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Phosphorus, Serum Test

Phosphorus, Serum Test

also known as: Phosphate, Inorganic Phosphorus PO4

A phosphorus- Serum test, performed like any blood test, is done to determine if you have high or low phosphorus. Either too low or too high phosphorus levels can lead to health problems. The test helps in assessing if you have any Kidney or bone disease or have any problems with glands like the parathyroid glands. This also helps to find out reason for abnormal vitamin D levels. The amount of phosphorus differs in adults and children. The lab report generated will give you standard value range for your age group and gender and also your current phosphorus levels.

The blood will be taken from your arm. So wear a something with short sleeves, sleeves of which can be rolled up easily. You do not need to fast or alter your diet before Phosphorus Serum test, until and unless specifically instructed by your doctor to do so. You can eat, drink normally. Make sure you tell your doctor about any specific medication you are taking. Always follow specific instructions given to you by lab.

As mentioned above, this test will tell your phosphate levels. It can be concluded from the test that If the phosphate levels are high, you may be having tumors such as lymphoma. Kidney disease, underactive parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism), acromegaly, healing fractures, untreated diabetic ketoacidosis, or certain bone diseases. Excess vitamin D in the body. If the phosphate levels are low, you may be having Hyperparathyroidism, certain bone diseases (such as osteomalacia), lack of vitamin D, or some kidney or liver diseases. Severe malnutrition or starvation. Sprue that prevents the intestines from absorbing nutrients properly. Alcohol dependence. Some types of tumors.

Handful milliliters say; one to two teaspoons of a blood sample would be obtained directly from you. As elastic band will be wrapped around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood and make the veins visible. Area of skin where needle is to be inserted will be cleaned using alcohol Needle will be injected in the vein which is visible. More than one needle stick may be needed. A tube will be attached to the needle to fill it with blood, and blood will be transferred to vessel labeled with your name A gauze pad or cotton ball will be put over the needle site as the needle is removed. If skin swells apply warm press to the needle site.

plasma or serum
3ml light green top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Phosphorus serum
All age groups
Rs80- Rs900

Table of Content

What is Phosphorus, Serum Test?
Preparation for Phosphorus, Serum Test
Uses of Phosphorus, Serum Test
Procedure for Phosphorus, Serum Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Phosphorus, Serum Test
Price for Phosphorus, Serum Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee