandha improves sexual health and boosts libido. The nitric oxide produced by Ashwagandha also helps improve fertility.
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5 Reasons Your Partner Doesn't Want to Have Sex Anymore

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
5 Reasons Your Partner Doesn't Want to Have Sex Anymore
5 reasons your partner doesn't want to have sex anymore

There are innumerable explanations as to why couples in long-term relationships find themselves in situations when either one of the partner's starts avoiding sex for a reason the other cannot comprehend.

The explanation for your partner's behaviour may be due to an underlying medical issue or various emotional or psychological factors. Following are a few reasons why your partner does not want to have sex anymore:

1. Physical factors: your partner might be experiencing a loss of libido due to physical ailments, particularly ones pertaining to the endocrine and circulatory systems. Disorders such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart complications to name a few, affect the hormone levels in the body, which leads to the lack of sexual drive.

2. Psychological factors: Many mental and emotional factors also affect libido in both men and women. Stress and depression, which often cause sleep deprivation, are two of the biggest causes of unwillingness to have sex. Talk to your partner about what the root of the problem is and ascertain what is creating stress and triggering depression. Communication and counselling are the main ways of dealing with such a situation.

3. Excessive masturbation: If a person watches too much pornography and consequently indulges in masturbation frequently, sexual function is automatically lowered when it comes to performing during intercourse. If your partner masturbates too much, simply ask that the practice needs to be put an end to.

4. Lack of affection: When there is a lack of warmth and affection between partners, the desire to engage in sexual intercourse is automatically diminished. Communicate with your companion to determine ways in which you can rekindle love and passion in the relationship.

5. Addiction to narcotics: If your partner has developed an addiction to certain narcotics, such as nicotine, morphine and various anti-depressants that reduce sex drive, it could be the reason for not wanting to have sex.

The reasons for developing an aversion to sex are often extremely subjective and complex. Open and honest communications between partners may unravel the problem but in many cases, therapy and medical assistance provides the solution.

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Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!

MD, Panchakrma, BAMS, Ayurvedacharya
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!
Onions are a part of the Allium group of vegetables and herbs, which additionally include chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been known for a long time for their specialty of sharp flavours as well as for their curing and healing properties. Onions are a thick and layered vegetable and while they are low in calories, they are highly advantageous when it comes to a steady supply of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and cancer prevention agents. Here is how consuming onions can be very beneficial for your health:

Organosulfer compounds: Allium vegetables have broadly been known as cancer prevention agents, particularly stomach and colorectal tumours. They have beneficial and healing impacts are likely due to a limited amount of organosulfur compounds present in them as compared to other vegetables.
Folate: Folate, found in onions, may help with depression by keeping an overabundance of homocysteine from shaping in the body, which can keep blood and different nutrients from reaching the brain. Abundance of homocysteine hinders the growth of serotonin, which is the happiness hormone.
Vitamin C: Adequate intake of vitamin C is required for the building and support of collagen, which gives a sheen and volume to the skin and hair, respectively. Onions have abundance of vitamin C.
Other Vitamins: Onion contains common sugar, vitamins A, B6, C, E and minerals, for example, sodium, potassium, press and dietary fibre. More importantly, onions contain folic acid, which is very important for a woman s health especially for pregnant women.
Prebiotics: Prebiotics are not generally recommended in heavy doses, however, they sustain the good bacteria in your body. These valuable bacteria then help with the processing and digestion of your food. They help the immune system to a great extent. One such prebiotic is inulin, a water-dissolvable type of dietary fibre that is found in onions. It helps in preventing ulcers.
Sulfur: Sulfur helps in bringing down cholesterol and triglycerides. The allium and allyl disulphide in onions have likewise been said to get rid of vein stiffness by discharging nitric oxide. This may reduce the racing heartbeat, get rid of blood clots and decline the danger of heart diseases, vascular diseases and strokes.
Quercetin: Quercetin in onions is additionally helpful. It offers both cancer prevention agents and mitigating properties that may help the heart.
Cardio-vascular diseases: Onions are shockingly high in gainful polyphenols. These play a critical part in averting and decreasing the movement of diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Regular antihistamin: Quercetin helps in cell reinforcement. It has calming properties that may help fight the painful symptoms of chronic diseases like coronary illness and cancer. Quercetin has been successful in preventing histamine discharge (histamines are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions).
Therefore, onions should be consumed regularly in either a raw form or in your daily vegetables. They not only are easy to consume and digest, but also give you life-long health benefits.
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Coconut Water - 9 Reasons You Must Start Drinking It Today!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
Coconut Water - 9 Reasons You Must Start Drinking It Today!
The goodness of water is known to all and sundry. Another fluid to watch out for is the coconut water. Coconut water will leave you with a mouth open awe with its health benefits. From small kids to pregnant women to elderly people, everyone can drink coconut water (unless asked to avoid on doctor recommendation) without any tension. The sweet, nut-like taste of coconut water is indeed very refreshing and soothing, a great respite in the scorching summers.

Positive effects of coconut water on the health

A low-calorie drink: Coconut water is an ideal and healthy substitute for processed fruit juice, aerated drinks, and beverages. Some of the amazing health benefits of coconut water include;
Improves Digestion: Coconut water is an excellent source of phosphatase, diastase, folic acid, and other enzymes that aids in the digestion of food.
A person with dehydration (an outcome of dysentery, diarrhea or cholera) can benefit immensely from coconut water. The coconut water works by restoring the lost electrolyte and plasma balance in the body.
Keeps skin aging at bay: Cytokines and lauric acid are known to have anti-aging properties. They maintain the pH balance of the skin. Coconut water is a rich source of lauric acid and cytokines. As expected, coconut water helps to restore the natural glow of the skin. Coconut water greatly nourishes and protects the skin from rashes and skin infections.
Drink coconut water, forget depression forever: Riboflavin, pathogenic acid, and thiamine are the triple healing vitamins that help to lower depression and stress in a person. With these important vitamins present, coconut water will lift your mood and spirits effortlessly.
Weight management: Being a low- calorie drink, coconut water is a healthy option for people who are on a diet and want to lose few extra kilos.
Healthy bones the natural way: An excellent source of calcium, coconut water will keep your bones strong and healthy.
Kidney stones a thing of the past: A natural way to deal with the problem of kidney stones is indeed a great news. Potassium is present in abundance in coconut water. Thus, it not only helps in dissolving the kidney stones, but also ensures that there is no recurrence of the condition (kidney stones).
A healthy blood pressure: Coconut water comes as a much-needed blessing for people with high blood pressure. The minerals (Potassium and Magnesium) along with Vitamin C ensure that the blood pressure is within healthy limits.
The magnesium present in coconut water comes as a savior for people with migraines.

A rich source of potassium implies coconut water helps to lower the instances of muscle cramps.
Having long, healthy, and lustrous hair is no longer a dream, all thanks to the coconut water. It hydrates the scalp, thus providing the necessary nourishment to the hair.
Being low in sugar and calories, coconut water is an excellent remedy for diabetic patients.
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Pumpkin Seed - Health Benefits You Never Knew!

Vedicgram Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Pumpkin Seed - Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Pumpkin seeds are a perfect choice for a healthy snack to munch on during boring afternoons. They are not just tasty, but immensely healthy. These seeds can be called as nutritional powerhouse that are packed with nutrients, which are required for the overall sustenance of health. Some of the most impressive benefits of pumpkin seeds include:

Magnesium for healthy heart: One-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds contains about half of the regularly suggested intake of magnesium which in turn helps the body in performing a wide range of vital physiological functions. When an individual takes the required amount of magnesium, it boosts the production of ATP, synthesis of RNA molecules, rhythmic pumping of the heart, proper formation of the tooth and bone and relaxation of the veins and vessels carrying blood. It has been shown that eating pumpkin seeds regularly keeps the blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke as well.
Zinc for assisting immunity: Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of zinc, and one ounce of this seed contains about 2 mg of the mineral. Zinc is essential for the body for a host of reasons such as immunity, growth of cells, proper sleep, lifting mood, replenishing the senses and is critical to eye and skin health. It is also known to help in regulating the insulin levels and improving male sexual power. Quite many people around the world do not get the right supply of this beneficial mineral due to mineral depletion of soil, effects of harmful drugs and consumption of plant-based diets. One can consume pumpkin seeds daily to combat common health issues such as cold and flu, depression, skin problems and acne and chronic fatigue.
Omega-3 fatty acids to control cholesterol: Nuts and seeds including pumpkin seeds are known to be viable sources of Omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid. It is required by all individuals and the body then converts it to the more useful fats called the DHA and EPA. By eating an ounce of pumpkin seeds every day, one can intake an excellent source of good cholesterol.
Tryptophan for restful sleep: Tryptophan belongs to the amino acid group. This is a protein building block found in abundance in the pumpkin seeds. This tryptophan is converted into serotonin by the body which in turn is transformed into melatonin or the sleep hormone. Those who have trouble sleeping can take a handful of pumpkin seeds along with some fruit pieces right before going to bed to see desirable results. The pumpkin seeds will supply the body with the required amount of tryptophan which will be converted to the sleep hormone and promote a restful sleep all through the night.
The pumpkin seeds can be stored and carried easily and require no refrigeration. Charged with a lot of nutrients ranging from copper to manganese, zinc to protein, pumpkin seeds should be considered as a healthy snack that can regularly be taken to enjoy a host of health advantages.
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6 Ways Your Siblings Make You Who You Are

