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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019

How to Cope with Hot Weather

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Dr. Uzma RahatUnani Specialist • 20 Years Exp.Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S)
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1. Slow down. When you are outside or in a place that is not air conditioned face reality, move slowly and put your brain in low gear.
2. Always be hydrating. Drink ice water, cold juice, non-caffeinated ice tea. Have it with you at all times. This is especially important if you live somewhere that is both hot and humid.
3. Stay ahead of your thirst. Related to the above tip, don't wait until you are thirsty to drink up, force yourself to drink and drink and drink.
4. Sorry, no caffeine, no alcohol. In case, number 3 got you excited, a cold beer might be refreshing but it will suck the moisture out of your interior. Same with caffeinated drinks.
5. Shut out the sunlight. Even if your apartment or office is air conditioned, shut the blinds. Sunlight equals heat.
6. Wear loose fitting clothes. Inside wear shorts, baggy t-shirt, flip-flops. Forget the underwear and socks. When you are outside wear loose, long-sleeved clothes (shirts, pants, skirts) of light material.
7. Keeping the sun off your skin provides more surface area for sweating, and so is actually cooler. Wear a cap or straw hat.
8. Change your schedule. Get up at 5 a. M, go for a walk while it still bearable. Get your work done early so you can crawl around the rest of the day.

9. Crank up the fans. If you don't have air conditioning and even if you do, promote air circulation throughout your house or office with fans. Start them up early in the day before it gets hot.
10. Turn off the lights. Light bulbs emit heat so use your lights as little as possible. It's a good idea to switch your bulbs to eco-friendly ones, such as fluorescent or led bulbs because they emit lower levels of energy and thus, heat.
11. Minimize the use of heat producing appliances. If you have to use the dishwasher, washing machine or dryer, if possible, use them at night or early in the morning.
12. Don't go anywhere. Except for places you have to go, such as work, avoid travel unless it is at night or early in the morning when it is much cooler.
13. No cooking. Fix meals that don't require cooking. You'll only heat up the kitchen and yourself.
14. Eat high water content foods. Many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cantaloup, grapes, cucumber, and tomatoes, contain 90 percent or higher water content by weight. Eating them in abundance will keep you hydrated.


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