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MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test

MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test

Limb pain may occur frequently or not so consistently. Pain may be caused by motion or have no reference to movement. Other symptoms like warmth, redness, numbness, or tingling, may occur, depending on the cause of the limb pain. Doctor may recommend patient to undergo MRI of the any of the lower extremities when examining the Body's major joints (hip, knee, ankle, & foot).

Before appearing for MRI scan, its advised to a patient not to wear or carry any metal objects like keys, coins, wallets, jewellery etc. at home. Also, its advised to consult with the doctor and discuss if you are on any kind of medication before setting up an appointment for this test. Sometimes doctor may advise you not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the scan.

Some exams use a special dye (contrast). Patient will get the dye through a vein in arm or hand before the test. Sometimes, the dye is given into a joint. The dye helps the radiologist see certain areas more clearly. This test provides detailed pictures of parts of the lower limb that cannot be see through via CT scans. Doctor may advise you to undergo MRI of the leg in following cases: A mass that can be felt on a physical exam, Birth defects of the leg, ankle, or foot, Bone pain and fever, Broken bone, Decreased motion of the ankle joint, Pain, swelling, or redness in a leg, Redness or swelling of the ankle joint, Leg pain and a history of cancer, Leg, foot etc.

To check how deep is the pain, MRI examination is carried on patients. Like other scans, this one also prints out scan image of a patient limb where patient suffers extreme pain. Patient needs to be positioned on the movable examination table. Later, staff will use Straps and bolsters to help patient remain stay still and maintain the correct position during imaging. Small devices that contain coils capable of sending and receiving radio waves may be placed around or adjacent to the area of the body being studied.

Table of Content

What is MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test?
Preparation for MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test
Uses of MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test
Procedure for MRI Scan - Lower Limp Plain and Contrast Test
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