All About Polysexuality
With the fast changing times, the attraction of a person towards other people are also changing.The blurry lines of differences between the definite expressions of sexuality like bisexuality, polysexuality and pansexuality have often roused the curiosity among many and caused confusion among the others. While the traditional approach to sexual orientations only deem heteronormative attractions, that is "acceptable" and normal, the emergent clamoring about LGBTQ rights have catapulted homosexuality at the center of a lot of debates.
However, these terms are also closely intertwined with a rather binarist concept of sex and gender. On the contrary, one of the most dominant claims of modern discourse is that physical sex of a person is never the foremost determinant of one's gender identity. You may easily identify yourself with one or the other or even neither of the genders and consequently not conform to any of the set gender definitions. It is in this context that the terms cisgenders and transgenders come into play.
Similarly, for those attracted to individuals who do not necessarily belong to either the male or the female sex, the terms "polysexuality" and "pansexuality" become immensely pertinent. Pansexuality refers to attraction for anybody, irrespective of one's gender identity. The pansexuals are usually drawn to individuals from all genders. Polysexuality, on the other hand refers to a condition of attraction for multiple genders, but not necessarily all. The polysexuals harbor affinities for a specific gender, which may not necessarily be male or female.
Recent LGBTQ activism lays a lot of emphasis upon granting the due respect to as well as negating any stigmas whatsoever upon such expressions of unconventional sexual orientations. With the LGBTQ movement garnering greater steam over the recent past, more and more number of people are surfacing as polysexuals. In fact some of the well known faces from all across the globe may be counted among the polysexuals . Despite all these however, there are a few misconceptions that prevails all over.
Differentiating between bisexuality and polysexuality: Many a times, people refuse to register the difference between homosexuality, bisexuality and polysexuality. Either one expresses complete ignorance about these terms or tends to use the terms interchangeably without the slightest consideration of the existing nuances.
Insensitivity towards a non-normative sexuality: Often you may encounter people who not only are unwilling to understand your point, but would constantly discount the relevance of your sexuality. Polysexuality will only be an ambivalent jargon for them with no concrete reality and as for you, they will probably book you an appointment with the shrink.
Misconceptions about one's sexual life: If you have come out as polysexual, many might perceive you as a "loose-moraled" person with devious sexual fantasies and a highly promiscuous person. It is not uncommon to have a polysexual unduly shunned and discriminated against.