Tips to Slow Aging
It's that time of the years again when you have to add the candles over your cake. only this time you've reached an age when you are wondering how many should you actually put there. Aging tends to catch up with us all or does it? How do some people continue to look like a million bucks, while others end up looking twice their age? There are several beauty and anti aging products in the market that promise to renew your youth and wipe of the years from your face. Before you try those, take time out to try out these tips to slow aging.
To slow down aging is not only about looking young, but also feeling young and having a longer, more enjoyable quality of life. A healthier and better you is definitely a younger you. Here's how you can get there:
- Water is the secret sauce: We've heard it a hundred times that having 8 glasses of water a day can do us good, but this is one reason that is going to get you running to that jug in your kitchen much faster. Human body is made of 60% water and it is a key ingredient to keep our organs functioning smooth. It'll improve your digestive system, keep your bowels running up and smooth, help flush out toxins from the body and improve the moisture content in your skin which in turn will keep it soft and supple. The trick is to also know when to have water. Starting your day with a couple of glasses of lukewarm water and never have it with your meals.
- Live happier: Life is a constant struggle. From unexpected changes to life altering moments, we constantly face stress, tension and sometimes depression. Those who we know living a happy life also face the same situations. The difference is how they choose to find happiness despite facing adversities. Stress speeds up the aging process. When you are stressed, it creates an imbalance of hormones causing collateral damage. To cut down stress, spend more time doing things that make you happy. Choose a hobby like painting or stress busters like yoga and exercise.
- Eat fruits & vegetables: It is important to eat the right serving of fruits and vegetables daily, as they are rich source of vitamins and minerals and protect your skin from free radicals and cellular damage. From cucumber and tomato to fruits like papaya, each provides it own set of exfoliating benefits, which firm up your skin, improve your complexion, get rid of fine lines and slows down the aging naturally.
Related Tip: "4 Really Simple Ways to Prevent Premature Skin Aging"