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For Doctors
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2019

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Dt. Jayalaxmi HegdeDietitian/Nutritionist • 12 Years Exp.M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition

Important for everybody for a better health, glowing skin, better digestion and increased energy

Breathe a little easier
While many people don’t consider the lungs part of detoxification squad, they are responsible for filtering out fumes, allergens,and airborne toxins.

When we’re stressed, we tend to shift from deep belly breathing to short, shallow ‘chest’ breaths, which reduces your lungs ability to transport oxygen to all your tissues. If you want to boost your lung power, begin to practise diaphragmatic breathing a few minutes each day:

Lie flat on the floor. Raise your knees. (You can put a cushion under them if you wish.)
Put one palm on your upper chest and the other over your navel.
Breathe out fully – and then a little bit more. With practise you will find you can do this by drawing in your abdomen. Pause for 2-4 seconds.
Allow the air to naturally flow in again.
Slowly and calmly repeat this cycle a few times.

we always say exercise is a must because your skin is also a source of toxic elimination just like the lungs

with best of health