Ph. D - Psychology, Psychology
Psychologist, Delhi
6 Ways Your Siblings Make You Who You Are
Siblings are most definitely, the best thing to have ever happened to anyone. We fight, we laugh, we play and we defend. No matter, whether you are the best buddies or you cannot even stand being in the same room, you two (or three or four!) share an inseparable bond, which will last for a lifetime. Siblings are surely in for the long haul, while friends and colleagues may just come and go. But do our sibs really influence us?

The weight issues!
Obesity has been known to run in generations and families, but there have been studies which show that siblings have an influence, especially when we talk of the waistline. Researches’ conducted from a 2014 based study at Duke University from the Sanford School of Public Policy show that if the older sibling is obese, the chances of the younger one, being the same increase fivefold. This is regardless of the fact that the parents are obese or not.

Character talk
Though there is little evidence supporting the theory of birth order affecting personality, there sure is enough to support that siblings do shape the same for each other. Siblings do develop separate identities for themselves and in the same run, affect and shape the personality and characteristics as well as the behavior of the other, to a major extent. For instance, a person would make more of an effort to become an outgoing person, if his/ her sibling is shy and quiet. In case of families with three kids, this is more likely to happen among siblings of the same gender instead of the opposite genders.

The first teachers!
Navigating social situations are what we first learn from our siblings. A daily practice in understanding foreign minds and getting an insight of the outer world is what we first get from our siblings. Strong bonds between two kids at home have shown better and more successful connections with peers at school.

Saving marriages is their task!
Being a part of a bigger family reduces the chance of divorce due to more chances of being accustomed to adjustment. Ohio State University concluded in a 2013 study that every sibling reduces divorce risk by 2%.

Depression Deal
Squabbling of siblings is as natural as the rain. Yet, the reasons for the fight can have major health implications. Quarrelling about issues like fairness and equality can lead to experiencing higher levels of depression. The same has been concluded by a 2012 study of the University of Missouri. Fighting over personal space can lead to development of low self-esteem and anxiety.

But they are happiness boosters too
You know that already! Having siblings is in itself a joyful experience.
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Feet Massaging At Night - Know Its Benefits!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Feet Massaging At Night - Know Its Benefits!
Reflexology says that foot massage aids in releasing the blocks that hold the energy from flowing through the body. Known by the name, Padabyang in Ayurveda, the massaging of the feet at specific points have many health benefits, and at the same time, helps in the curing of some diseases as well. Ayurveda considers feet massage as a beneficial therapy that offers amazing health benefits.

What are the advantages of feet massaging at night?
Any kind of massage contributes to enhancing your well-being and feet massage is no different. The massaging of the feet at night without fail has several benefits that are as enumerated below:

Relaxation: Massaging the feet at night gives a perfect relaxation and helps you to cope with the long and tiring day. It is simply a great way for the reduction of stress and feels relaxed.
Improving blood circulation: We all know that a good blood circulation is an essence of maintaining good health. If blood cannot circulate freely, it may give rise to many health problems. A foot massage at the specific point before going to bed significantly helps in the improvement of the flow of blood.
Good sleep: Massaging the feet at night plays a crucial role in having a good night s sleep which is extremely beneficial for good health.
Reduce PMS: Pre Menstrual Syndrome abbreviated as PMS is a difficult battle that all women have to deal with. PMS causes a lot of pain accompanied by a lot of physical changes. To effectively deal with PMS feet massaging at night is an excellent option.
Reduce pains and aches: Massaging the feet every night before going to bed is a very effective way in the reduction of various types of pains and aches of the body. A proper and regular massage is recommended in this situation for more effective relief from pains.
Good for headaches and migraines: Another amazing benefit of feet massaging at night is that it helps to give you a great relief from headaches and migraines. It gives you a quick relief and most importantly without taking any medicines or having to face any other side effects.
Reduces heel pain: Many experience difficulties with heel pain in the morning after waking up. Feet massage at night before going to bed is a great way for the reduction of pain in the heels. At the same time, it also helps to deal with pain from flat feet.
Fights depression: A feet massage at night time also helps to fight depression effectively, and in this case, it is recommended to give a self-massage.
Thus, a foot massage at night is highly beneficial, and Ayurveda encourages massaging with oil as the benefits are multiplied when the foot is massaged with medicated oils. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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