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Stoke Disorder Profile Test

Stoke Disorder Profile Test

Stokes-Adams syndrome is a coronary disorder, featured by dizziness, dyspnea or laborer breathings and fainting or syncope. The reason for the fainting spell is the abnormal electrical system of the heart( atrioventricular block). It starts with bradycardia or slow heart rates and emerges into a total stoppage, i.e. asystole. Syncope happens due to cerebral anoxia once the heart stops beating. The syndrome may cause from an inhibited blood supply to heart muscles because of a heart attack or myocardial infarction, different drugs, heightened potassium in the blood, congenital heart issues like CCAVB, or during postoperative damage. Besides, certain infections are also associated with this syndrome, such as endocarditis, myocarditis, acute rheumatic fever, mononucleosis. After 70 years of age, the prevalence rate increases up to 5-10%. Doctors may observe fatigue, hypotension, angina, dyspnea or syncope, pulse below 50, convulsions, pallor to recommend the diagnostic tests.

The diagnostic tests do not require any special preparation. But the patient has to inform the doctor about his or her complete medical history, current medications, and other personal details before undergoing any test.

Stokes disorder is believed to be one of the major impetus for the creation of a device to monitor the heartbeat (an artificial pacemaker) for more than thirty years. In case of the choice of treatment, surgical implementation of a pacemaker into the patient's heart can be an option. In severe cases, anticholinergics or sympathomimetics are given for a while.

Severe cases of Stokes-Adams syndrome may induce permanent brain damage as well as seizures when the anoxic condition prevails for a longer time in the brain. It may cause organ failure as well. So early detection is important to avoid such complications. Doctors recommend continuing the follow-up Holter test during monitoring. Heavy machine handling may be discontinued to avoid fall risks.

The process of Stoke Disorder profile includes the physical examination and well as laboratory tests. Blood pressure is checked for many times including the pulses and pallor. As far as the lab tests are concerned, evaluation of cardiac enzymes, drug levels and blood metabolites like potassium are done. A complete blood count may be performed to detect infection including some tests for connective tissue diseases. An Electroencephalogram for cardiac supervising as well as an Electrocardiogram (ECG) is conducted to confirm electrical conduction block. Apart from these, the serum digoxin level is also checked along with Thyroid stimulating hormone level and hemoglobin count.

whole blood
light green top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
LDL cholesterol
All age groups
<130 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol
All age groups
> 40 - 60 mg/dL
Total cholesterol
All age groups
<200 mg/dL
All age groups
10 - 150 mg/dL
Rs 500- Rs 2000

Table of Content

What is Stoke Disorder Profile Test?
Preparation for Stoke Disorder Profile Test
Uses of Stoke Disorder Profile Test
Procedure for Stoke Disorder Profile Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Stoke Disorder Profile Test
Price for Stoke Disorder Profile Test
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