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MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test

MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test

An MRI scan is a technique that involves magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to generate images of body structures. The MRI scanner is a tube surrounded by a big circular magnet. The patient is placed on a motorized bed that is inserted into the magnet. The magnet creates a strong magnetic field which initiates the spinning of protons inside the body, resulting in a faint signal that is detected by the receiver of the MRI scanner. The received information is processed by the computer, and an image is formed. The image produced by MRI is quite detailed and can detect tiny changes of structures within the body. In some courses, contrast agents like gadolinium, is used to increase the accuracy of the images.

You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the scan. If you are afraid of closed spaces (have claustrophobia), tell your doctor. You may be given a medicine to help you feel sleepy. As MRI has strong magnets, metal objects are not allowed inside room, you will be asked to remove: Pens, pocket knives, and eyeglasses as they may fly. Items such as jewelry, watches, credit cards, and hearing aids. Metallic items such as Metal zippers, hairpins, Pins, safety pins, wallets etc. Removable dental work should be taken out just before the scan.

MRI scans illustrate more clearly the difference between healthy and diseased tissue. It involves a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to produce medical images.

MRI test is done for: Brain and Spinal Cord: Examine the central nervous system (CNS) Tumors in the brain or spine, or spinal cord injuries Reveal the presence of aneurysms, and disorders of the inner ear and eyes. Multiple sclerosis, stroke, hormonal disorders, brain hemorrhage, brain infection, and brain birth defect.

Bone and Joints: Identify arthritis and other joint disorders. Abnormalities of the intervertebral discs, bone infections, and bone tumors

Heart and Blood Vessels: To check the extent of the damage through heart attack. Inflammation or obstructions of the blood vessels, or aneurysms or dissections of the aorta.

The duration of the procedure will vary but the average is 45-60 minutes per body part. As right leg is to be examined, you will be asked to lie down on the motorized bed with your legs to be inserted first. You have to lie still during the MR scanning. The magnet is permanently open on both ends. It is well-lit and there is a fan for patient comfort. A two-way system for communication between patient and technologist is also arranged. The part of the body being scanned will be placed in the middle of the magnet. During the real imaging, you will be provided with the earplugs with music to minimize the intermittent banging noise produced during the procedure. The doctors will also give you an alarm to alert them for any uneasiness you may experience during the MRI exam. Some MRI exams require an injection of intravenous MRI contrast for any discomfort.

Rs 800- Rs 4000

Table of Content

What is MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test?
Preparation for MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test
Uses of MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test
Procedure for MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test
Price for MRI Scan - Leg (Right) Test
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