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Uric Acid Treatment In Ayurveda

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How Ayurveda Describes Uric Acid

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal science for treating your health ailments. Ayurvedic study believes that a balance between mind, body and spirit is essential for maintaining good health. Ayurvedic science works on aligning the doshas of the body which are Pitta, Vata, and Kapha respectively. A person having any of these doshas as unbalanced will show certain traits attributed to that particular dosha.
According to Ayurveda, high uric acid is caused due to disorder in the Vata Rakta dosha or Vayu Blood dosha. Ayurveda believes that excess uric acid occurs if an individual consumes non-vegetarian protein food and alcohol. Improper diet is basically a key factor which contributes towards the uric acid disorder.
A person who eats more acidic, oily, spicy & sour food and less of fibre can have excess uric acid in the body. Meat, eggs, tea, coffee, curd, alcohol and pulses are not easily digested by the body as compared to fruits and vegetables that are rich in fibre content. Due to this, the toxicity in the blood may take place which further causes burning, redness, pain, inflammation and swelling in the joints.

Ayurvedic Treatment For High Uric Acid

The first and foremost thing that an ayurvedic doctor suggest for treatment of high uric acid is to correct your diet. It is advised to avoid eating food products that are difficult to be digested by the body. Following are the treatment that can be prescribed to you by an ayurvedic practitioner based on the severity of your condition:


Liquorice has anti-inflammatory properties and controls both swelling as well as pain effectively. It is advised to take this herb for about 30-40 days regularly on an empty stomach.
Asthanidhi Peya

Asthanidhi Peya

Asthanidhi Peya is a mixture of different herbs such as Giloy, Arjuna Bark, Dry Lotus Flowers, Gokhru, Kutki, etc. This remedy brings uric acid to normal level.


Pure extract of Punarnava herb aids in flushing out toxins from the body. It gives excellent results because of its antioxidant nature.

Causes Of Excess Uric Acid

Obesity, indigestion, stress, hormonal imbalance, diabetes and genetics play a key role behind excess uric acid in a person’s body. Other factors which lead to an increase in uric acid beyond normal levels are high alcohol consumption, eating red meat, anger, fried foods and accumulation of toxins in the body.

Symptoms Of Excess Uric Acid

Following are the signs and symptoms associated with a high level of uric acid:

Severe swelling and pain around the joints
Redness and stiffness in the joints
Lower back pain
Pain during urination

Connect With Top Ayurvedic Doctors For Treating Excess Uric Acid

Raised uric acid leads to painful joints condition commonly known as gout and can also cause kidney problems. High level of uric acid can be controlled and cared for through ayurvedic medicines without the need for mainstream drugs.
There are many ayurvedic remedies to reduce uric acid which utilizes various herbs and minerals to bring uric acid to normal levels without causing any side effects. You can connect with some of the best ayurvedic doctors in your city for consultation and expert advice through the medium of Lybrate.
Jiva Ayurveda

Jiva Ayurveda

Jiva Ayurveda Clinics in more than 100+ Cities in India, 20 Years Experience
Aim Ayurveda

Aim Ayurveda

Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal, 29 Years Experience, Faridabad
LiveLifeMore Diet and Wellness Clinic

LiveLifeMore Diet and Wellness Clinic

Dr. Sandeep Jassal, 26 Years Experience, Chandigarh
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Frequently Asked Questions

1.Is excess uric acid dangerous?

A high level of uric acid in the bloodstream is extremely bad for the health as it can further cause complications like gout and kidney diseases. Excess uric acid can also lead to nausea, diarrhea, joint inflammation, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

2. How long can it take to reduce my high uric acid levels?

The length of time primarily depends upon the condition of a patient. If someone takes proper ayurvedic medication and follow a planned diet, then good results can be seen within a month.

3. Which fruits are good for patients having high uric acid?

Banana is among those fruits which are very good for reducing the high level of uric acid. Apart from it, fruits rich in potassium and vitamin C should be consumed as both of these nutrients decreases the inflammation and uric acid.

4. What food triggers uric acid?

Mushrooms, peas, spinach, red meat, fish, tea, coffee, white bread, butter, curd, milk, cheese, white rice and sugary beverages are known for increasing uric acid in the body. Hence, anyone who has a high level of uric acid should completely avoid consuming all of these food products.

5. Is milk good for those having excessively high uric acid?

Milk is not good for patients having high uric acid levels since it is highly rich in protein content. A high protein diet should be avoided by those having raised uric acid levels.

6. Is high uric acid completely curable?

Excess uric acid can be cured completely by following a strict diet, performing regular exercises and taking medicines on time.