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Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test

Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test

The cardiac risk marker profile test is referred to as a group of health factors or some tests that need to be performed to analyze if a person has the chance of getting cardiovascular events such as heart attack or heart stroke. The test may indicate the chance of getting cardiovascular risks as low, moderate, or high. Some of the tests that require to evaluate the risk of getting cardiovascular events are Lipoprotein A, Apo A1 / Apo B, Hs CRP, Apolipoprotiens, and Homocysteine.

It is recommended to check with the doctor regarding the diet, before you go to the lab for giving the blood sample. Apart from this, there is no preparation required to ensure the sample quality.

The lipid profile enables to analyze the risk level of cardiovascular events and to determine what kind of treatment is necessary depending upon the risk levels (low, moderate, or high). In general, the lipid profile measures totein cholesterol (bad cholesterol). The following are the desirable results for the components in lipid profile:
  • Cholesriglycerides, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol), and low density lipoprterol – This indicates the normal cholesterol level in the body and the level should be less than 200 mg/dL (5.18 mmol/L)
  • HDL-Cholesterol – This indicates the good cholesterol level in the body and the level should be greater than 40 mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L)
  • LDL-cholesterol – This indicates the bad cholesterol level in the body and the level should be lesser than 100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L). This level also depends on the risk factor type and why the test is been done.
  • Triglycerides – This indicates the overall fat content level in the body and the level should be lesser than 150 mg/dL (1.70 mmol/L).
  • It is recommended to show the report to your doctor for further analysis and treatment. The ranges mentioned here are the desirable results, but the results also depend on the gender, age, and other medical conditions.

The blood sample of about 3 mm to 10 mm is taken from you. The lab technician cleans your skin using a cotton or an alcohol pad. Make sure the lab technician uses a brand new syringe and needle. The needle is injected through the vein in the skin that is cleaned. The blood is slowly taken out from the needle, saved in a container, and then marked your name on the container. The sample is then used for testing in the laboratory.

Determining the levels of cardiac markers in the laboratory takes substantial time. Cardiac markers are therefore not useful in diagnosing a myocardial infarction in the acute phase. The clinical presentation and results from an ECG are more appropriate in the acute situation.

Table of Content

What is Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test?
Preparation for Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test
Uses of Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test
Procedure for Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test
Limitations of Cardiac Risk Markers (6) Test
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