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Vitamin D Total (1) Test

Vitamin D Total (1) Test

Vitamin D, commonly known as the sunshine vitamin; is one of the most important vitamins in the human body. The vitamin is a unique one since it is produced by the exposure of the skin to sunlight. Those who are allergic to lactic products such as milk, follow a purely vegan diet, and have low exposure to the sun are particularly at risk of getting vitamin D deficiency. The vitamin is found in large quantities in fish, liver oils, egg yolk, milk and other food products. The main function of vitamin D is to extract calcium from food sources and make bones stronger and less brittle.

The deficiency of vitamin D has been associated rickets, a disease when bone tissue cannot materialize, leading to soft bones and other deformities in the skeletal structure of the body. However, modern research has led to the discovery of various other functions of this particular amino acid, with the compound helping to prevent a whole host of diseases and making the general immune system stronger. The most accurate method for the presence of vitamin D is the 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test.

The Vitamin D Total test usually ascertains the total volume of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, a type of vitamin D circulation in the body through the bloodstream. In addition, the test also detects the levels of vitamin D2 and D3, which comprise of the total vitamin levels in the body.

The process for the extracting blood is fairly simple and routine. The process can be carried out anywhere, especially in a clean and well-lit environment – including a doctor’s chamber, a specialist diagnostic center or at one’s home. However, the test requires a trained medical professional to carry out the extraction of blood, and should not be tried by the patient herself. A rubber nozzle is tied to the upper arm near the biceps to thrust the veins around the elbow to come closer to the surface of the skin. The area is scrubbed with a piece of cotton dipped in medicated alcohol to de-sensitize the region and make it germ-free. A hypodermic syringe is inserted into the vein, and about 2 ml of the blood is extracted out. After the blood is collected, the needle is pulled out swiftly, and the place is covered with a piece of cotton and is applied pressure for a few minutes to allow the blood to coagulate.

red top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Vitamin D
All age groups
Rs250- Rs 800

Table of Content

What is Vitamin D Total (1) Test?
Preparation for Vitamin D Total (1) Test
Uses of Vitamin D Total (1) Test
Procedure for Vitamin D Total (1) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Vitamin D Total (1) Test
Price for Vitamin D Total (1) Test
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