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Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test

Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test

also known as: Human calcitonin, hCT, thyrocalcitonin

Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the C-cells of the thyroid gland and also known as thyrocalcitonin. High concentration of calcitonin may lead to increase urine excretion of calcium and phosphate which leads to hypocalcaemia. Calcitonin helps to regulate levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood during pregnancy. Increase of calcitonin will cause medullary thyroid cancer. Patients who have removed their thyroid gland will lead to undetectable levels of calcitonin in the blood stream. Symptoms of medullary thyroid cancer: A lump or swelling at the front of the neck, pain at the throat or front of the neck, change in the voice, difficulty swallowing or breathing, persistent cough not associated with a cold.

Patient is advised for an overnight fasting prior to the blood test. Patient is advised to inform the doctor about the current intake of medicines. Patient may feel some pressure on the neck and mild discomfort as the needle moves to detect cells.

With successful treatment for medullary thyroid cancer may lead to the removal of the thyroid gland and often some surrounding tissues. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and to monitor those affected for recurrence. Concentrations of calcitonin may be increased with use of drugs such as epinephrine, glucagon, and oral contraceptives, and are normally higher in newborns as well as in women during pregnancy.

Blood test: Insertion of needle into a vein (arm). Stimulation test: Patient is given intravenous calcium or pentagastrin injections to stimulate calcitonin production. Thyroid biopsy: Anesthesia may be injected into the skin, doctor will place thin, hollow needle directly into the nodule to take out some cells. This is repeated for 2 to 3 times. Pressure may be applied to decrease the risk of bleeding. You are advised to inform if any bleedings to take precaution. This will take less than 30 minutes. Ultrasound: A small wand like instrument called transducer is placed on the skin in front of the thyroid gland which gives sound was and picks up the echoes. This echoes are converted by a computer into a black and white image on a computer screen and not exposed to radiation during this test.

EDTA tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin
All age groups
< 10 pg/ml
Rs 1200- Rs 3000

Table of Content

What is Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test?
Preparation for Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test
Uses of Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test
Procedure for Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test
Price for Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee