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also known as: TPHA Hemagglutination Blood, TPHA

Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay, aka TPHA is a test used to identify and detect the dissolved amount of antibodies in patient’s serum against the causes of syphilis which is a sexually transmitted disease which causes papules and nodules across the body of the individual. Alternatively, it might also be caused due to hereditary transfer. It detects Palladium antibodies through the application of a hemagglutination method (HAI). Fowl erythrocytes are sensitized with T. palladium fragments in order to achieve results. In the case of presence of anti-Palladium antibodies, sensitized erythrocytes (Test Cells) clump together and induce a characteristic structure on the micro titer plate.

It is recommended that you should either wear a sleeve-less or a short-sleeved shirt. Wearing a shirt with full- sleeves that can easily be rolled-up is also fine. You will not be expected to disturb your diet routine before the TPHA. You can eat and drink as per your normal routine. However, if the sample taken is also to be used for further different tests, the doctor will inform you in advance. In that case, you might be advised to not eat for a few hours. Always follow the particular instructions given to you by the lab for the successful completion of the test.

As mentioned above, the test is used to facilitate the diagnosis of syphilis that is most commonly sexually transferred or caused due to heredity. This test does not detect most adequately treated cases, thus simplifying patient assessment for the purpose. Timely administration of this test helps to cure syphilis without causing much harm to the patient This test is also widely preferred to detect the particular stage of syphilis for identifying the dosage of medications.

This test can be conducted at registered labs and infirmaries apart from the hospitals. For the test, one or two teaspoons of a blood sample would be obtained directly from you. An alcohol pad is used to clean the skin. A needle is then injected through the part of rinsed skin into to your vein; specifically in the one that can be seen from the skin. The blood is dragged out from the needle by a nozzle, saved in a vessel and sealed with your name. This sample is then carried to the research laboratory for examination. It might takes 2-3 days or more for the test results to be declared.

Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination
All age groups
Average price range of the test is between Rs.250 to Rs.1580 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is TPHA Test?
Preparation for TPHA Test
Uses of TPHA Test
Procedure for TPHA Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for TPHA Test
Price for TPHA Test
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Lybrate Gaurantee