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What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?

MS - Orthopaedics, M.Ch Trauma & Ortho, Diploma In Orthopaedics (D. Ortho), MBBS
Orthopedic Doctor, Chennai  •  17 years experience
What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?
What is one of the most common causes of feet pain when you wake up in the morning?
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What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?
What are the other causes that can make your feet pain when you wake up in the morning?
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What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?
Having flat feet or fallen arches can cause feet pain.
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What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?
Plantar fasciitis or heel spur syndrome is a condition that causes severe pain under the heel bone.
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What causes your feet to pain when you wake up in the morning?
Bartonella, a bacterial infection, does not cause foot pain.
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