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Last Updated: Feb 16, 2023

How to Cuddle: Types, Best Positions, and Benefits

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Dr. Arun MuthuvelIVF Specialist • 13 Years Exp.MCH - Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Cuddling is a simple but wonderful way to show affection in a relationship, and there are many different cuddling positions to try depending on the mood or goal. Whether you are wanting to comfort your partner or just have some fun and play with them, cuddling is a great way to show how much you love and care for them.

In other words, love is all about showing affection to your partner, and cuddling is one great way to do just that. It feels just wonderful to cuddle and have your partner cuddle you.

You will be glad to know that we are here to explore several different ways of cuddling to help you find the right position for you and your partner. So, if you want to cuddle your partner in a way that manifests your love or affection for them, you must read this article very carefully to its last word.

Holding Hands

Being hand in hand with your partner is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to show physical affection. It can be both innocent and intimate at the same time, and it is also very easy to do.

To hold hands, you and your partner just need to sit or stand close to each other, leaning against each other for support, and take each other's hands. However, if you need to let go for a moment, it is not a problem—you may simply reach for something kept far away or even for something kept in your pocket.

The Spooning Position

Spooning can be the most intimate cuddling position, as it allows both partners to fully embrace each other while their bodies are intertwined. Those who are the 'big spoon' often take on a more dominant role as they wrap their arms around their partner while lying on their side; their stomach rests against their partner's back.

At the same time, the 'little spoon' wraps their arms around their partner, and their back is parallel to the stomach of the other. Spooning can be portrayed as a romantic gesture as well as a sexual one. This position can also be platonic or non-sexual.

The Half-Spoon

If traditional spooning isn't your thing, don't worry as there is another option that might be more up your alley. It is known as the 'half spoon' position, and it is basically just spooning without being too close to your partner.

This way, you can still enjoy the closeness and warmth without feeling claustrophobic or uncomfortable. You must give it a try next time you are snuggling up with your special someone!

The Butt-Cheek-to-Cheek Position

You and your partner, in this position, are basically facing in opposite directions. However, your butt cheeks and lower back are touching those of your partner. The knees of both partners are usually bent in this position.

If you're feeling frisky, you can stretch one leg out and play footsie. This position essentially means that you both want to have some connection with each other, but you both value the other person's freedom and sleep is also important to you at the same time.

The Honeymoon Hug

When you are head-over-heels in love with your partner, cuddling feels like the best thing in the world. You have a burning desire to be as close to them as you can be, even when you are both sleeping.

Cuddling is a great way to show your partner how much you care about them, especially during the honeymoon stage when you can't get enough of each other. The 'honeymoon hug' position is where you and your partner face each other and wrap your arms and legs around each other.

You are so close that you can smell each other's morning breath. That said, it doesn't matter because you are madly in love and just crazy about each other. This can be an excellent way to show your partner the amount of love and appreciation you have for them deep inside your heart.

The Lap-Pillow Position

Laying your head in the lap of your partner is not only a playful gesture, but it also displays the degree of trust and affection between you and your partner. This position displays trust because it can leave your partner more vulnerable than you.

In this position, it would be easy to steal a kiss or two...or even a lot more than that. It can also be the perfect position for binge-watching your favorite OTT shows or movies with your beloved partner.

The Arm-Draper Position

You and your partner will be facing each other in this super romantic cuddling position. You both will have your arms draped around one another. You will be eye to-eye, which can be great for having a romantic night. However, it may become distracting if any of you want to sleep.

Did you ever have this feeling that someone was staring at you while you were trying to fall asleep? Well, after trying this position, you will definitely know how it feels!


As we have already mentioned in the beginning of this article, cuddling can be one of the simplest but most effective ways to show affection in a romantic relationship. Whether you are hoping to add more romance, spice things up, or just show your partner how much you care, cuddling can be the best option for you. There are many different cuddling positions to try depending on your mood or goal, so be sure to experiment to find what works best for you and your partner.

Furthermore, we hope you enjoyed this write-up about cuddling positions and that it gave you some ideas to try out with your partner. For more great tips about caring for your relationship, make sure that you keep checking out other articles by us from time to time.

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