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IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test

IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test

MLH1 is a type of protein that is generally located in the chromosome of the human body and is encoded by MLH1 gene. The MLH1 is one of the seven Mismatch Repair (MMR) proteins that act cordially to repair the DNA mismatches in human body. Defects in the DNA Mismatch compose for about 13% of the collateral cancer, MLH1 being the more frequent one than the other MMR proteins. Also the MLH1 protein are a major cause for the Tumors in human body, majorly Stomach. MLH1 when immunoreacted with MGMT is one of major dangers related to gastric cancer and almost this combination is correlated to 135 specimens of gastric cancer.

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues must be located on the patient’s body and marked so that there is no diversion in the area of sample extract. Patient should be informed in prior about the pros and cons about the test and complexity related to the same. Patient should be made free from all types of assumptions on the procedure of the test and sample collection. Well stained slides, needles and neat environment should be maintained prior to the test and sample collections. Very neat and clean cloth/cotton should be used to clean the peripherals of the sample extracted area and the stained area.

The absence of protein in a person’s body could lead to a number of diseases, tumors are one of the major outcomes of the deficiency. The IHC MLH1 interpretation can lead to detection of Lynch syndrome.

A broad needle with an ample extraction compatibility should be selected. The exact tumor area/cancer affected area should be located over the patient’s body with the help naked hand and should be cleaned with alcohol before piercing the affected portion for the sample extract. 10-15 ml of the serum must be extracted from the tumor ball to the needle and collected in a neat tube which is then shipped for the actual examination area. While the sample is being extracted from the patient’s body make sure that no blood enters into the sample. Once the sample is extracted, block the leakage of blood from the pierced portion by covering it with cloth or cotton.

paraffin waxed tissue
sterile specimen container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
Rs 4000- Rs 9000

Table of Content

What is IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test?
Preparation for IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test
Uses of IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test
Procedure for IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test
Price for IHC MLH1 with interpretation Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee