All About Pansexuality
Gone are the days when a man is only attracted towards a woman and vice-a-versa. In today's fast changing scenario one can experience physical attraction towards anyone. With the ever widening spectrum of definitions attached to gender and sexuality, we acquaint ourselves with an enormous range of gender notions and understandings pertaining to sexuality. Gone are the days of the water-tight polarities of male and female bodies and their mutual attractions. The society is by and large opening up to the possibility of sexual attractions besides and beyond the normative bounds of heterosexuality or so we hope.
One of the most significant struggles of contemporary times is the quest for acceptance and acknowledgement of queer identities and breaking all the discriminatory stigmas attached to them. While one cannot really be inveigled into advocating one form of sexuality over the other, the main argument of the movement is to allow anyone and everyone to freely express and exercise their sexual affinities and identities beyond the restrictions of sex, gender, class, caste, race or any such constructed categories.
Amidst the struggle for championing the cause of free love, there are certain nuances about one's sexuality that have emerged as discrete identities within the larger understanding of the LGBTQ movement.
Among the others, Pansexuality is relatively a more incipient concept.
Unlike bisexuality, which conforms to the conventional gender definitions, i.e male and female and professes attraction to both or either, pansexuality is a more inclusive expression of sexuality wherein one feels attracted to anyone, irrespective of one's sex or gender identity. Pansexuality vouches for strong sexual feelings for those who may not identify with a specific gender and consequently, includes transgender and transsexuals within its purview.
A pansexual is never inhibited or restricted by a person's gender or sex. Initially coined by Sigmund Freud to describe the basis of human interactions in purely sociological terms, the term was later adopted by the LGBTQ activities to describe the group of people whose sexual predispositions were not delineated by gender constructs. For a pansexual, there is a lurking and consistent possibility of getting attracted to anybody at any given situation. Numerous celebrities like Laci Green and Miley Cyrus are explicitly pansexual.
However, the pansexual community is constantly plagued by myriad indignities and disgraces. Many have labelled them debauch and promiscuous while others try to sympathize with them perceiving them as led awry and confused. In fact one of the major misconception with regard to pansexuality is that it is synonymous to bisexuality. Yet others deride this claim by stating that it is merely a modern fad with no genuine basis.
Like it or not, pansexuality is a reality, relevant to a lot of our lives. In fact, it secularized love to an unprecedented extent and really lets nothing come in the way. In a world strewn with hostility, hatred and violence, if a sizeable number wishes to advocate indiscriminate and unhindered love, it surely bodes happiness for all.