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AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test

AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test

Tuberculosis is a lung affecting disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb). Tuberculosis causes extreme breathing difficulty and can often be fatal. The symptoms of Tuberculosis are chest pain, pain while breathing, excessive cough, presence of blood in sputum and fatigue. One of the drugs used to control Tuberculosis by killing MTb, is Ethionamide. Certain MTb strains are, however, resistant to Ethionamide. An antibiogram can be an effective tool to detect drug resistant MTb in a patient.

No special preparation is required. Inform the doctor of any medications being taken by the patient. The test can be taken through a blood sample or a sputum sample. In case of a blood sample, the patient is advised to wear a shirt sleeved shirt.

The test will either show a clearing of colonies after being subjected to Ethionamide, or will show no clearing. If colonies show clearing, then the MTb strain causing Tuberculosis symptoms in the patient is not Ethionamide resistant. The drug can be used for treatment. If colonies show no clearing, then the MTb strain causing Tuberculosis symptoms is Ethionamide resistant. This drug cannot be used for treatment.

An antibiogram uses either a sputum sample or a blood sample. In case of Tuberculosis, the sputum sample is common. The patient will be asked to transfer a sputum sample onto a slide or into a tube. The sample will be transported to the laboratory. The sample will be transferred onto a nutrient medium and cultured. Growth of colonies will be observed. The conies will be subjected to Ethionamide and the effects will be assessed.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Sensitivity to Ethionamide
All age groups
A result where the drug is sensitive indicates that the patient responds to this antibiotic

Table of Content

What is AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test?
Preparation for AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test
Uses of AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test
Procedure for AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test
Normal values for AFB-MTb antibiogram Ethionamide Test
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I m having dry cough from last four years. Took seafloor inhaler 250m 26 years old female suffering from mdr. I m on medication from last 8 month. Two sputum came negative so m on cp phase. H/O asthma is der.

DNB(Respiratory Diseases), MBBS
Pulmonologist, Jabalpur
So you have 2 diseases one is asthma for which you are on seroflo 250mcg inhaler and also having mdr tb for which you taking medicines. I hope for tuberculosis you are following the dots plus regimen (govt. Centre) and hence getting good quality and correct treatment. You should continue to take your tb medicines now drugs (cp phase has cycloserine, ethionamide, levofloxacin and ethambutol) regularly without fail, on the same time daily and also continue asthma inhalers regularly with correct method. You should take a good diet consisting of proteins and also fruits and vegetables. Hope fully with your complete treatment your tb will be cured and your asthma shall remain in control. All the best.
4 people found this helpful

My dog suffering from skin disease for last onemonth.We have done pus culture it was found Moderate-STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMRDIUS and sensitive to most of antibiotics.The doctor recommended CLINDAMYCIN 50mg daily for 5days which is being given further 75 md is recommended for next 10 days.And putiing kiskin oinment over affected area.The improvement is visible.1) his diet has gone down. What appetizer is to be given to boost up diet.It is NINE yrs old.Lhasa Mixed breed.2) any other precaution to be taken?

Hi . Please explore if his urination has changed lately. Does he drink excess water too? Is he lethargic? How are his stools? If So, kindly get a blood work done. Clindamycin can sometimes burden kidneys, and its wise to be careful in a patient aging 9 yrs. Possible to share his antibiogram(culture and sensitivity) report? Staph intermedius is a common skin pathogen, and i'm glad that its sensitive to most antibiotics at the moment - but can mutate into resistant strain if not treated judiciously. Hope this is helpful.