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H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test

H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test

Helicobacter pylori or H-Pylori test is a diagnostic tool used to detect a bacterial infection in the stomach and it also measures the effectiveness of ongoing treatment. H-pylori infection is associated with an increased risk of developing ulcers (peptic ulcer disease), chronic gastritis, and gastric (stomach) cancer. H-Pylori Antibody test looks for antibodies which the body develops in response to infection. These antibodies will typically be present if a person has or had a recent or past infection and may remain detectable for 12-18 months after treatment. The different methods of testing may require samples from stool or breath while the invasive technique gets a sample from the tissue.

You don't need to do any strict preparation for this test. The H-Pylori Antibody test has no fasting requirements. You can eat and drink as your daily diet. Your doctor devises the type of sample need to be used for the test, probably depending on your age. Be sure your healthcare provider knows about all medicines, herbs, vitamins, and supplements you are taking. He may advise if you need to stop taking any.

The test order not always mean that you have some serious problem. The test is just an aid to the diagnosis. Your healthcare provider is the person who can tell the meaning of your test. Results that are negative, means no H-Pylori antibody infection. Positive results mean that H-Pylori antibodies were found. You don't necessarily have an infection with H-Pylori, however, H-pylori antibodies may linger in your body long after the bacteria have been removed by your immune system.

BLOOD TEST: The test is done with a blood sample. A needle is used to draw blood from a vein in your arm or hand. BREATH TEST: You will be asked to swallow a pill, liquid or pudding that contains tagged carbon molecules. In case you have an active H-pylori infection, when the solution is broken down into your stomach carbon is released. The test is ordered for both adults and children. STOOL TEST: This test looks for foreign proteins (antigens) associated with H. pylori infection in your stool. SCOPE TEST: A long flexible tube with a tiny camera (endoscope) on it is the gear of your doctor for the test. It is inserted down your throat and esophagus to reach out your stomach and duodenum. Your doctor to view any irregularities in your upper digestive tract and remove tissue samples with the help of this instrument

red top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
H-Pylori IgM
All age groups
Rs 1900- Rs3000

Table of Content

What is H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test?
Preparation for H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test
Uses of H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test
Procedure for H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test
Price for H-Pylori Antibodies - IgM Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee