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Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test

Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test

Thyroid Test is a series of blood tests used to measure how well your thyroid gland is functioning. Available tests include T3, T3RU, T4, TSH. The Thyroid gland is located below Adam’s apple in the neck and it secretes hormones. Thyroid is responsible for regulating mineral level in our blood. The main job of thyroid is to take iodine from the blood and combine it with amino acid. The purpose to perform thyroid test is to diagnose the cause of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) or an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) gland. Abnormal thyroid functioning is quite normal as it is found in two to three percent of the population. Normal range of TSH for an adult is 0.4-0.5 mu/ml.

This test requires very little preparation. Tell your doctor about any medications taken by you as some medications change thyroid test results or X-Ray test that have used special contrast dye, as they may contain iodine which affects the results. Pregnancy creates hormonal imbalance and may change thyroid test results. So, your doctor must be aware in case you are pregnant. You can have the thyroid test at any time of day but avoid fasting on same day.

The best way to thyroid capacity is to check TSH level in thyroid test as already above mentioned when thyroid hormones are low it is hypothyroidism and on other hand if it is high it is hyperthyroidism. There are two kinds of T4 tests too that measures the functionality of thyroid a total T4 test and a free T4 test. A total T4 test measures the T4 that has bonded to protein along with any free T4. A free T4 test measures only the free T4 in your blood. TSH or T4 test is enough but in some cases to check the seriousness of hyperthyroidism, T3 test is done. The serious situation can occur mainly in amid pregnancy or due to contraceptive pills. So, it is better to go for both tests in this case for better thyroid check-up.

A health Professional will usually draw blood from a vein. This takes only a few minutes. For infants, same procedure is done with a smaller needle. Brain regulates number of thyroid hormones in blood When thyroid hormones are low, this indicates hypothyroidism and values may be raised by lithium, potassium and TSH injections. When thyroid hormones are high, this indicates hyperthyroidism and values may be decreased by aspirin and heparin therapy.

plasma or serum
light green top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Thyriod Test T4TSH
All age groups
T4:4.5 - 11.7 mcg/dl, TSH:0.3 - 5U/ml
Rs 200- Rs 1900

Table of Content

What is Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test?
Preparation for Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test
Uses of Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test
Procedure for Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test
Price for Thyriod Test (T4,TSH) Test
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