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Vitamin K Test

Vitamin K Test

Vitamin K is an essential supplement that your body requires in order to be able to clot blood effectively; a deficiency in vitamin K can actually lead to excessive bleeding, nosebleeds as well as extensive bruising. If this sounds familiar, then you need to check in with your physician, and get treated for the same. Half of the needed vitamin K is synthesized by the bacteria present in your intestine; you can complement this with a regular diet of leafy vegetables as well as dairy products. Vitamin K is essential for the formation of blood clots which is why it is important that you check with your doctor on displaying some or all the symptoms listed above.

Generally, you do not require any advanced prep in order to take this test; it is advisable that you wear short sleeves when attending so as to provide your healthcare worker with easy access to your arm. The test is fairly simple and once your doctor has collected his sample, he would soon process the blood to check for the level of vitamin K in the same. A vitamin K deficiency can be debilitating and can even cause you to experience fatigue over prolonged periods of time. It is vital that you keep your doctor informed regarding your current health conditions as well as the medications you are taking at the moment as this can have an impact on the level of vitamin K in your blood.

This test is mainly used to test for vitamin K deficiency, but the test can also be used to assess and diagnose the following conditions as well. Cystic fibrosis, Pancreatic disease, Liver disease, Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, Hypoprothrombinemia and much more Vitamin K is also thought to help regulate the amount of calcium in your body and can help improve your bones. Therefore it is vital that you check in with your doctor at the earliest and get yourself tested right away.

Your doctor would first tie a tourniquet around your arm, after which he would swab the area with antiseptic; now he would use a standard size syringe, locate the closest vein and draw the required amount of blood, into a small container. This sample is then processed, to determine whether you have vitamin K deficiency or not. Once it is determined that you do indeed have a deficiency in vitamin K, your doctor may prescribe a new diet, as well as a new vitamin supplement to help boost the levels of vitamin K in your body.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Vitamin K
All age groups
0.2 - 3.2ng/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1465 to Rs.10000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Vitamin K Test?
Preparation for Vitamin K Test
Uses of Vitamin K Test
Procedure for Vitamin K Test
Normal values for Vitamin K Test
Price for Vitamin K Test
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