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Quad Marker With Graph Test

Quad Marker With Graph Test

Quad Marker test with the graph is one of the necessary tests during the pregnancy. It helps the doctor, and it will help you to know the exact condition of your pregnancy and what are the different risk factors associated with it. It will help you to know if there is any possibility of deformation of the fetus or any genetic disorder. A blood test is done between the 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy to check the levels of AFP, estriol, hCG, and Inhibin-A in the blood.

To know the different preparation for the quad marker test, you should consult with your gynecologist. It is up to you if you want the test or not but it can be crucial to see the overall health of the baby and to know if your pregnancy has any complication or not. Since it is a blood test, you should wear loose clothing. It will help the doctor to take the blood easily. Foldable top, half sleeve or sleeveless top should be worn on the day of the test.

The quad marker test has different uses, and different elements are checked in the blood of the pregnant woman. But as stated above, it is used to see how well the fetus is growing and what are the different risks associated with the pregnancy. The test will be normal if there are AFP, estriol, hCG, and Inhibin-A at a normal level, indicating a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. In the case the AFP, estriol, hCG, and Inhibin-A are not at a normal level then further tests are done to see what is wrong and how it can be solved.

Quad marker test is done by taking the blood sample between the 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. First of all the skin and the needle is cleaned with the alcohol or another disinfectant. Then an elastic band is wrapped around the upper side the elbow to stop the blood flow. It helps the vein in rising and makes it easy for the doctor to take the blood. The needle is injected into the vein, and the blood is taken in the tube attached to the sample. Then the needle is ejected, and the blood is sealed in the tube. Then the sample is taken to the doctor for further analysis.

Table of Content

What is Quad Marker With Graph Test?
Preparation for Quad Marker With Graph Test
Uses of Quad Marker With Graph Test
Procedure for Quad Marker With Graph Test
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